Thursday, November 4, 2010
He - Him - His - GONE!
It’s a Miracle!!!
Actually - I found that on the floor inside our chicken hotel during the usual “ evening meeting “ with the boys and girls.
Our very first egg!!! And we weren’t even expecting any until next spring!
Check this out…
It’s sitting in a teaspoon - next to a Jumbo brown egg.
I hear it’s pretty common for the first eggs to show up fairly small - with eggs increasing in size as they come along with the progress.
On another note - one of our neighbors picked up one of the 4 Roosters yesterday morning. The boys have achieved - ahem - puberty.
The hormones have made their way to the scene. The attitudes and dominance have begun to rear their ugly heads. And well - we all know how men react to other men hitting on their women - right?!
I’ve decided to attempt keeping two Roosters. Both seem to get along very well - minus the other two.
As for the second of the two that will be leaving - I placed an ad in Craigslist today.
I prefer to say that HE made that decision - considering the fact that the last two mornings have resulted in a trip out to the coop in the morning and finding everybody perched on the roosts - except HIM and his chosen hens. He was pacing while HIS women were eating at the feeder.
I no sooner grabbed HIS butt up to carry HIM out to the chicken tractor - when squawks and thumps filled the coop as everybody else began jumping down to eat and drink.
I have no choice but to bring HIM back inside the coop at night until we find someone to take HIM. We have a winter storm pushing it’s ugly head into our area throughout tonight.
I’ve always been the kind of woman to feel that - even the worst of assholes - don’t deserve to be left out in the cold temps that can kill.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
He - Him - His - GONE!
It’s a Miracle!!!
Actually - I found that on the floor inside our chicken hotel during the usual “ evening meeting “ with the boys and girls.
Our very first egg!!! And we weren’t even expecting any until next spring!
Check this out…
It’s sitting in a teaspoon - next to a Jumbo brown egg.
I hear it’s pretty common for the first eggs to show up fairly small - with eggs increasing in size as they come along with the progress.
On another note - one of our neighbors picked up one of the 4 Roosters yesterday morning. The boys have achieved - ahem - puberty.
The hormones have made their way to the scene. The attitudes and dominance have begun to rear their ugly heads. And well - we all know how men react to other men hitting on their women - right?!
I’ve decided to attempt keeping two Roosters. Both seem to get along very well - minus the other two.
As for the second of the two that will be leaving - I placed an ad in Craigslist today.
I prefer to say that HE made that decision - considering the fact that the last two mornings have resulted in a trip out to the coop in the morning and finding everybody perched on the roosts - except HIM and his chosen hens. He was pacing while HIS women were eating at the feeder.
I no sooner grabbed HIS butt up to carry HIM out to the chicken tractor - when squawks and thumps filled the coop as everybody else began jumping down to eat and drink.
I have no choice but to bring HIM back inside the coop at night until we find someone to take HIM. We have a winter storm pushing it’s ugly head into our area throughout tonight.
I’ve always been the kind of woman to feel that - even the worst of assholes - don’t deserve to be left out in the cold temps that can kill.
- ChileFarmer said...
Girl, I am so happy to see you back posting. Been checking on you each day. Truly hope you are getting better.
Love the chicken story. Missed ya. CF -
November 5, 2010 at 2:59 PM
- Unknown said...
Thanks for all the helpful encouragement! I'm hanging in there. Still haven't heard any updates pertaining to the situation with my husband's job. We can only assume no news is good news??? At any rate - we just keep taking it a day at a time and doing the best we can to take care of priorities. Hope all is going well for you and yours!
November 6, 2010 at 4:37 PM
- Deb said...
Congrats on the eggs, it's always so exciting to start getting them...we haven't gotten many for a while now, cause our chicken herd has dwindled...there’s something to say about having a chicken tractor like you have, instead of letting them free range like we do...course this is the first year we had this much trouble.
I too am glad you are back, been worried about you. :) -
November 6, 2010 at 7:46 PM
Girl, I am so happy to see you back posting. Been checking on you each day. Truly hope you are getting better.
Love the chicken story. Missed ya. CF
Thanks for all the helpful encouragement! I'm hanging in there. Still haven't heard any updates pertaining to the situation with my husband's job. We can only assume no news is good news??? At any rate - we just keep taking it a day at a time and doing the best we can to take care of priorities. Hope all is going well for you and yours!
Congrats on the eggs, it's always so exciting to start getting them...we haven't gotten many for a while now, cause our chicken herd has dwindled...there’s something to say about having a chicken tractor like you have, instead of letting them free range like we do...course this is the first year we had this much trouble.
I too am glad you are back, been worried about you. :)
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