Saturday, November 6, 2010
Cold Temps Warmed by Little Surprises
( First pocket of blue sky seen mid-afternoon, yesterday, during winter system that brought hail and sleet to our place. )
We are back on our day shift. The pups seem to be having the better challenge in the adjustment. But they’re doing better than some would - I can say.
I LOVE waking up at 4am! I get to prep the coffee pot for auto-start before going to bed on the previous night - and have that wonderful aroma of java bean gently wake me up! And for whatever reason - I manage to get a lot more accomplished in a day.
Perhaps it could be due to getting more sleep? Once again - I’m able to get housework done while he’s at work - rather than having to do it at night - so he can sleep during the day.
I managed to come out lucky on this mess of a calendar full of appointments - lined up through the first week of January now. The Pulminary specialist and the Gastro-Intestinal specialist have offices next door to each other. One cancelled the other day - and we managed to reschedule for the same day as the other. I’ll get a break between the two - which will allow grabbing a bite for lunch.
Dwayne will be home on a day off - and has already informed me that he’ll have to decide on a project to do while I’m in Lenoir City all day long. ( I think I’d rather trade places with him. )
Granted - the appointments are only consultations - this time. But that means there will be more appointments - that won’t be so easy - or - comfortable. And Dwayne will be going with me to those appointments.
Come November 15th I will be spending the day helping daughter, Jen, as she goes through surgery to have all four wisdom teeth pulled. I’ll be bringing her back to our home to recuperate until she’s fit for going back to work.
I am crossing everything possible on my body for everything to go fairly smooth after her surgery. I ended up having to be sent to our family physician after my surgery ( many moons ago ). And I got to throw one hefty “ I told you so! “ at my Dentist - after being forced to have the surgery at Danforth Hospital in Texas City - despite my protest.
I was told by my family doctor - “ Teresa, I don’t know any other way to say this - other than to say one of two things have happened here. Either - you had a very rough Dentist - or - dirty tools were used.”
I ended up with Lock-jaw for over 9 weeks. And my Dentist had never been rough with me - ever. Thank God - that Hospital no longer exists.
I only hope Jen has a really easy go with healing. I have no doubt - she’ll be absolutely thrilled to have the beasts removed from her jaws!
I found the second egg this morning!
At this rate - the addition of a third egg will equate the same yield as one of those Jumbo’s resting beside them! Ha!
I only wish I knew which hen is leaving the presents. I need to have a little “ chit-chat “ with her. Apparently - she is totally unknowing to the reason why Dwayne constructed 18 nesting boxes.
I found the second egg in the very spot where I found the first - on the floor - beside the hanging feeder. I’m not so sure golf balls will help in this situation - considering the eggs are - brown.
Instead - I think I’ll sacrifice the next one - should I find it on the floor and in the same spot, as well. Perhaps they’ll all get the message if I try leaving an egg in one of the nesting boxes for a day - time enough for all to catch a glimpse when they jump up to roost.
Fortunately - our temps are down in the low 40’s - high 30’s during the day at the moment. I’m keeping the coop heated at an average of 55-60* at the very most. From what I understand - that should keep the egg temperature safe for handling.
I had to remove the ad I placed on Craigslist to find a new home for the second of two Roosters I needed to part with. As handsome as he was - I figured it wouldn’t take long to find him a new home. Didn’t even take a whole day!
We are now down to a comfortable count that seems to be going extremely well inside the Chicken Hotel here at our place!
The other two Roos get along quite amicably - each keeping to their own fair and equal distances. I’ve seen no signs of any fussing over hens. Nor have I witnessed any hens settling off to the side from the bunch on any consistent basis of time, as well.
I think it’s safe to say there’s a peaceful flock abounding with readiness for the arrival of eggs each week.
“ Bring ‘em on, Ladies! “
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Saturday, November 6, 2010
Cold Temps Warmed by Little Surprises
( First pocket of blue sky seen mid-afternoon, yesterday, during winter system that brought hail and sleet to our place. )
We are back on our day shift. The pups seem to be having the better challenge in the adjustment. But they’re doing better than some would - I can say.
I LOVE waking up at 4am! I get to prep the coffee pot for auto-start before going to bed on the previous night - and have that wonderful aroma of java bean gently wake me up! And for whatever reason - I manage to get a lot more accomplished in a day.
Perhaps it could be due to getting more sleep? Once again - I’m able to get housework done while he’s at work - rather than having to do it at night - so he can sleep during the day.
I managed to come out lucky on this mess of a calendar full of appointments - lined up through the first week of January now. The Pulminary specialist and the Gastro-Intestinal specialist have offices next door to each other. One cancelled the other day - and we managed to reschedule for the same day as the other. I’ll get a break between the two - which will allow grabbing a bite for lunch.
Dwayne will be home on a day off - and has already informed me that he’ll have to decide on a project to do while I’m in Lenoir City all day long. ( I think I’d rather trade places with him. )
Granted - the appointments are only consultations - this time. But that means there will be more appointments - that won’t be so easy - or - comfortable. And Dwayne will be going with me to those appointments.
Come November 15th I will be spending the day helping daughter, Jen, as she goes through surgery to have all four wisdom teeth pulled. I’ll be bringing her back to our home to recuperate until she’s fit for going back to work.
I am crossing everything possible on my body for everything to go fairly smooth after her surgery. I ended up having to be sent to our family physician after my surgery ( many moons ago ). And I got to throw one hefty “ I told you so! “ at my Dentist - after being forced to have the surgery at Danforth Hospital in Texas City - despite my protest.
I was told by my family doctor - “ Teresa, I don’t know any other way to say this - other than to say one of two things have happened here. Either - you had a very rough Dentist - or - dirty tools were used.”
I ended up with Lock-jaw for over 9 weeks. And my Dentist had never been rough with me - ever. Thank God - that Hospital no longer exists.
I only hope Jen has a really easy go with healing. I have no doubt - she’ll be absolutely thrilled to have the beasts removed from her jaws!
I found the second egg this morning!
At this rate - the addition of a third egg will equate the same yield as one of those Jumbo’s resting beside them! Ha!
I only wish I knew which hen is leaving the presents. I need to have a little “ chit-chat “ with her. Apparently - she is totally unknowing to the reason why Dwayne constructed 18 nesting boxes.
I found the second egg in the very spot where I found the first - on the floor - beside the hanging feeder. I’m not so sure golf balls will help in this situation - considering the eggs are - brown.
Instead - I think I’ll sacrifice the next one - should I find it on the floor and in the same spot, as well. Perhaps they’ll all get the message if I try leaving an egg in one of the nesting boxes for a day - time enough for all to catch a glimpse when they jump up to roost.
Fortunately - our temps are down in the low 40’s - high 30’s during the day at the moment. I’m keeping the coop heated at an average of 55-60* at the very most. From what I understand - that should keep the egg temperature safe for handling.
I had to remove the ad I placed on Craigslist to find a new home for the second of two Roosters I needed to part with. As handsome as he was - I figured it wouldn’t take long to find him a new home. Didn’t even take a whole day!
We are now down to a comfortable count that seems to be going extremely well inside the Chicken Hotel here at our place!
The other two Roos get along quite amicably - each keeping to their own fair and equal distances. I’ve seen no signs of any fussing over hens. Nor have I witnessed any hens settling off to the side from the bunch on any consistent basis of time, as well.
I think it’s safe to say there’s a peaceful flock abounding with readiness for the arrival of eggs each week.
“ Bring ‘em on, Ladies! “
- Queenacres said...
Congrats on the eggs. I have used burned out light bulbs in nest boxes and they work as well as fake eggs or golf balls...white or brown eggers both get the hint.
November 6, 2010 at 5:15 PM
- Deb said...
Sleet already huh....thankfully the winter weather has stayed away from us so far...I'm sure it's coming though. Glad you found a home for your rooster! We have to get more chickens this next spring, cause we lost lots of them this year. :( Can't wait to get more and maybe start getting some eggs again.
November 6, 2010 at 7:42 PM
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Congrats on the eggs. I have used burned out light bulbs in nest boxes and they work as well as fake eggs or golf balls...white or brown eggers both get the hint.
Sleet already huh....thankfully the winter weather has stayed away from us so far...I'm sure it's coming though. Glad you found a home for your rooster! We have to get more chickens this next spring, cause we lost lots of them this year. :( Can't wait to get more and maybe start getting some eggs again.
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