Wednesday, June 30, 2010
There's Corn in that... Grass!
This is corn. It had my complete attention today.
I did not dare get photos of the ' Before ' nightmare. The grass was as high as most of the corn.
I found corn that I didn't even know was there - after - I pulled out all the grass - by hand - followed by hilling the rows - spreading hay for mulch - and watering.
Tomatoes are next. Getting the grass and weeds out won't be near as bad.
But I hope I can get it done before the tomatoes begin turning color.
I'm absolutely filthy.
I'm suffering an infinite ( take your ' from 1 to 10 ' and shove it! ) amount of physical pain. The motrin is almost a joke. I get about two hours of - easing up - from the hard pain when I take it.
I am not a pleasant person right now. And to be completely honest - I wouldn't care if that hair-lipped the Pope right now.
Obviously - I waited too long for - Somebody.
' Somebody ' - was gonna go buy some torch thingy to deal with all the weeds and grass this year.
But it had to be done.
And believe me - The thousands of grasshoppers were not about to volunteer.
So - I made sure it got done.
But I did take a short break - long enough to wake my husband up a half-hour early.
He had to go hunt for a uniform ( I had already washed and dried it ) down in the basement. He had to take care of fixing his own supper - and fixing his lunch.
It's the first time he has ever had to do that - during all these years of having me in his life - with the exception of the period of time while I was going through training in Newark and Houston.
Here's the real pisser. Frosted Flakes cereal is just fine for him - when he has to do the cooking.
Yesterday - I dropped all the multiple tasks I was trying to get done at 2pm - to make Chicken Alfredo for supper - before he went to work.
It's what I've been doing - every damn day he works. Hence - the demise with the garden.
I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow.
First thing on the list - 5 boxes of Frosted Flakes.
Note to Husband:
" Your other half works a day job. "
Some other photos from today -
A baby gourd.
This is the flower that comes before the baby gourd.
One of the sunflowers.
Carlie got in trouble with Daddy. She got hold of his sock.
Daddy has his ways of dealing with Carlie.
Daddy thinks she's hanging her head in shame.
Actually - she's just really - really - embarrassed.
" Carlie! Gurls don't dew thangs lack thyat! "
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
There's Corn in that... Grass!
This is corn. It had my complete attention today.
I did not dare get photos of the ' Before ' nightmare. The grass was as high as most of the corn.
I found corn that I didn't even know was there - after - I pulled out all the grass - by hand - followed by hilling the rows - spreading hay for mulch - and watering.
Tomatoes are next. Getting the grass and weeds out won't be near as bad.
But I hope I can get it done before the tomatoes begin turning color.
I'm absolutely filthy.
I'm suffering an infinite ( take your ' from 1 to 10 ' and shove it! ) amount of physical pain. The motrin is almost a joke. I get about two hours of - easing up - from the hard pain when I take it.
I am not a pleasant person right now. And to be completely honest - I wouldn't care if that hair-lipped the Pope right now.
Obviously - I waited too long for - Somebody.
' Somebody ' - was gonna go buy some torch thingy to deal with all the weeds and grass this year.
But it had to be done.
And believe me - The thousands of grasshoppers were not about to volunteer.
So - I made sure it got done.
But I did take a short break - long enough to wake my husband up a half-hour early.
He had to go hunt for a uniform ( I had already washed and dried it ) down in the basement. He had to take care of fixing his own supper - and fixing his lunch.
It's the first time he has ever had to do that - during all these years of having me in his life - with the exception of the period of time while I was going through training in Newark and Houston.
Here's the real pisser. Frosted Flakes cereal is just fine for him - when he has to do the cooking.
Yesterday - I dropped all the multiple tasks I was trying to get done at 2pm - to make Chicken Alfredo for supper - before he went to work.
It's what I've been doing - every damn day he works. Hence - the demise with the garden.
I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow.
First thing on the list - 5 boxes of Frosted Flakes.
Note to Husband:
" Your other half works a day job. "
Some other photos from today -
A baby gourd.
This is the flower that comes before the baby gourd.
One of the sunflowers.
Carlie got in trouble with Daddy. She got hold of his sock.
Daddy has his ways of dealing with Carlie.
Daddy thinks she's hanging her head in shame.
Actually - she's just really - really - embarrassed.
" Carlie! Gurls don't dew thangs lack thyat! "
- Amy L. said...
Your corn looks great! We were laughing last night with our Grange friends...ours is some of the only corn in our group's gardens that didn't rot (because DH and I planted late), but it's just barely ankle high. We can forget the "knee high by the Fourth of July" thing, LOL! At our rate, we may have Bodacious corn in September!
July 1, 2010 at 11:50 AM
- Unknown said...
LOL Swap places with beans next year! I'm already worried about the squirrels here. Y'all might wanna get in some target practice while ya' can. hahahaha!
July 1, 2010 at 4:59 PM
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Your corn looks great! We were laughing last night with our Grange friends...ours is some of the only corn in our group's gardens that didn't rot (because DH and I planted late), but it's just barely ankle high. We can forget the "knee high by the Fourth of July" thing, LOL! At our rate, we may have Bodacious corn in September!
LOL Swap places with beans next year! I'm already worried about the squirrels here. Y'all might wanna get in some target practice while ya' can. hahahaha!
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