Sunday, December 19, 2010
One Day to The Next
Once again - I haven’t posted on my blog for quite some time. And I do apologize to those of you that continue coming to see if I’m still breathing. I appreciate the thoughtful notes left by a few of you - letting me know you’re thinking of me. It helps - more than words can describe.
My follow-up appointment with the Pulmonary Specialist got bumped to December 23rd by their office - for whatever reason. I won’t be finding out results of all the tests until then.
In the meantime - I’ve been neck-high in taking care of things around here.
Miss Carlie had her 1st Birthday on November 24th.
We’ve managed to get the tree up this year.
But - every day passing seems to feel like it’s just any ordinary day.
I’m poopy. I’m lousy company. I’m tired of caring. I’m tired of people in this country not caring enough to get up and fight back.
These so-called doctors in my life are destroying my faith and trust in them. They’ve all managed to pull a LOT of money out of me with all these tests. Yet - nobody seems to have answers.
The so-called government leadership we have in this country has lost all my faith - AND - respect. I feel like this country might stand half a chance if every good person actually got angry enough to revolt.
But I’ve even lost faith in that happening.
People are just too much like worker ants - too busy to pay attention - too busy to care - too busy to take back control of their own lives.
We’re now down to 1 Rooster and 9 Hens - here at the house. Boss Hoss became greedy and the scenario around here was beginning to turn ugly. After isolating him from the flock - I tested both Roos with the hens to examine their demeanor. Long story short - the girls made it clear - perfectly clear - that they no longer had anything nice for Boss Hoss.
So - the girls are now protected by - none other than - Tom Jones. I know. I couldn’t resist. He’s a charmer. He’s a protector. He has really great manners - lets the girls eat, first.
And I now have 7 of all 9 hens laying eggs. Amazing how much things can improve when the - ‘ problems ‘ - are removed.
I wish Jesus would hurry up and get here.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
One Day to The Next
Once again - I haven’t posted on my blog for quite some time. And I do apologize to those of you that continue coming to see if I’m still breathing. I appreciate the thoughtful notes left by a few of you - letting me know you’re thinking of me. It helps - more than words can describe.
My follow-up appointment with the Pulmonary Specialist got bumped to December 23rd by their office - for whatever reason. I won’t be finding out results of all the tests until then.
In the meantime - I’ve been neck-high in taking care of things around here.
Miss Carlie had her 1st Birthday on November 24th.
We’ve managed to get the tree up this year.
But - every day passing seems to feel like it’s just any ordinary day.
I’m poopy. I’m lousy company. I’m tired of caring. I’m tired of people in this country not caring enough to get up and fight back.
These so-called doctors in my life are destroying my faith and trust in them. They’ve all managed to pull a LOT of money out of me with all these tests. Yet - nobody seems to have answers.
The so-called government leadership we have in this country has lost all my faith - AND - respect. I feel like this country might stand half a chance if every good person actually got angry enough to revolt.
But I’ve even lost faith in that happening.
People are just too much like worker ants - too busy to pay attention - too busy to care - too busy to take back control of their own lives.
We’re now down to 1 Rooster and 9 Hens - here at the house. Boss Hoss became greedy and the scenario around here was beginning to turn ugly. After isolating him from the flock - I tested both Roos with the hens to examine their demeanor. Long story short - the girls made it clear - perfectly clear - that they no longer had anything nice for Boss Hoss.
So - the girls are now protected by - none other than - Tom Jones. I know. I couldn’t resist. He’s a charmer. He’s a protector. He has really great manners - lets the girls eat, first.
And I now have 7 of all 9 hens laying eggs. Amazing how much things can improve when the - ‘ problems ‘ - are removed.
I wish Jesus would hurry up and get here.
- ChileFarmer said...
I am so happy to see you posting Again. Pleased that you made the chicks happy. I truly understand the DR.thing, I am not sure they don't call each other, saying "hey" I got one you want to run some test. Kinda just pass you around.
I am 74 years old never been afraid of our government, always thinking we were doing the right thing. But I guess were weren't. I am really spooked.I email my Representatives at least each week about my concerns. Is it helping who knows, it helps me. CF -
December 19, 2010 at 7:59 PM
- ChileFarmer said...
Just checking in, wanted to wish y'all a Merry Christmas. You and the family are still on our prayer list. I won't give up, you don't either, you can do this. CF
December 20, 2010 at 12:54 PM
- Deb said...
I'm so glad to see you back! I hear you on the docs and the's a scary time. :(
It's so wonderful that you are getting eggs...sure wish we were!! Course they always quit on us in the witner anyway...but since a lot of them were killed by this that or the other this summer we stopped having eggs long before winter got here. Enjoy yours extra for me please!! :) -
December 22, 2010 at 9:54 PM
I am so happy to see you posting Again. Pleased that you made the chicks happy. I truly understand the DR.thing, I am not sure they don't call each other, saying "hey" I got one you want to run some test. Kinda just pass you around.
I am 74 years old never been afraid of our government, always thinking we were doing the right thing. But I guess were weren't. I am really spooked.I email my Representatives at least each week about my concerns. Is it helping who knows, it helps me. CF
Just checking in, wanted to wish y'all a Merry Christmas. You and the family are still on our prayer list. I won't give up, you don't either, you can do this. CF
I'm so glad to see you back! I hear you on the docs and the's a scary time. :(
It's so wonderful that you are getting eggs...sure wish we were!! Course they always quit on us in the witner anyway...but since a lot of them were killed by this that or the other this summer we stopped having eggs long before winter got here. Enjoy yours extra for me please!! :)
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