We’re doing very well! And it’s amazing - to us.
Our Buff Orpingtons began laying almost three months ago. I found the very first egg on November 4th - and they were - barely - 4 months old!
The progress with shapes and sizes of the eggs we’ve received brings the movie - “ Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang “ - to mind.
“ Chugga-lugga-Chugga-lugga-Pooof-Clang-Chugga-Chugga! ”
But I’m happy to report this past week brought us a smile. We enjoyed staring at the first filled carton of equally and nice large-size brown eggs that came in grand order!
And - as usual - I forgot to grab the camera before loading them into the egg bin for the fridge.
Our birds are spoiled - according to some of the Internet Surfing I’ve covered.
Dwayne built their coop with quality almost fit for human occupancy. He built a covered yard connected to the coop. And he built a portable tractor for them to graze on grass all around the property.
He’s now talking about building a very large fenced area surrounding their coop for dividing and maintaining grassy areas to move them about.
During this winter - we let them out into the fenced garden area - when we get calm days with temps above 45*.
Expecting to be able to do that tomorrow - and I must remember to get video of that. It’s hilarious!
But when they’re kept in the coop during really cold weather - we keep a radiant heater set at 65* - during the night at all times - during the day if temps drop below 45*.
I always add 1 Tbl. Apple-cider vinegar to 1 gal. water every time I refill their water bowls. And those are kept clean and full at all times.
If I don’t get out there soon enough after the timer runs out and shuts off the heater - they get really warm water in the mornings - and again for their late afternoon re-fill.
It’s like - having hot tea with the Queen in the afternoon.
Not only do they enjoy it - they’ve come to expect it - with that look in their eyes.
“ I KNOW you didn’t forget to bring the nice water, Wench. “
It’s nice water - not just warm water.
They receive cabbage - yogurt with additional crushed Acidophilus - hot oatmeal with wheat berry - and various other treats.
It keeps them from frothing and attacking like they’re auditioning for some Alfred Hitchcock remake.
No. I’m lying! Actually - they do get pissy if they don’t get something. But when they get a treat - I get eggs!
Everybody seems to be coming along and catching up with each other - now that there’s only 1 Man of the House.
And speaking of -
Finally - I remembered to take the camera out there and shoot some video of him flirting.
Of course - he’s a tad pissy today and not flirting much. He doesn’t understand the word “ tomorrow “ - and he really doesn’t care.
He just wanted to go outside - right now.
He only understands - “ right now “ - in his language.
That’s the funny part.
I don’t understand his language.
That’s something else he doesn’t understand.
So - here he is! Meet …. Tom Jones!