Monday, July 5, 2010
Pardon Our Rudeness - We're Swamped
( From the back porch. )
Dwayne and I hit the floor running during spring - summer and fall. Neither of us gets a day off. At best - he gets a little relief - by going to his job that provides our income.
My Hero has been continuing on the Chicken Coop project. Been a while since we had good rains. The weather meteorologists continue calling it as being a ‘ Heat Wave ‘ that we’re going through - due to the temps being so high and abnormal for this time of year - with hardly any humidity.
( No - it only looks cock-eyed! We live on a mountain! )
Those factors caused challenges with getting the posts installed. We had to soak the ground. That only made a dent in Dwayne being able to get anywhere with the post-hole digger. I finally talked him into filling up the holes with water - and calling it a day.
We left the ground to absorb the water overnight. Made it much easier to get this far.
Next on the list - Dwayne will be putting in the soffit around the underside of the roof. Then - we both get to paint. We’re going with the same colors as the shop.
We had our first tomatoes come inside. The smallest one is one of the variety called ‘ Amish Paste ‘ - and I’m still not sure what I think about those. The others - ‘ Beefsteak ‘ - my favorites for canning and sandwiches! I put the coffee cup there for size comparison. We’re pretty happy!
Dragging water hoses - watering - everywhere. It’s been an issue - on a daily basis.
My daily ‘ appearance ‘ these days. The price for getting it done by yourself. Well - part of the price.
This guy comes around to visit everybody - quite often - during the evenings - after it cools down. I can even remember seeing him flying over when we lived in Maryville.
Yesterday was a day when I just had to let a few other things go.
I couldn’t stand looking at Zucker - any longer. He made me want to cry. He looked so hot - in a bad way.
Seeing him now even makes me feel a lot more cooler.
I swear it - this dog - absolutely refused to look at either of us for this shot. Why? Because he was sitting from right there - watching John Wayne - in " The Cowboys " - on the television. This dog watches television!
Time to go move the waterhose - swap the laundry - put the grocery list together - fight for a shower - go grocery shopping - get the Spicy Lime Chicken Kabobs skewed - get the pit ready - ….
Only God knows what will come down before - and/or - in between all that. But this is like everybody else’s Sunday.
We sure hope everyone had a really nice Independence Day Holiday weekend! Not sure - but it feels like we must have neighbors that own fireworks stores - or something like it.
We had a loaded weekend - the full weekend - of fantastic - huge - beautiful fireworks that we got to watch from our back and front porches! It was so much fun! Okay - well - not so fun for Zucker. He always wants to crawl in a hole and hide. But Carlie had a blast for her first time ever seeing fireworks! The girl partied! She loved ‘em!!
Everybody seemed to be in sync. One neighbor would shoot ‘em off for a while. And then another would take a turn. And it went on for hours - every night - for three nights! Awesome!
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Monday, July 5, 2010
Pardon Our Rudeness - We're Swamped
( From the back porch. )
Dwayne and I hit the floor running during spring - summer and fall. Neither of us gets a day off. At best - he gets a little relief - by going to his job that provides our income.
My Hero has been continuing on the Chicken Coop project. Been a while since we had good rains. The weather meteorologists continue calling it as being a ‘ Heat Wave ‘ that we’re going through - due to the temps being so high and abnormal for this time of year - with hardly any humidity.
( No - it only looks cock-eyed! We live on a mountain! )
Those factors caused challenges with getting the posts installed. We had to soak the ground. That only made a dent in Dwayne being able to get anywhere with the post-hole digger. I finally talked him into filling up the holes with water - and calling it a day.
We left the ground to absorb the water overnight. Made it much easier to get this far.
Next on the list - Dwayne will be putting in the soffit around the underside of the roof. Then - we both get to paint. We’re going with the same colors as the shop.
We had our first tomatoes come inside. The smallest one is one of the variety called ‘ Amish Paste ‘ - and I’m still not sure what I think about those. The others - ‘ Beefsteak ‘ - my favorites for canning and sandwiches! I put the coffee cup there for size comparison. We’re pretty happy!
Dragging water hoses - watering - everywhere. It’s been an issue - on a daily basis.
My daily ‘ appearance ‘ these days. The price for getting it done by yourself. Well - part of the price.
This guy comes around to visit everybody - quite often - during the evenings - after it cools down. I can even remember seeing him flying over when we lived in Maryville.
Yesterday was a day when I just had to let a few other things go.
I couldn’t stand looking at Zucker - any longer. He made me want to cry. He looked so hot - in a bad way.
Seeing him now even makes me feel a lot more cooler.
I swear it - this dog - absolutely refused to look at either of us for this shot. Why? Because he was sitting from right there - watching John Wayne - in " The Cowboys " - on the television. This dog watches television!
Time to go move the waterhose - swap the laundry - put the grocery list together - fight for a shower - go grocery shopping - get the Spicy Lime Chicken Kabobs skewed - get the pit ready - ….
Only God knows what will come down before - and/or - in between all that. But this is like everybody else’s Sunday.
We sure hope everyone had a really nice Independence Day Holiday weekend! Not sure - but it feels like we must have neighbors that own fireworks stores - or something like it.
We had a loaded weekend - the full weekend - of fantastic - huge - beautiful fireworks that we got to watch from our back and front porches! It was so much fun! Okay - well - not so fun for Zucker. He always wants to crawl in a hole and hide. But Carlie had a blast for her first time ever seeing fireworks! The girl partied! She loved ‘em!!
Everybody seemed to be in sync. One neighbor would shoot ‘em off for a while. And then another would take a turn. And it went on for hours - every night - for three nights! Awesome!
- Amy L. said...
Zucker looks much more comfortable. I understand the focused stare...that movie held DH and I captivated last night, too!
Would you share what paint color you chose for that lovely red? Our ramshackle barn needs a coat of paint this year (the old brownish-red stain has had it), and I am looking at barn reds myself. :) -
July 5, 2010 at 12:57 PM
- Unknown said...
We're gonna be snagging chips off the shed to take in to be matched. I'll be happy to share the code with ya', Amy!
July 5, 2010 at 3:26 PM
- Deb said...
Sounds like you have been keeping busy hasn't helped that our nieces are here, I spend time with them instead of working, so once they leave I will have lots of catch up to do. LOL
July 14, 2010 at 8:40 AM
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Zucker looks much more comfortable. I understand the focused stare...that movie held DH and I captivated last night, too!
Would you share what paint color you chose for that lovely red? Our ramshackle barn needs a coat of paint this year (the old brownish-red stain has had it), and I am looking at barn reds myself. :)
We're gonna be snagging chips off the shed to take in to be matched. I'll be happy to share the code with ya', Amy!
Sounds like you have been keeping busy hasn't helped that our nieces are here, I spend time with them instead of working, so once they leave I will have lots of catch up to do. LOL
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