Wednesday, May 19, 2010
And We Shall Eat - Squatters!
Things around our place are coming along. The garden is doing okay. Of course - once the vegetable plants begin growing really well - the weeds follow.
( The lighter green would be - carrots. )
And when there’s a bunch of rain - weeds seem to enjoy racing the plants. I think they know that their butt is covered.
( Squash - I think this one is Butternut squash. )
They know we’re not gonna get out there and mess with ‘em - because we’ll tear up the soil.
The tomatoes have reminded me that I need to order the clips for supporting them on the wire. They’re doing well enough that we’re needing to run another row of wire between all the poles.
Our pole beans are preparing their first stretch for grabbing hold and climbing!
The potatoes seem to be as tough and bull-headed as Carlie. No matter how much dirt you cover the plants with - they rise above and shine like this within a couple of days!
The bush beans - I planted them closer to each other in their rows this year - according to directions. I’m hoping they’ll all be able to offer more support for each other. Last year - they were spread out further - fewer plants - and became top heavy. They were already falling over the sides of the hills before the blooms even appeared.
The onions seem to be perfectly happy! We do have a couple of them that had their tops cut off by something. I’ve gone ahead and hilled more dirt over them. If we get lucky - they’ll go ahead and form new tops - and keep growing.
Now this mess. This was my compost bin - last year. This year - I had squatters move in and take over!
Look closely. Volunteer tomato plants sprouted. They’re already over a foot tall. Considering the fact that they’ve shown up in the middle of the very type of wire I have always begged Hubby to let me use for tomatoes - I blew off using the spot for compost. We’ll just see what happens!
These would be - sunflowers. I grew two different kinds last year. So - I have no idea which ones they will turn out to be.
It's said - “ When life hands you lemons - make lemonade. “
In this case - I consider this as getting back at Mother Nature. I’ll have tomatoes - and I didn’t have to do a damn thing to make it happen!
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
And We Shall Eat - Squatters!
Things around our place are coming along. The garden is doing okay. Of course - once the vegetable plants begin growing really well - the weeds follow.
( The lighter green would be - carrots. )
And when there’s a bunch of rain - weeds seem to enjoy racing the plants. I think they know that their butt is covered.
( Squash - I think this one is Butternut squash. )
They know we’re not gonna get out there and mess with ‘em - because we’ll tear up the soil.
The tomatoes have reminded me that I need to order the clips for supporting them on the wire. They’re doing well enough that we’re needing to run another row of wire between all the poles.
Our pole beans are preparing their first stretch for grabbing hold and climbing!
The potatoes seem to be as tough and bull-headed as Carlie. No matter how much dirt you cover the plants with - they rise above and shine like this within a couple of days!
The bush beans - I planted them closer to each other in their rows this year - according to directions. I’m hoping they’ll all be able to offer more support for each other. Last year - they were spread out further - fewer plants - and became top heavy. They were already falling over the sides of the hills before the blooms even appeared.
The onions seem to be perfectly happy! We do have a couple of them that had their tops cut off by something. I’ve gone ahead and hilled more dirt over them. If we get lucky - they’ll go ahead and form new tops - and keep growing.
Now this mess. This was my compost bin - last year. This year - I had squatters move in and take over!
Look closely. Volunteer tomato plants sprouted. They’re already over a foot tall. Considering the fact that they’ve shown up in the middle of the very type of wire I have always begged Hubby to let me use for tomatoes - I blew off using the spot for compost. We’ll just see what happens!
These would be - sunflowers. I grew two different kinds last year. So - I have no idea which ones they will turn out to be.
It's said - “ When life hands you lemons - make lemonade. “
In this case - I consider this as getting back at Mother Nature. I’ll have tomatoes - and I didn’t have to do a damn thing to make it happen!
1 comment:
- Deb said...
Your garden is looking good! We still haven't gotten ours in yet, the rain is really slowing us down. :(
May 20, 2010 at 9:01 PM
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1 comment:
Your garden is looking good! We still haven't gotten ours in yet, the rain is really slowing us down. :(
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