Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Scent and Freshness of Spring
Girl Time by Miki Ferkel at
Burst My Bubble
I managed to get photos of our red Dogwood tree just as soon as little baby blooms had fully popped out!
This is our Pink Lady Apple tree. Hubby and I are in disagreement with the height of that center lead branch. I felt like it should have been trimmed shorter. Time will tell.
The flowers on this apple tree are so pretty! They look like they’ll be a bright pink when they first bud out. The surprise comes when that color moves itself around the petals to shade the edges with it’s pretty hues.
Someday - we’re gonna reach a point where we can put some serious focus into this little gulley. I would love to get all the wild Yopon out of there.
It would be wonderful to get a canopy fit for allowing tossed wildflower seeds to sprout - grow - and spread until a beautiful blanket of color comes parading in with each new spring season!
For now - we get to enjoy green - and white. The white being shared by the wild Dogwoods that I shot these photos of - this morning.
We’re gonna have a beautiful day of sunshine and spring temperatures. I get to plant my grape vines! And Dwayne will help me set up the wire lines for espaliering them during his next round of days off.
Before I head out to dig in the dirt - I wanted to take care of a little thing I keep forgetting. I’ve had a few friends leaving comments on my postings for a while. And it’s amazing to find them here. I know how swamped these women are - with all the animals - kids - and other mountains of tasks they have to take care of at their homes.
The fact that they take the time to leave a few kind words for me - means the world to me. And I just want you ladies to know that your kindness is greatly appreciated! I enjoy reading thoughts left behind by someone I feel I can relate to!
I feel like a newbie in the bunch - somewhere at the back of the line. We’re not as far along here - compared to some of you. But - we’ll get there! We will get there! And I appreciate all the help each of you share in all your postings at your own blogs!! Every bit of it will - surely - become a sanity saver for this wench - when my time comes!
Thanks to all of you! I keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. May God give us all the blessing of abundant fruition for all the hard work we do this season!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Scent and Freshness of Spring
Girl Time by Miki Ferkel at
Burst My Bubble
I managed to get photos of our red Dogwood tree just as soon as little baby blooms had fully popped out!
This is our Pink Lady Apple tree. Hubby and I are in disagreement with the height of that center lead branch. I felt like it should have been trimmed shorter. Time will tell.
The flowers on this apple tree are so pretty! They look like they’ll be a bright pink when they first bud out. The surprise comes when that color moves itself around the petals to shade the edges with it’s pretty hues.
Someday - we’re gonna reach a point where we can put some serious focus into this little gulley. I would love to get all the wild Yopon out of there.
It would be wonderful to get a canopy fit for allowing tossed wildflower seeds to sprout - grow - and spread until a beautiful blanket of color comes parading in with each new spring season!
For now - we get to enjoy green - and white. The white being shared by the wild Dogwoods that I shot these photos of - this morning.
We’re gonna have a beautiful day of sunshine and spring temperatures. I get to plant my grape vines! And Dwayne will help me set up the wire lines for espaliering them during his next round of days off.
Before I head out to dig in the dirt - I wanted to take care of a little thing I keep forgetting. I’ve had a few friends leaving comments on my postings for a while. And it’s amazing to find them here. I know how swamped these women are - with all the animals - kids - and other mountains of tasks they have to take care of at their homes.
The fact that they take the time to leave a few kind words for me - means the world to me. And I just want you ladies to know that your kindness is greatly appreciated! I enjoy reading thoughts left behind by someone I feel I can relate to!
I feel like a newbie in the bunch - somewhere at the back of the line. We’re not as far along here - compared to some of you. But - we’ll get there! We will get there! And I appreciate all the help each of you share in all your postings at your own blogs!! Every bit of it will - surely - become a sanity saver for this wench - when my time comes!
Thanks to all of you! I keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. May God give us all the blessing of abundant fruition for all the hard work we do this season!
- Deb said...
Oh how I wish I had a green thumb like you do! We have planted a couple dogwood trees here, and not had them do anything...not sure if they are even alive anymore. We wanted them to remember our fur babies who died. *sigh* I can't keep anything growing to long. LOL
Also wish I knew how to prune fruit trees. IF the ones we planted last year are still alive, we should prune them...but doing it correctly isn't something I know how to do, even thought I have read a book on how to do it. Call me an idiot! *giggle*
Love the photos you have gotten of your trees in bloom, ours are just starting here, and I haven't gotten any photos of them. The redbud tree outside my office window has some buds on it...and DH said he saw some on one of the fruit trees we planted several years ago (which have never given us fruit...even though they have bloomed. Most of the trees died, but we still have 2 or 3 of them left.) We keep trying with trees...even if they do end up dieing on us.
I thought I was lucky to get a few beets last year to can...since neither of us are good at gardening. LOL
You may think you are behind some of us...but I think you are ahead of a lot of people, you will get where you want to be eventually, it all just takes time! We aren't really were we want to be yet either...animals were just the first thing we did, cause we love them all so much.
Sorry for the LONG comment. LOL -
April 10, 2010 at 12:35 PM
- Deb said...
Oops, I think I forgot to say I really like your LO of the dogwood! Great journaling too. :)
April 10, 2010 at 12:45 PM
Oh how I wish I had a green thumb like you do! We have planted a couple dogwood trees here, and not had them do anything...not sure if they are even alive anymore. We wanted them to remember our fur babies who died. *sigh* I can't keep anything growing to long. LOL
Also wish I knew how to prune fruit trees. IF the ones we planted last year are still alive, we should prune them...but doing it correctly isn't something I know how to do, even thought I have read a book on how to do it. Call me an idiot! *giggle*
Love the photos you have gotten of your trees in bloom, ours are just starting here, and I haven't gotten any photos of them. The redbud tree outside my office window has some buds on it...and DH said he saw some on one of the fruit trees we planted several years ago (which have never given us fruit...even though they have bloomed. Most of the trees died, but we still have 2 or 3 of them left.) We keep trying with trees...even if they do end up dieing on us.
I thought I was lucky to get a few beets last year to can...since neither of us are good at gardening. LOL
You may think you are behind some of us...but I think you are ahead of a lot of people, you will get where you want to be eventually, it all just takes time! We aren't really were we want to be yet either...animals were just the first thing we did, cause we love them all so much.
Sorry for the LONG comment. LOL
Oops, I think I forgot to say I really like your LO of the dogwood! Great journaling too. :)
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