Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hey, Commandant !!
Only a couple weeks ago - there was harmony in the home - on the porch - out in the yard - all around the hayfield.
These two seemed like they were inseparable.
You’d think neither could find the heart or the energy to explore - without the other.
But then - these moments would come.
Zucker seems to be having serious issues - lately. I’m thinking it has to do with the enormous amount of growth that Carlie is taking on - in such a short amount of time.
The little brat has become quite the force to be reckoned with - to be only coming upon the age of 5-months-old. She’s reached the point where she can - easily - T-bone Zucker. And she knows it.
Her mouth full of teeth seem to be formed in a much more defiant shape for defense - compared to Zucker’s. And she knows this - as well.
Zucker weighs 21 lbs. - at the age of 3-years. Carlie has already passed up 30lbs. And the recent acts of pinning him down while wrestling on the rug in the living room show that she is - also - aware of this fact - as well.
The beginning months of a puppy’s life entail quite a bit of training - meaning the demand for extra attention - and extra cookies, as well.
But for a canine that spent 2.5 years of his life being the only dog - Top Dog - The Dog - The Boy - The Baby - selfishness is beginning to take a toll. Defiance is becoming an understatement.
None of our efforts to include him - even giving him cookies when Carlie succeeds - or making sure he receives one-on-one time with the two of us - they mean absolutely - NAWWWWTHINNGG !! - to this Miniature - German - Schnauzer.
Hence - “ The Commandant “ is back in training this morning - himself.
We’ve had to put the radio collar back on Zucker. We’re having to push back. We’re having to take back the Alpha role in this house.
We’re having to remind Zucker who butters his bread.
I don’t know. I just needed a different view.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hey, Commandant !!
Only a couple weeks ago - there was harmony in the home - on the porch - out in the yard - all around the hayfield.
These two seemed like they were inseparable.
You’d think neither could find the heart or the energy to explore - without the other.
But then - these moments would come.
Zucker seems to be having serious issues - lately. I’m thinking it has to do with the enormous amount of growth that Carlie is taking on - in such a short amount of time.
The little brat has become quite the force to be reckoned with - to be only coming upon the age of 5-months-old. She’s reached the point where she can - easily - T-bone Zucker. And she knows it.
Her mouth full of teeth seem to be formed in a much more defiant shape for defense - compared to Zucker’s. And she knows this - as well.
Zucker weighs 21 lbs. - at the age of 3-years. Carlie has already passed up 30lbs. And the recent acts of pinning him down while wrestling on the rug in the living room show that she is - also - aware of this fact - as well.
The beginning months of a puppy’s life entail quite a bit of training - meaning the demand for extra attention - and extra cookies, as well.
But for a canine that spent 2.5 years of his life being the only dog - Top Dog - The Dog - The Boy - The Baby - selfishness is beginning to take a toll. Defiance is becoming an understatement.
None of our efforts to include him - even giving him cookies when Carlie succeeds - or making sure he receives one-on-one time with the two of us - they mean absolutely - NAWWWWTHINNGG !! - to this Miniature - German - Schnauzer.
Hence - “ The Commandant “ is back in training this morning - himself.
We’ve had to put the radio collar back on Zucker. We’re having to push back. We’re having to take back the Alpha role in this house.
We’re having to remind Zucker who butters his bread.
I don’t know. I just needed a different view.
- Deb said...
Hehehe, they DO like to act out when they are jelous! LOL Hopefully he will settle in and like having a friend around again. Our little red Doxie (who is gone now) sulked for two weeks when we got Autumn, cause she had been used to being the one and only for several months, since Mischief had to be put to sleep...she got over it though, eventually.
April 22, 2010 at 11:21 AM
- Maple Lawn Farm said...
Awe, poor Zucker! That second to last picture is just adorable and heart breaking at the same time! LOL
April 22, 2010 at 12:50 PM
- Unknown said...
I'm hoping all this calms down in the next couple of months. But for now - I feel like I'm dealing with two canines in some fierce competition of pulling each others' chains! And then they catch "The Judge" not giving them kudos - so - she gets her chain pulled - twice! I'm serious! Zucker has even pushed to stepping up onto one of our end tables. I'm thinking he still remembers the last time our cat - Spinner - made that mistake. LOL What he doesn't know is... " Strike 3 and you're out - on the porch!"
April 22, 2010 at 11:44 PM
Hehehe, they DO like to act out when they are jelous! LOL Hopefully he will settle in and like having a friend around again. Our little red Doxie (who is gone now) sulked for two weeks when we got Autumn, cause she had been used to being the one and only for several months, since Mischief had to be put to sleep...she got over it though, eventually.
Awe, poor Zucker! That second to last picture is just adorable and heart breaking at the same time! LOL
I'm hoping all this calms down in the next couple of months. But for now - I feel like I'm dealing with two canines in some fierce competition of pulling each others' chains! And then they catch "The Judge" not giving them kudos - so - she gets her chain pulled - twice! I'm serious! Zucker has even pushed to stepping up onto one of our end tables. I'm thinking he still remembers the last time our cat - Spinner - made that mistake. LOL What he doesn't know is... " Strike 3 and you're out - on the porch!"
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