Thursday, March 25, 2010
Time for The List
" What can we get done today ? "
The top of our list includes the following -
Upright Freezer / Beef -
Currently - I’m keeping my eyes peeking into listings at Craigslist for a commercial size used upright freezer.
We’ve found Webb Family Farms in Middle Tennessee. The rancher of this farm raises “ All Natural “ beef . He’s a very responsible guy - with a lot of knowledge.
He’s one already teaching about the “ loopholes “ that the food producing industry has already taken advantage of - by jerking the customer around with - buzz words - that have nothing behind them to back them up - honestly.
He educates visitors to his website about the differences between “ Organic “ versus “ All Natural “ with some very disturbing facts.
We’ve decided to buy a side of beef from him - off the hoof - after we find a freezer - as soon as he has steers ready.
He will butcher and package whichever way we choose. We also get the option of keeping any of the carcass. And his prices are fair enough that we save money in the long run - compared to the prices we’re currently paying at the grocery stores.
Chicken Coop / Yard -
I would imagine this will be the project that will be taken care of during this next run of days off. The only barrier we could come up against would be - rain.
We found a really cool set of plans from the website for the University of Tennessee Institute for Agriculture. This coop will hold 25 - 40 layers.
Chicks / Supplies -
The schedule for this issue is up in the air. But we do know we’ll be buying our chicks in late spring. I have some personal issues in front of me - ( one of them being surgery ) - that are coming up and / or are already going on - which cannot be ignored.
We have no family - or - friends / neighbors - located here and / or able to watch over our place. It’s just the two of us - which makes it pretty rough when something like surgery comes up. We may have to unplug from the universe for a while. But the world will survive - same as us.
Portable Chicken Run -
We have an issue with a neighbor neglecting pasture beside our property. Coyotes seem to have discovered a perfect place for squatting.
We - also - have plenty of red tail hawks - as well as other varmints. They consider poultry to be - their - fair game.
In order to find compromise in our wishes for raising free-range poultry for meat and eggs - we’ve decided to construct a protable PVC chicken run ( like this one - only bigger ) that can be moved from place to place.
This enables the birds to have a constant supply of bugs and such for their diet - not to mention a change of scenery for avoiding boredom and anxiety.
Like a daytime baby playpen at McDonalds - only - in the Chicken Version!
We may get this project accomplished shortly after finishing the chicken coop. But we have plenty of time. In fact - we’ll have several weeks of time even after the chicks arrive. Babies must spend some time in a heated brooder until they’re big enough to make it on their own.
Gutters / Water Recovery -
This is an issue for me. Water is precious here. With two huge metal roofs on a log home and a barn - what better source!
We’ll be contracting a company that comes out to the location to custom measure and cut seamless gutters for the front and back of the house. From there - we’ll be concocting our own water recovery source for the rainwater to travel and store.
Tractor / Trailer -
This is the “ Biggie, Jr.” - as I call it. We won’t have time to bust dirt for extending the garden this year. But we’ll be able to start preparing for next year.
Once the second cutting of hay has been taken care of - we’ll begin busting up the hay field.
I’m not sure when - exactly - but at some point - Hubby wants to contract a bulldozer to come in and clear the fence lines. Attempts to do so by hand have proved futile - considering the fact that there’s so much more on the list to resolve - and there’s only the two of us.
Pressure Canner -
I’m ordering one of these from WalMart - sometime before any harvest begins this year.
And I’m a tad bit anxious about this one. I’ve never canned with anything but a water bath. However - my goal in moving on to a pressure canner is for more than one reason.
I’m able to can so many more veggies. I'm able to can many more jars at one time. I’m able to can so much more variety of foods - such as soups - meats - stews - tomato sauce - spaghetti sauce - alfredo sauce - you name it!
At the same time - pressure canning allows us to store food in ways that keep from needing so much freezer space.
And the best reward I’m looking forward to with this goal - the taste of the food is absolutely wonderful - and so much more delicious - compared to anything in a metal can. No more metallic taste in the foods! Ahhhhh !
Wood-Burning Stove -
I lost this fight last year. I will not lose again. And I think this year’s utility bill just may have helped me out. Hubby wasn’t too pleased with the game played this year.
The cost for electricity jumped in our area. The price for natural gas took a serious dive - all opposite of what happened last year.
But we do know that electricity is going to soar - even more - insanely more - in the near future.
We have a governor that just has no backbone and does not follow through with supporting and leading the people of this state. He gets a law passed that's intended to prevent TVA from passing the bill on to its customers. And then - turns his eyes away from the viewing stand.
" But it looks good - doesn't it ! "
Naturally - the mind of Satan takes the lead. TVA is forcing customers to eat the billions of dollars in debt they created - themselves - with their coal ash spill nightmare. Once again - our wallets end up being legally raped by capitalistic thieves!
I intend on fighting them at their sickening game.
We’re looking more favorably at a soapstone wood-burning stove. Click here to check it out. At the same time - scroll down their page further to see the sink and counter tops I want put into our kitchen!
Tear Down Barn / Relocate -
This project has become - more or less - one of the markers in our journey through buying this place.
And that will be covered in another post!
But for now - this helps manage all the other projects. It helps others see the enormity in the challenge we’ve taken upon ourselves.
This goal of moving our barn shows the rhetoric that the seasons demand of our time and commitment. There is no time for folly - only necessities to complete - and - necessities to repeat.
The beauty in our goal of moving the barn - there are other creative measures we can take advantage of - for being able to go forward with in our wish for bringing on the goats - and maybe - rabbits!
For now - I think the list is long enough! We still need more sunshine and dry air before we can groom our garden for planting!
And - it's raining - this very moment. Go figure!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Time for The List
" What can we get done today ? "
The top of our list includes the following -
Upright Freezer / Beef -
Currently - I’m keeping my eyes peeking into listings at Craigslist for a commercial size used upright freezer.
We’ve found Webb Family Farms in Middle Tennessee. The rancher of this farm raises “ All Natural “ beef . He’s a very responsible guy - with a lot of knowledge.
He’s one already teaching about the “ loopholes “ that the food producing industry has already taken advantage of - by jerking the customer around with - buzz words - that have nothing behind them to back them up - honestly.
He educates visitors to his website about the differences between “ Organic “ versus “ All Natural “ with some very disturbing facts.
We’ve decided to buy a side of beef from him - off the hoof - after we find a freezer - as soon as he has steers ready.
He will butcher and package whichever way we choose. We also get the option of keeping any of the carcass. And his prices are fair enough that we save money in the long run - compared to the prices we’re currently paying at the grocery stores.
Chicken Coop / Yard -
I would imagine this will be the project that will be taken care of during this next run of days off. The only barrier we could come up against would be - rain.
We found a really cool set of plans from the website for the University of Tennessee Institute for Agriculture. This coop will hold 25 - 40 layers.
Chicks / Supplies -
The schedule for this issue is up in the air. But we do know we’ll be buying our chicks in late spring. I have some personal issues in front of me - ( one of them being surgery ) - that are coming up and / or are already going on - which cannot be ignored.
We have no family - or - friends / neighbors - located here and / or able to watch over our place. It’s just the two of us - which makes it pretty rough when something like surgery comes up. We may have to unplug from the universe for a while. But the world will survive - same as us.
Portable Chicken Run -
We have an issue with a neighbor neglecting pasture beside our property. Coyotes seem to have discovered a perfect place for squatting.
We - also - have plenty of red tail hawks - as well as other varmints. They consider poultry to be - their - fair game.
In order to find compromise in our wishes for raising free-range poultry for meat and eggs - we’ve decided to construct a protable PVC chicken run ( like this one - only bigger ) that can be moved from place to place.
This enables the birds to have a constant supply of bugs and such for their diet - not to mention a change of scenery for avoiding boredom and anxiety.
Like a daytime baby playpen at McDonalds - only - in the Chicken Version!
We may get this project accomplished shortly after finishing the chicken coop. But we have plenty of time. In fact - we’ll have several weeks of time even after the chicks arrive. Babies must spend some time in a heated brooder until they’re big enough to make it on their own.
Gutters / Water Recovery -
This is an issue for me. Water is precious here. With two huge metal roofs on a log home and a barn - what better source!
We’ll be contracting a company that comes out to the location to custom measure and cut seamless gutters for the front and back of the house. From there - we’ll be concocting our own water recovery source for the rainwater to travel and store.
Tractor / Trailer -
This is the “ Biggie, Jr.” - as I call it. We won’t have time to bust dirt for extending the garden this year. But we’ll be able to start preparing for next year.
Once the second cutting of hay has been taken care of - we’ll begin busting up the hay field.
I’m not sure when - exactly - but at some point - Hubby wants to contract a bulldozer to come in and clear the fence lines. Attempts to do so by hand have proved futile - considering the fact that there’s so much more on the list to resolve - and there’s only the two of us.
Pressure Canner -
I’m ordering one of these from WalMart - sometime before any harvest begins this year.
And I’m a tad bit anxious about this one. I’ve never canned with anything but a water bath. However - my goal in moving on to a pressure canner is for more than one reason.
I’m able to can so many more veggies. I'm able to can many more jars at one time. I’m able to can so much more variety of foods - such as soups - meats - stews - tomato sauce - spaghetti sauce - alfredo sauce - you name it!
At the same time - pressure canning allows us to store food in ways that keep from needing so much freezer space.
And the best reward I’m looking forward to with this goal - the taste of the food is absolutely wonderful - and so much more delicious - compared to anything in a metal can. No more metallic taste in the foods! Ahhhhh !
Wood-Burning Stove -
I lost this fight last year. I will not lose again. And I think this year’s utility bill just may have helped me out. Hubby wasn’t too pleased with the game played this year.
The cost for electricity jumped in our area. The price for natural gas took a serious dive - all opposite of what happened last year.
But we do know that electricity is going to soar - even more - insanely more - in the near future.
We have a governor that just has no backbone and does not follow through with supporting and leading the people of this state. He gets a law passed that's intended to prevent TVA from passing the bill on to its customers. And then - turns his eyes away from the viewing stand.
" But it looks good - doesn't it ! "
Naturally - the mind of Satan takes the lead. TVA is forcing customers to eat the billions of dollars in debt they created - themselves - with their coal ash spill nightmare. Once again - our wallets end up being legally raped by capitalistic thieves!
I intend on fighting them at their sickening game.
We’re looking more favorably at a soapstone wood-burning stove. Click here to check it out. At the same time - scroll down their page further to see the sink and counter tops I want put into our kitchen!
Tear Down Barn / Relocate -
This project has become - more or less - one of the markers in our journey through buying this place.
And that will be covered in another post!
But for now - this helps manage all the other projects. It helps others see the enormity in the challenge we’ve taken upon ourselves.
This goal of moving our barn shows the rhetoric that the seasons demand of our time and commitment. There is no time for folly - only necessities to complete - and - necessities to repeat.
The beauty in our goal of moving the barn - there are other creative measures we can take advantage of - for being able to go forward with in our wish for bringing on the goats - and maybe - rabbits!
For now - I think the list is long enough! We still need more sunshine and dry air before we can groom our garden for planting!
And - it's raining - this very moment. Go figure!
- Maple Lawn Farm said...
Whew! That's quite a list!
I am considering buying a pressure canner this year as well. I usually freeze everything except tomatoes, pickles and jams. However, I would like to be able to can a few things. I use to help can with a pressure canner as a kid and was given instructions not to take my eyes off the pressure gauge! Scared me enough that I have not attempted to pressure can as an adult! LOL -
March 25, 2010 at 10:46 AM
- Deb said...
Oh yeah, I LOVE my canner...but I got the other main kind that doesn't have to have a gasket, and it seems to be safer to use than my Mom's old one. Least it doesn't scare me, cause I don't have to be as vigilant on watching the gage. Was a bit more expensive than the one you are looking at though I think. LOL It is nice to have a pressure canner so you can do more than you can with the waterbath canner.
Good luck with that list, lists around here don't get marked off to quickly. LOL -
March 27, 2010 at 10:49 AM
Whew! That's quite a list!
I am considering buying a pressure canner this year as well. I usually freeze everything except tomatoes, pickles and jams. However, I would like to be able to can a few things. I use to help can with a pressure canner as a kid and was given instructions not to take my eyes off the pressure gauge! Scared me enough that I have not attempted to pressure can as an adult! LOL
Oh yeah, I LOVE my canner...but I got the other main kind that doesn't have to have a gasket, and it seems to be safer to use than my Mom's old one. Least it doesn't scare me, cause I don't have to be as vigilant on watching the gage. Was a bit more expensive than the one you are looking at though I think. LOL It is nice to have a pressure canner so you can do more than you can with the waterbath canner.
Good luck with that list, lists around here don't get marked off to quickly. LOL
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