Friday, January 8, 2010
Snowball-less Snow
Well - this is the first time we’ve ever had such a dry snow - pure powder. Granted - it’s only a little more than half an inch. But even that much is enough that can - flat dab - soak and mangle Zucker’s paws when he goes out to take care of his business. And with this dry powder - it won’t even stick together to form a snowball!
We seem to be having another day of sunshine with snow flurries blowing - almost sideways. If you stand in our kitchen and look out the windows - it looks absolutely gorgeous! You can’t see the flurries from there. Your heart warms up at the sight - and you just wanna go runnin’ for the door to head out and soak up the sunshine. And then you crack that door open….
Even our cat - Spinner - has jumped back and headed back to his blanket! “Screw it!”
We have the truck plugged in. However - that brought on a solid sheet of ice across the hub on the front wheels! I always tease Dwayne during these moments. “My toy looks so cute with all those icicles hanging off of it! Looks like Cholo Bling!” Truth! All it would need is the red ball-fringe hanging across the top of the front windshield! Well - maybe white. Don’t think the red would go well with that Bing cherry paint job.
Not so cute when you’re driving down a three-lane highway when one of those things decides to break off and fly towards another vehicle driving in the lane beside you. They can cause some damage. Same can happen if you try breaking them off - yourself. There goes that paint job!
Cold weather like this can make people do funny things! Sometimes - we’ll do just about anything to get out of cold weather - in a hurry - not even checking the situation out - first. Next thing ya’ know - you’re sharing some dark shed with something furry - and it’s growling. And you’re actually having difficulty making a decision - “Do I stay or do I go?”
Luckily - some of us can get into those same situations - minus all the need to decide “Do I live or do I die?”
Grab your coffee - and enjoy Charlie singing about one of those very type of situations! Not sure who the person was that uploaded it - and I'm not really impressed with the effort they made with the title plastered all across the thing right there before you open it up. But - trust me. If you haven't seen or heard this - Just go listen!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Snowball-less Snow
Well - this is the first time we’ve ever had such a dry snow - pure powder. Granted - it’s only a little more than half an inch. But even that much is enough that can - flat dab - soak and mangle Zucker’s paws when he goes out to take care of his business. And with this dry powder - it won’t even stick together to form a snowball!
We seem to be having another day of sunshine with snow flurries blowing - almost sideways. If you stand in our kitchen and look out the windows - it looks absolutely gorgeous! You can’t see the flurries from there. Your heart warms up at the sight - and you just wanna go runnin’ for the door to head out and soak up the sunshine. And then you crack that door open….
Even our cat - Spinner - has jumped back and headed back to his blanket! “Screw it!”
We have the truck plugged in. However - that brought on a solid sheet of ice across the hub on the front wheels! I always tease Dwayne during these moments. “My toy looks so cute with all those icicles hanging off of it! Looks like Cholo Bling!” Truth! All it would need is the red ball-fringe hanging across the top of the front windshield! Well - maybe white. Don’t think the red would go well with that Bing cherry paint job.
Not so cute when you’re driving down a three-lane highway when one of those things decides to break off and fly towards another vehicle driving in the lane beside you. They can cause some damage. Same can happen if you try breaking them off - yourself. There goes that paint job!
Cold weather like this can make people do funny things! Sometimes - we’ll do just about anything to get out of cold weather - in a hurry - not even checking the situation out - first. Next thing ya’ know - you’re sharing some dark shed with something furry - and it’s growling. And you’re actually having difficulty making a decision - “Do I stay or do I go?”
Luckily - some of us can get into those same situations - minus all the need to decide “Do I live or do I die?”
Grab your coffee - and enjoy Charlie singing about one of those very type of situations! Not sure who the person was that uploaded it - and I'm not really impressed with the effort they made with the title plastered all across the thing right there before you open it up. But - trust me. If you haven't seen or heard this - Just go listen!
1 comment:
- Deb said...
Hey Teresa, thanks for the comment on my blog! I hope you enjoy the animals you get for your farm, they can be so much fun!! My DH does most of the work with them I will admit, but that means he is the one telling most of the stories about them on his blog, which is good cause he writes better than I do. LOL
I was raised with goats and just love them. They have such fun personalities, and I'd really hate to go to just cows, although I'm becoming fond of our cows to, cause I'm loving the fresh butter!
Course Chickens are a must to, in my opinion. It looks like you are planning on getting some of them this year, from the info in your side bar...have fun with them!
Oh yeah, and isn't Ree's cookbook fantastic!! I LOVE it and her site too! :) -
January 8, 2010 at 10:15 PM
1 comment:
Hey Teresa, thanks for the comment on my blog! I hope you enjoy the animals you get for your farm, they can be so much fun!! My DH does most of the work with them I will admit, but that means he is the one telling most of the stories about them on his blog, which is good cause he writes better than I do. LOL
I was raised with goats and just love them. They have such fun personalities, and I'd really hate to go to just cows, although I'm becoming fond of our cows to, cause I'm loving the fresh butter!
Course Chickens are a must to, in my opinion. It looks like you are planning on getting some of them this year, from the info in your side bar...have fun with them!
Oh yeah, and isn't Ree's cookbook fantastic!! I LOVE it and her site too! :)
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