I’ve been falling way behind on my digital scrap booking. Yes - my free time has been leaning over into FaceBook. Those games are addictive. And - If you participate in even one game - you’re just as guilty! So - keep your trap shut!
But I have managed to take photos whenever possible. If nothing else - keep a camera locked and loaded! And thank God for those micro-chips you can put inside the digital cameras. I can remove the chip and slide it right into a drive on my tower and - sanity saved - despite my digi being on its deathbed. Poor thing ended up taking two fatal falls. But I have to admit - the thing has given it’s due expectations for the cost and length of time in my hands!
And so it goes - one of the shots I managed to get from off the back porch for this fall season’s blanket of color that arrived - almost overnight - before departing nearly as quickly.
(click on photos for larger view)
Journaling -"October 30, 2009 - We missed our annual trip to Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains to photograph all the beautiful 'Fall Color' that returns each year. Instead - We count our blessings and feel thankful for all the 'Colorful Show' that arrived all around our home!"
Multiple Kits Used -
Kimberly’s UBI Abundant Fall Element Pack 3 by Kimberly Stewart
Kimberly’s UBI Abundant Fall Paper Pack 1 by Kimberly Stewart
Autumn Blessings by Kimberly Stewart
Photo Frame -
Divergent Frames Pack by Cathy Bretz
Alpha -
Worn Plaid by Kimberly Stewart
Fonts -
Rockwell - Pristina
I’m not the only one feeling the frayed ends on every nerve in the body around here. Talk to the dog and the cat! The noise level around here has been somewhat - wacked.
Dwayne continues on the work to remove the wall between our living room and kitchen. The progress has been wonderful. Some would cringe to look at the sights from the following photos. However - I do declare - the mess has been cleaned up in as much as one would consider the one doing the cleaning to be somewhat - anal retentive. In other words - it looked like absolute HELL around here! And my husband drives us all crazy with the time he spends running that shop vacuum!
Do NOT misunderstand me. God knows - I will be forever and eternally grateful and appreciative to my husband for all his efforts. He never ceases to find ways that make me feel like the proudest wife on this earth! More than anything - it’s simply a case of all the dreaded chaos and mayhem that comes naturally with any project falling under the definitions of the word - remodel.
And - RE - model it has been. Going in to tear out someone else’s ignorant efforts - NEVER easy - ALWAYS reason for keeping ample supply of Tylenol in the bathroom cabinet - and Budweiser Light in the fridge.
Check out the light spot between the framing and the cabinet.
Yeah - we get to refinish all the floors, as well.
How cool is that!!
The entire wall is actually gone now. Dwayne constructed a supporting frame off to the side of where the original wall existed. This was necessary in order to go in and put the flooring in - because it was never done so during the original construction of the house. At the same time - Dwayne had to remove all the electrical and re-route that. And then came tearing out the top of the original wall-framing. That was not pretty. That brought on a lot of noise - and it was not coming from any shop vacuum! Okay… half the noise came from a hammer. Guess where the other half came from. Yyyyeaaaahhh - this was no place for children during that evening.
Days of relishing over having all this wood from the wall that could be turned over and use for flooring - came to an end when joy turned into raging frustration. Things toe-nailed when they should not have been. They went cheap on stretching the use of glue for holding the flooring down - but just enough to mess with pulling strips out without cracking those on each side and causing more flooring to be removed. And of course - use of the wrong type of nails always helps.
Umm... can you see the floor jack - in front of the cabinet?
The project has reached the point where two 8”x8” posts are needed from the sawmill - for supporting that huge post you see laying on the floor there - off to the left. Okay - well... you can see it better in the photo above. Anyway - It waits - for the rain to take a break. Once the two vertical posts are set into place - that post on the floor will require additional manly help for installing it across the ceiling as the main beam support.
In the meantime - I get to enjoy such things as having my house invaded by various - tools.
THIS is where the Christmas tree is supposed to go.
I’m not even wanting to decorate for Christmas this year. Make more sense now?