
Monday, November 30, 2009

Why Do We Like So Much Wood?

Two layouts within a 24-hour period.  Well… if you were on this end - it would make a great deal of sense to you.  And I will attempt to explain - along with photos - down the line.

I’ve been falling way behind on my digital scrap booking.  Yes - my free time has been leaning over into FaceBook.  Those games are addictive.  And - If you participate in even one game - you’re just as guilty!  So - keep your trap shut!

But I have managed to take photos whenever possible.  If nothing else - keep a camera locked and loaded!  And thank God for those micro-chips you can put inside the digital cameras.  I can remove the chip and slide it right into a drive on my tower and - sanity saved - despite my digi being on its deathbed.  Poor thing ended up taking two fatal falls.  But I have to admit - the thing has given it’s due expectations for the cost and length of time in my hands!

And so it goes - one of the shots I managed to get from off the back porch for this fall season’s blanket of color that arrived - almost overnight - before departing nearly as quickly.

(click on photos for larger view)
Journaling -
"October 30, 2009 - We missed our annual trip to Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains to photograph all the beautiful 'Fall Color' that returns each year.  Instead - We count our blessings and feel thankful for all the 'Colorful Show' that arrived all around our home!"

Multiple Kits Used -
Kimberly’s UBI Abundant Fall Element Pack 3 by Kimberly Stewart

Kimberly’s UBI Abundant Fall Paper Pack 1 by Kimberly Stewart

Autumn Blessings by Kimberly Stewart

Photo Frame -
Divergent Frames Pack by Cathy Bretz

Alpha -
Worn Plaid by Kimberly Stewart

Fonts -
Rockwell - Pristina

I’m not the only one feeling the frayed ends on every nerve in the body around here.  Talk to the dog and the cat!  The noise level around here has been somewhat - wacked.

Dwayne continues on the work to remove the wall between our living room and kitchen.  The progress has been wonderful.  Some would cringe to look at the sights from the following photos.  However - I do declare - the mess has been cleaned up in as much as one would consider the one doing the cleaning to be somewhat - anal retentive.  In other words - it looked like absolute HELL around here!  And my husband drives us all crazy with the time he spends running that shop vacuum!

Do NOT misunderstand me.  God knows - I will be forever and eternally grateful and appreciative to my husband for all his efforts.  He never ceases to find ways that make me feel like the proudest wife on this earth!  More than anything - it’s simply a case of all the dreaded chaos and mayhem that comes naturally with any project falling under the definitions of the word - remodel.

And - RE - model it has been.  Going in to tear out someone else’s ignorant efforts - NEVER easy - ALWAYS reason for keeping ample supply of Tylenol in the bathroom cabinet - and Budweiser Light in the fridge.

Check out the light spot between the framing and the cabinet.
Yeah - we get to refinish all the floors, as well.
How cool is that!!

The entire wall is actually gone now.  Dwayne constructed a supporting frame off to the side of where the original wall existed.  This was necessary in order to go in and put the flooring in - because it was never done so during the original construction of the house.  At the same time - Dwayne had to remove all the electrical and re-route that.  And then came tearing out the top of the original wall-framing.  That was not pretty.  That brought on a lot of noise - and it was not coming from any shop vacuum!  Okay… half the noise came from a hammer.  Guess where the other half came from.  Yyyyeaaaahhh - this was no place for children during that evening.

Days of relishing over having all this wood from the wall that could be turned over and use for flooring - came to an end when joy turned into raging frustration.  Things toe-nailed when they should  not have been.  They went cheap on stretching the use of glue for holding the flooring down - but just enough to mess with pulling strips out without cracking those on each side and causing more flooring to be removed.  And of course - use of the wrong type of nails always helps.

Umm... can you see the floor jack - in front of the cabinet?

The project has reached the point where two 8”x8” posts are needed from the sawmill - for supporting that huge post you see laying on the floor there - off to the left.  Okay - well... you can see it better in the photo above.  Anyway - It waits - for the rain to take a break.  Once the two vertical posts are set into place - that post on the floor will require additional manly help for installing it across the ceiling as the main beam support.

In the meantime - I get to enjoy such things as having my house invaded by various - tools.

THIS is where the Christmas tree is supposed to go.

I’m not even wanting to decorate for Christmas this year.  Make more sense now?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fall Sadness

Oh, this is good.

"She changes her blog to a Christmas theme and THEN she finally gets around to posting a fall themed layout!"

Yeah, I know.  I know.  Been one of those kinds of months.  Ya' know?  Kinda makes me wonder if I should be wishing I could go back to pre-hyserectomy times.

Wait a minute....  Ohhhh, HELL no.

It's late - I've lagged.  And I need to get a pot of beans soaking.  So here goes for now.  I'm so happy with this layout that I couldn't wait to get it posted.

(click on the photo for larger view)

Journaling -
"God help me.  But I despise winter.  And I'm not alone.  Our wonderful - lovable - lover of life - Zucker."

"I never knew exactly how much I was dreading the oncoming winter season - until I had the moment of this vision.  Oh, how he loves to run.  How he loves to be outside for hours - and hours.  Becoming absolutely filthy - lathering with sweat - drinking up the water as long as somebody will fill the bowl - smelling worse than a dirty sock.  Every bit of it puts him in his glory of happiness."

"It's as if he has come to recognize when the days of bitter coldness are approaching.  And one can't help wondering what he's thinking as he sits and stares out the window - watching the leaves begin to turn color and fall."

It seems Blogger has come up with a new toy here.  If you hover your mouse over the names of the kit and the Word Art... ya' just might get lucky and find it changes color!  And that means.... it's linked to help you find the products... Voila!!

Kit -
Autumn Country Dream by Cari Lopez

Word Art -
Abundant Harvest (U.B.I. Oct.-2009) by Mikki Livanos

Font - Dubiel (set in Bold)

Okay... I'll write more later.  Time to go get the beans soaking!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Are You Cutting Back For The Holidays?"

WBIR-TV in Knoxville has been posting a ‘Question of The Day’ over at their website, recently.  At times - it has been amazing to see the keyboard rage that would ignite in discussions that would ensue - all over one very simple question.

As time has come and gone - I’ve watched the tone of various discussions in that little pocket at the website.  Some would wonder where all the tension is coming from.  Most would give those few a good look that would need not one single word - but ask plenty…. “Where have you been, Moron?”  And when all else fails - just wait for the holiday season to arrive.  The truth always exposes itself at that time - without failure.

One of the questions posed this week at the website asked if folks were planning on cutting back on their spending for the holidays this year.  As I just said - the truth always exposes itself this time of year.  This particular question opened the flood gate.

The discussion was absolutely stunning.  The rage was ever so present.  However - there was no battle.  If anything to compare - it was like the size and presence of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  Every soul participating fell into perfect sync and harmony with the next.  And we all found ourselves standing - together - in agreement - and sharing support.

What developed in that discussion was a dose of medicine that should be distributed all across this nation during this holiday season.  I’m bringing my bottle here to share with those that come to read.  And I am putting my faith in God to use this post - bringing folks that really need this for support.  For what I found in that discussion - was a township of minds and hearts that feel exactly the same as I.  And it can only mean there are more feeling the same.  So - here goes.

Dwayne and I are not into the so-called Christmas Spirit for 2009.  In fact - we want no part of the 2009 Christmas Spirit.   Why?  Because we can see how Christmas has been hijacked by the Retail World.  Let me explain further.

While working on tearing out the wall between the kitchen and living room - we had the television on.  Both of us were listening to all the commercials flooding the air waves from all the retail sector with such a disgusting demeanor and message.  The commercialism - “You must have this” - “Everything is just Fine” - “Savings!  Savings!” (Lie) - “You can’t have a spectacular Christmas without this!”… *COUGH* - *GAG*

All this crap on television from all the retail sector trying to push this lie to us all that - everything is just fine - and we need to go ahead and buy their crap - and we must buy this and that for gifts to give our friends and family.  All these ads just filled with pretending there is absolutely nothing terrible going on in this country!  And each one having a punch line full of guilt that we should carry if we don’t fall in line and be the good little sheep that the common man is being expected to become in this country - while  bending over and taking it with a smile!

Dwayne and I make for a perfect example of a great scenario for why nobody should be falling into this nasty trap.  It’s the reason why everybody should choose to stand together and give only one gift to anyone this year -  and that would be - Giving the Bird to Commerce in this country.

We live in East Tennessee - without any of our family.  All our family lives elsewhere - in other states.

Here’s what we face each year when we prepare to ship gifts for Christmas.  The ridiculous prices that have been jacked up on everything.  The state of Tennessee has a sales tax of NINE ( 9 ) percent.  All the shipping materials.  All the gift wrapping supplies.  And then - all the shipping costs that have been jacked sky-high.

You see what’s going on here?  You see who is benefiting?  When you do the math - by far - it’s not even the person receiving the damn gift!  And the birth of Jesus has just been used - to suck us right in!!!

Not happening!  Not in this household.

Dwayne and I will not be shipping any Christmas packages out to anyone but our Granddaughter - Trinity - the only grandchild with parents smart enough - wise enough - loving enough - and understanding enough - to allow us to be grandparents!

We have decided on a different kind of gift to give all our loved ones - and we are asking the same from them.  We will be making donations to various charities - in our area - helping those going through Hell from all this destruction being done to our economy.  And when possible - names of family and friends will be attached to those gifts.

When you go to the grocery stores - drop what you can into the donations kitty for whatever charities they are assisting.

When you go to the Malls - DO NOT come to the exit without making sure you have a few dollars to put into the red kettles for the Salvation Army.

Go to your local Utility Companies.  Ask the Customer Service Reps to pull up any Delinquent Account and offer to pay that bill - to keep a family from going without heat - electricity - or water.  (We’re allowed to send donations in with our electric bills -year round - here in the state of Tennessee!)

Having a Christmas Party at your house - or - where you work?  Have everyone bring a Christmas gift to give to Toys for Tots or a local charity.

Have a Cookie Exchange at your house!  Have everyone bring non-perishable food items to be taken to a local pantry.

The point is this.  The situation in this country has become stupid.  That’s just all there is to the truth and reality.  And we have so-called human beings in this country - hiding behind various commerce entities - behaving like nothing less than thugs with a bunch of money - confused dispositions - and selfish assumptions that they can name their price and screw us all they want - for any reason - using any means to accomplish that - using our own friends and family to manipulate us with guilt trips!

In reality - they’re such low-life trash that THEY’LL EVEN USE CHRISTMAS TO TO THAT!!!

Dwayne and I will not fill the deep pockets of these sick souls - especially while they continue to destroy the lives of families by cutting jobs for the sake of profits - and selfish, greedy shareholders.  We will not allow them to use our friends and family as a means to suck us in - nor will we allow them to manipulate us with guilt trips.

We have friends and family in worse financial shape than us.  Why should we allow ourselves to be sucked into all that - to send gifts to those we love - and only end up making them feel shoved into guilt for not sending us gifts - or - shoved into feeling they have to do something they cannot truly financially afford to put themselves through?

Not happening!!!  We’re asking all our friends and family to keep Christmas real this year - celebrate with those right there beside you.  Keep it simple - put Christmas back in your heart - keep it out of your wallets.

Remove Christmas from the deep pockets of the Greedy Retail Sector in this country!

If you get any of this - if you agree with any of this - I ask one favor of you.

Send the link for this page to those you care about.  There are too many of us feeling the same way.  I have already discovered it to be fact - from only one discussion in one small part of this country.

"You must take personal responsibility.
You cannot change the circumstances,
the seasons, or the wind, but
you can change yourself."
- Jim Rohn


Once you take personal responsibility and you change yourself - all else usually steps back into proper line with willingness to be fair.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Holes in the House and ... Bang... Bang... Bang!

Dwayne has put a hole in our house.  And right now - our house looks like absolute Hell!  Think I’m kiddin’?  The coffee pot’s runnin’ in the front bathroom - this very moment!

I’d show you what I’m talking about - but - my digital camera died.  All I have for the moment is my Minolta 35mm that shoots processing film.  But I am taking those pictures!  Oh - Don’t you worry ‘bout that!  Yeah - this mess is gonna be a Kodak moment.  No doubt about that.

Dwayne has knocked out the wall between our kitchen and living room.  All that stands for the moment is the stud framing.  We found four rough-cut 8” posts out in the barn - but we’re only able to use two of those.  Guess they’ve been out there since this house was built.  Termites managed to get to the other two posts.  We’ll have to go buy two more posts for the support beams we’re putting in place of the wall.  Everything will become one great room.  There’s more light inside this house - already!

Due to weather conditions - we had to forego the idea of power washing and sealing the posts as they are.  Instead - Dwayne did some sanding to a certain point - leaving some of the character to the posts that will also add to the dimension of texture inside the house.

But the fun part came when it was time to carry the damn thing inside the house.  First one to go in is the cross beam.  Booger was long and 3-man heavy!  And we didn’t have three men.  Found something that prolly worked better.  One of my kitchen rugs - flipped upside down!  LOL  Set one end of the post on the rug - while Dwayne pushed it around like a kitchen broom!  I was down on my hands and knees chasing the rested end - shoving it into the right direction until we got it located where we want it for now.  Saved us about five more minutes of three drunks thinking about grabbing that fifth beer just as soon as they’d be laying that puppy down!

I did get this shot with the camera before it took its last breath.  We actually found insulation between the studs.  Dwayne had already removed and taken it all down into the basement before this shot was taken.

(click on the photo)

At this moment - all the slats on the kitchen side are now down in the basement.  All the electrical wiring is gone.  And Dwayne is now resetting the wiring in the proper places - where it should have been brought up - at the exterior wall.  So far - we see only two rows of slats in the floor and the ceiling that will need to be replaced.

The big question is - how far will we get before Christmas?  LOL

Friday, November 6, 2009

Major Surprise of the Day - Take a Look!

Besides all the other - stuff - that has been going on with me, lately… this thing about turning 50 years old has managed to embed itself into the mix.  Some of it good - some of it not so good.  Some of it better than most of all the other - stuff.  And - that’s pretty bad.  LOL

Seems like my teenage years were the common period of - Rebellion.  But this thing about turning a half-century has become something I wasn’t even expecting out of myself.  For me - some would say it’s beginning to move way beyond my years of teenage rebellion - more like - a Revolt!  And I’m not sure - but I think it was AARP’s punctuality with getting all their crap to me SIX WEEKS before I even dealt with the official date.  That just set me off.

I’m not ready for any rocking chair.  I still feel like I’m only 30 years old - on the inside.  Too bad so many under the age of 40 have trouble even considering that could be possible.  But - that’s just fine!  All I can say is this.  Baby - your day is coming!  ;)~

Rather than look at life on the downside of things - I’ve chosen to take advantage of my own realities and make the best of them.   The choices I make today have me doing better than all you girly girls that are still capable of bearing children.  Check this out.

I never went through depression over having to have a hysterectomy.  Instead - I was absolutely thrilled over thoughts about how much I was going to enjoy saving money every month - and feeling no more cramps all the way down to my knees!

I decided to shoot for a huge goal to celebrate my 50th Birthday this year.  I quit smoking.  Do you have any idea how much money I’m saving by doing that, as well?  A carton has reached $50.00 here!  And we were going through a carton each week - at the least!

Well - the thrill of saving money by becoming an old nag is beginning to grow into a new habit for me.  It was costing me $100.00 each time I went in to ‘have my roots dealt with’ when my hair was only shoulder length.  My last posted photo shows how long it has become since then.

I started doing some research on the Internet.  Sure enough - I found quite a few articles that turned out to be quite interesting!  Seems there’s a new trend coming for women with gray hair showing up.  They have decided to embrace with grace - and save some damn money!!!!  I would imagine the current economic situation in this country is nothing but a wonderful boost of support in such a decision for many - many others!  By the way - women are not the only ones doing this!!  And with all that support I found on the Internet -

Within the past 36 hours I have gone from this -

To this!

The best part is -

I actually look like a member of the family now!  I look just like Dwayne and Zucker!

This was a HUGE jump off of a cliff for me.  And I don't think I could have gotten through it without the help of Susan Garner - Stylist at Headlines Salon in Loudon, Tennessee!  Slowly - but surely - I'm going back to my old wishes for wanting to age with grace.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cold and Dead... and Winter's Not Even Here, Yet

I just haven’t been doing too well for a while now.  I’m not in a very good place.  For a time - I couldn’t seem to put my finger on the problem.  But I think I’m beginning to sort things out enough to rule out Depression.

If anything - Disappointment would be a much better description.  And quite honestly - it sits beside the word Anger - hand in hand - in several matters.

I'm really angry with the way too many people have lost their focus on being the best they can be - at being caring people toward others.

I'm angry because God won't go ahead and allow the miracles to come for my friend - Monica - like... letting her just jump out of bed and enjoy having life back in her hands and feeling perfectly wonderful.  God KNOWS she deserves that so much more than a LOT of other people in this world.

I'm disappointed in people not caring about what really matters in life - instead of caring about screwing over others.

They say it takes twenty-one days to break a habit.  Well - I quit smoking on September 27, 2009 - two days before my 50th birthday.  I’m now able to proudly claim I was smoke-free on my 50th birthday.  I count myself blessed for that thought even crossing my mind.  But all the other things going on haven’t really given any justice or fair opportunity to the twenty-one day claim in this case.  I’m no longer on the Chantix.  But that craving is still there.

And let Spite be the last thing lingering - to become the incentive I will use that will keep me from lighting up - ever again.  I WILL win this one.

I’ve decided to quit fighting with coloring my hair.  I've decided that it is MY hair.  I'm the one that has to fight with the blow-dryer and the curling irons.  I get to choose the new style.

I had to order my granddaughter's birthday present over the Internet and have it shipped directly to her.  She's turning 2-years-old and lives in Texas.  That hurts.  It won't have any birthday wrapping paper on it when she gets it.  It won't have one of those funny bows with - stuff - all around it - like I once was able to enjoy doing.  Just like every day of her life since the day she was born - I won't be able to have a day with a moment when I look at her and just soak in the beauty of seeing her smile - or say something cute.

But - at the very least - I can be grateful that her mommy has the wonderful heart that SHE has - and has no problems with letting me be a grandma.

Dwayne and I have decided we’re just gonna go have a Turkey dinner at some restaurant in Knoxville on Saturday - after Thanksgiving.  He has to work.

I’ve decided I’m not gonna dive into all the Holiday baking like I’ve been doing in the past.

We already gave up on trying to plant any spring bulbs or getting any fall clean-up done around the yard.

Maybe things will be better next year.

Maybe I’ll be able to tap in with folks who might appreciate what I CAN do.  And it will help me accomplish what I wish I COULD do.

For now - at the very least - I can count on going to work on my farms at Facebook to help me get my mind off of wanting that cigarette.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Why Do We Like So Much Wood?

Two layouts within a 24-hour period.  Well… if you were on this end - it would make a great deal of sense to you.  And I will attempt to explain - along with photos - down the line.

I’ve been falling way behind on my digital scrap booking.  Yes - my free time has been leaning over into FaceBook.  Those games are addictive.  And - If you participate in even one game - you’re just as guilty!  So - keep your trap shut!

But I have managed to take photos whenever possible.  If nothing else - keep a camera locked and loaded!  And thank God for those micro-chips you can put inside the digital cameras.  I can remove the chip and slide it right into a drive on my tower and - sanity saved - despite my digi being on its deathbed.  Poor thing ended up taking two fatal falls.  But I have to admit - the thing has given it’s due expectations for the cost and length of time in my hands!

And so it goes - one of the shots I managed to get from off the back porch for this fall season’s blanket of color that arrived - almost overnight - before departing nearly as quickly.

(click on photos for larger view)
Journaling -
"October 30, 2009 - We missed our annual trip to Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains to photograph all the beautiful 'Fall Color' that returns each year.  Instead - We count our blessings and feel thankful for all the 'Colorful Show' that arrived all around our home!"

Multiple Kits Used -
Kimberly’s UBI Abundant Fall Element Pack 3 by Kimberly Stewart

Kimberly’s UBI Abundant Fall Paper Pack 1 by Kimberly Stewart

Autumn Blessings by Kimberly Stewart

Photo Frame -
Divergent Frames Pack by Cathy Bretz

Alpha -
Worn Plaid by Kimberly Stewart

Fonts -
Rockwell - Pristina

I’m not the only one feeling the frayed ends on every nerve in the body around here.  Talk to the dog and the cat!  The noise level around here has been somewhat - wacked.

Dwayne continues on the work to remove the wall between our living room and kitchen.  The progress has been wonderful.  Some would cringe to look at the sights from the following photos.  However - I do declare - the mess has been cleaned up in as much as one would consider the one doing the cleaning to be somewhat - anal retentive.  In other words - it looked like absolute HELL around here!  And my husband drives us all crazy with the time he spends running that shop vacuum!

Do NOT misunderstand me.  God knows - I will be forever and eternally grateful and appreciative to my husband for all his efforts.  He never ceases to find ways that make me feel like the proudest wife on this earth!  More than anything - it’s simply a case of all the dreaded chaos and mayhem that comes naturally with any project falling under the definitions of the word - remodel.

And - RE - model it has been.  Going in to tear out someone else’s ignorant efforts - NEVER easy - ALWAYS reason for keeping ample supply of Tylenol in the bathroom cabinet - and Budweiser Light in the fridge.

Check out the light spot between the framing and the cabinet.
Yeah - we get to refinish all the floors, as well.
How cool is that!!

The entire wall is actually gone now.  Dwayne constructed a supporting frame off to the side of where the original wall existed.  This was necessary in order to go in and put the flooring in - because it was never done so during the original construction of the house.  At the same time - Dwayne had to remove all the electrical and re-route that.  And then came tearing out the top of the original wall-framing.  That was not pretty.  That brought on a lot of noise - and it was not coming from any shop vacuum!  Okay… half the noise came from a hammer.  Guess where the other half came from.  Yyyyeaaaahhh - this was no place for children during that evening.

Days of relishing over having all this wood from the wall that could be turned over and use for flooring - came to an end when joy turned into raging frustration.  Things toe-nailed when they should  not have been.  They went cheap on stretching the use of glue for holding the flooring down - but just enough to mess with pulling strips out without cracking those on each side and causing more flooring to be removed.  And of course - use of the wrong type of nails always helps.

Umm... can you see the floor jack - in front of the cabinet?

The project has reached the point where two 8”x8” posts are needed from the sawmill - for supporting that huge post you see laying on the floor there - off to the left.  Okay - well... you can see it better in the photo above.  Anyway - It waits - for the rain to take a break.  Once the two vertical posts are set into place - that post on the floor will require additional manly help for installing it across the ceiling as the main beam support.

In the meantime - I get to enjoy such things as having my house invaded by various - tools.

THIS is where the Christmas tree is supposed to go.

I’m not even wanting to decorate for Christmas this year.  Make more sense now?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fall Sadness

Oh, this is good.

"She changes her blog to a Christmas theme and THEN she finally gets around to posting a fall themed layout!"

Yeah, I know.  I know.  Been one of those kinds of months.  Ya' know?  Kinda makes me wonder if I should be wishing I could go back to pre-hyserectomy times.

Wait a minute....  Ohhhh, HELL no.

It's late - I've lagged.  And I need to get a pot of beans soaking.  So here goes for now.  I'm so happy with this layout that I couldn't wait to get it posted.

(click on the photo for larger view)

Journaling -
"God help me.  But I despise winter.  And I'm not alone.  Our wonderful - lovable - lover of life - Zucker."

"I never knew exactly how much I was dreading the oncoming winter season - until I had the moment of this vision.  Oh, how he loves to run.  How he loves to be outside for hours - and hours.  Becoming absolutely filthy - lathering with sweat - drinking up the water as long as somebody will fill the bowl - smelling worse than a dirty sock.  Every bit of it puts him in his glory of happiness."

"It's as if he has come to recognize when the days of bitter coldness are approaching.  And one can't help wondering what he's thinking as he sits and stares out the window - watching the leaves begin to turn color and fall."

It seems Blogger has come up with a new toy here.  If you hover your mouse over the names of the kit and the Word Art... ya' just might get lucky and find it changes color!  And that means.... it's linked to help you find the products... Voila!!

Kit -
Autumn Country Dream by Cari Lopez

Word Art -
Abundant Harvest (U.B.I. Oct.-2009) by Mikki Livanos

Font - Dubiel (set in Bold)

Okay... I'll write more later.  Time to go get the beans soaking!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Are You Cutting Back For The Holidays?"

WBIR-TV in Knoxville has been posting a ‘Question of The Day’ over at their website, recently.  At times - it has been amazing to see the keyboard rage that would ignite in discussions that would ensue - all over one very simple question.

As time has come and gone - I’ve watched the tone of various discussions in that little pocket at the website.  Some would wonder where all the tension is coming from.  Most would give those few a good look that would need not one single word - but ask plenty…. “Where have you been, Moron?”  And when all else fails - just wait for the holiday season to arrive.  The truth always exposes itself at that time - without failure.

One of the questions posed this week at the website asked if folks were planning on cutting back on their spending for the holidays this year.  As I just said - the truth always exposes itself this time of year.  This particular question opened the flood gate.

The discussion was absolutely stunning.  The rage was ever so present.  However - there was no battle.  If anything to compare - it was like the size and presence of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  Every soul participating fell into perfect sync and harmony with the next.  And we all found ourselves standing - together - in agreement - and sharing support.

What developed in that discussion was a dose of medicine that should be distributed all across this nation during this holiday season.  I’m bringing my bottle here to share with those that come to read.  And I am putting my faith in God to use this post - bringing folks that really need this for support.  For what I found in that discussion - was a township of minds and hearts that feel exactly the same as I.  And it can only mean there are more feeling the same.  So - here goes.

Dwayne and I are not into the so-called Christmas Spirit for 2009.  In fact - we want no part of the 2009 Christmas Spirit.   Why?  Because we can see how Christmas has been hijacked by the Retail World.  Let me explain further.

While working on tearing out the wall between the kitchen and living room - we had the television on.  Both of us were listening to all the commercials flooding the air waves from all the retail sector with such a disgusting demeanor and message.  The commercialism - “You must have this” - “Everything is just Fine” - “Savings!  Savings!” (Lie) - “You can’t have a spectacular Christmas without this!”… *COUGH* - *GAG*

All this crap on television from all the retail sector trying to push this lie to us all that - everything is just fine - and we need to go ahead and buy their crap - and we must buy this and that for gifts to give our friends and family.  All these ads just filled with pretending there is absolutely nothing terrible going on in this country!  And each one having a punch line full of guilt that we should carry if we don’t fall in line and be the good little sheep that the common man is being expected to become in this country - while  bending over and taking it with a smile!

Dwayne and I make for a perfect example of a great scenario for why nobody should be falling into this nasty trap.  It’s the reason why everybody should choose to stand together and give only one gift to anyone this year -  and that would be - Giving the Bird to Commerce in this country.

We live in East Tennessee - without any of our family.  All our family lives elsewhere - in other states.

Here’s what we face each year when we prepare to ship gifts for Christmas.  The ridiculous prices that have been jacked up on everything.  The state of Tennessee has a sales tax of NINE ( 9 ) percent.  All the shipping materials.  All the gift wrapping supplies.  And then - all the shipping costs that have been jacked sky-high.

You see what’s going on here?  You see who is benefiting?  When you do the math - by far - it’s not even the person receiving the damn gift!  And the birth of Jesus has just been used - to suck us right in!!!

Not happening!  Not in this household.

Dwayne and I will not be shipping any Christmas packages out to anyone but our Granddaughter - Trinity - the only grandchild with parents smart enough - wise enough - loving enough - and understanding enough - to allow us to be grandparents!

We have decided on a different kind of gift to give all our loved ones - and we are asking the same from them.  We will be making donations to various charities - in our area - helping those going through Hell from all this destruction being done to our economy.  And when possible - names of family and friends will be attached to those gifts.

When you go to the grocery stores - drop what you can into the donations kitty for whatever charities they are assisting.

When you go to the Malls - DO NOT come to the exit without making sure you have a few dollars to put into the red kettles for the Salvation Army.

Go to your local Utility Companies.  Ask the Customer Service Reps to pull up any Delinquent Account and offer to pay that bill - to keep a family from going without heat - electricity - or water.  (We’re allowed to send donations in with our electric bills -year round - here in the state of Tennessee!)

Having a Christmas Party at your house - or - where you work?  Have everyone bring a Christmas gift to give to Toys for Tots or a local charity.

Have a Cookie Exchange at your house!  Have everyone bring non-perishable food items to be taken to a local pantry.

The point is this.  The situation in this country has become stupid.  That’s just all there is to the truth and reality.  And we have so-called human beings in this country - hiding behind various commerce entities - behaving like nothing less than thugs with a bunch of money - confused dispositions - and selfish assumptions that they can name their price and screw us all they want - for any reason - using any means to accomplish that - using our own friends and family to manipulate us with guilt trips!

In reality - they’re such low-life trash that THEY’LL EVEN USE CHRISTMAS TO TO THAT!!!

Dwayne and I will not fill the deep pockets of these sick souls - especially while they continue to destroy the lives of families by cutting jobs for the sake of profits - and selfish, greedy shareholders.  We will not allow them to use our friends and family as a means to suck us in - nor will we allow them to manipulate us with guilt trips.

We have friends and family in worse financial shape than us.  Why should we allow ourselves to be sucked into all that - to send gifts to those we love - and only end up making them feel shoved into guilt for not sending us gifts - or - shoved into feeling they have to do something they cannot truly financially afford to put themselves through?

Not happening!!!  We’re asking all our friends and family to keep Christmas real this year - celebrate with those right there beside you.  Keep it simple - put Christmas back in your heart - keep it out of your wallets.

Remove Christmas from the deep pockets of the Greedy Retail Sector in this country!

If you get any of this - if you agree with any of this - I ask one favor of you.

Send the link for this page to those you care about.  There are too many of us feeling the same way.  I have already discovered it to be fact - from only one discussion in one small part of this country.

"You must take personal responsibility.
You cannot change the circumstances,
the seasons, or the wind, but
you can change yourself."
- Jim Rohn


Once you take personal responsibility and you change yourself - all else usually steps back into proper line with willingness to be fair.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Holes in the House and ... Bang... Bang... Bang!

Dwayne has put a hole in our house.  And right now - our house looks like absolute Hell!  Think I’m kiddin’?  The coffee pot’s runnin’ in the front bathroom - this very moment!

I’d show you what I’m talking about - but - my digital camera died.  All I have for the moment is my Minolta 35mm that shoots processing film.  But I am taking those pictures!  Oh - Don’t you worry ‘bout that!  Yeah - this mess is gonna be a Kodak moment.  No doubt about that.

Dwayne has knocked out the wall between our kitchen and living room.  All that stands for the moment is the stud framing.  We found four rough-cut 8” posts out in the barn - but we’re only able to use two of those.  Guess they’ve been out there since this house was built.  Termites managed to get to the other two posts.  We’ll have to go buy two more posts for the support beams we’re putting in place of the wall.  Everything will become one great room.  There’s more light inside this house - already!

Due to weather conditions - we had to forego the idea of power washing and sealing the posts as they are.  Instead - Dwayne did some sanding to a certain point - leaving some of the character to the posts that will also add to the dimension of texture inside the house.

But the fun part came when it was time to carry the damn thing inside the house.  First one to go in is the cross beam.  Booger was long and 3-man heavy!  And we didn’t have three men.  Found something that prolly worked better.  One of my kitchen rugs - flipped upside down!  LOL  Set one end of the post on the rug - while Dwayne pushed it around like a kitchen broom!  I was down on my hands and knees chasing the rested end - shoving it into the right direction until we got it located where we want it for now.  Saved us about five more minutes of three drunks thinking about grabbing that fifth beer just as soon as they’d be laying that puppy down!

I did get this shot with the camera before it took its last breath.  We actually found insulation between the studs.  Dwayne had already removed and taken it all down into the basement before this shot was taken.

(click on the photo)

At this moment - all the slats on the kitchen side are now down in the basement.  All the electrical wiring is gone.  And Dwayne is now resetting the wiring in the proper places - where it should have been brought up - at the exterior wall.  So far - we see only two rows of slats in the floor and the ceiling that will need to be replaced.

The big question is - how far will we get before Christmas?  LOL

Friday, November 6, 2009

Major Surprise of the Day - Take a Look!

Besides all the other - stuff - that has been going on with me, lately… this thing about turning 50 years old has managed to embed itself into the mix.  Some of it good - some of it not so good.  Some of it better than most of all the other - stuff.  And - that’s pretty bad.  LOL

Seems like my teenage years were the common period of - Rebellion.  But this thing about turning a half-century has become something I wasn’t even expecting out of myself.  For me - some would say it’s beginning to move way beyond my years of teenage rebellion - more like - a Revolt!  And I’m not sure - but I think it was AARP’s punctuality with getting all their crap to me SIX WEEKS before I even dealt with the official date.  That just set me off.

I’m not ready for any rocking chair.  I still feel like I’m only 30 years old - on the inside.  Too bad so many under the age of 40 have trouble even considering that could be possible.  But - that’s just fine!  All I can say is this.  Baby - your day is coming!  ;)~

Rather than look at life on the downside of things - I’ve chosen to take advantage of my own realities and make the best of them.   The choices I make today have me doing better than all you girly girls that are still capable of bearing children.  Check this out.

I never went through depression over having to have a hysterectomy.  Instead - I was absolutely thrilled over thoughts about how much I was going to enjoy saving money every month - and feeling no more cramps all the way down to my knees!

I decided to shoot for a huge goal to celebrate my 50th Birthday this year.  I quit smoking.  Do you have any idea how much money I’m saving by doing that, as well?  A carton has reached $50.00 here!  And we were going through a carton each week - at the least!

Well - the thrill of saving money by becoming an old nag is beginning to grow into a new habit for me.  It was costing me $100.00 each time I went in to ‘have my roots dealt with’ when my hair was only shoulder length.  My last posted photo shows how long it has become since then.

I started doing some research on the Internet.  Sure enough - I found quite a few articles that turned out to be quite interesting!  Seems there’s a new trend coming for women with gray hair showing up.  They have decided to embrace with grace - and save some damn money!!!!  I would imagine the current economic situation in this country is nothing but a wonderful boost of support in such a decision for many - many others!  By the way - women are not the only ones doing this!!  And with all that support I found on the Internet -

Within the past 36 hours I have gone from this -

To this!

The best part is -

I actually look like a member of the family now!  I look just like Dwayne and Zucker!

This was a HUGE jump off of a cliff for me.  And I don't think I could have gotten through it without the help of Susan Garner - Stylist at Headlines Salon in Loudon, Tennessee!  Slowly - but surely - I'm going back to my old wishes for wanting to age with grace.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cold and Dead... and Winter's Not Even Here, Yet

I just haven’t been doing too well for a while now.  I’m not in a very good place.  For a time - I couldn’t seem to put my finger on the problem.  But I think I’m beginning to sort things out enough to rule out Depression.

If anything - Disappointment would be a much better description.  And quite honestly - it sits beside the word Anger - hand in hand - in several matters.

I'm really angry with the way too many people have lost their focus on being the best they can be - at being caring people toward others.

I'm angry because God won't go ahead and allow the miracles to come for my friend - Monica - like... letting her just jump out of bed and enjoy having life back in her hands and feeling perfectly wonderful.  God KNOWS she deserves that so much more than a LOT of other people in this world.

I'm disappointed in people not caring about what really matters in life - instead of caring about screwing over others.

They say it takes twenty-one days to break a habit.  Well - I quit smoking on September 27, 2009 - two days before my 50th birthday.  I’m now able to proudly claim I was smoke-free on my 50th birthday.  I count myself blessed for that thought even crossing my mind.  But all the other things going on haven’t really given any justice or fair opportunity to the twenty-one day claim in this case.  I’m no longer on the Chantix.  But that craving is still there.

And let Spite be the last thing lingering - to become the incentive I will use that will keep me from lighting up - ever again.  I WILL win this one.

I’ve decided to quit fighting with coloring my hair.  I've decided that it is MY hair.  I'm the one that has to fight with the blow-dryer and the curling irons.  I get to choose the new style.

I had to order my granddaughter's birthday present over the Internet and have it shipped directly to her.  She's turning 2-years-old and lives in Texas.  That hurts.  It won't have any birthday wrapping paper on it when she gets it.  It won't have one of those funny bows with - stuff - all around it - like I once was able to enjoy doing.  Just like every day of her life since the day she was born - I won't be able to have a day with a moment when I look at her and just soak in the beauty of seeing her smile - or say something cute.

But - at the very least - I can be grateful that her mommy has the wonderful heart that SHE has - and has no problems with letting me be a grandma.

Dwayne and I have decided we’re just gonna go have a Turkey dinner at some restaurant in Knoxville on Saturday - after Thanksgiving.  He has to work.

I’ve decided I’m not gonna dive into all the Holiday baking like I’ve been doing in the past.

We already gave up on trying to plant any spring bulbs or getting any fall clean-up done around the yard.

Maybe things will be better next year.

Maybe I’ll be able to tap in with folks who might appreciate what I CAN do.  And it will help me accomplish what I wish I COULD do.

For now - at the very least - I can count on going to work on my farms at Facebook to help me get my mind off of wanting that cigarette.