Thursday, July 30, 2009
In God I Trust
People in this country are going through Hell, right now. It matters to me – the fact that so many don’t know where to turn and feel so lost and alone. It is my responsibility to do what I can to help others understand that they are not alone – and they can climb out of that dark hole.
Those who know me tend to feel I can be a little confusing to read. There are times when others may sum up my posts appearing like I’m going through mood swings. There are times when a few may consider me some kind of Hypocrite – “she claims to be a Christian but, look at this!”
I say the confusion lies within the twists and turns of the goulash that comes out of all the churches – the many faces of Christianity that end up out there in public for the uncertain ones to view. The Book of Revelations warns of the Spirit of Division – Deceit – and false prophets – even inside the churches. And that’s why I stand outside. Maybe if I share my own self – it will help others understand they, too, can stand in the same place as me and find a boat load of peace in their lives.
I’d rather people not consider giving me the label of ‘Christian’. Reason why – that label has become broiled with confusion within its definition. Bottom line – I’m a Believer with a deep personal relationship with God. And I’ve learned that living my life is only required to be much more simpler – and more REALISTIC – versus what all the churches prefer everyone think. The Churches are a very sore subject with me – but that’s for another posting.
I don’t care who you are – when you find your life going through Hell – get your hands on a Bible. Get yourself settled into a quiet place somewhere – alone. Let go of every concern in your life for the moment and allow yourself to fuel up with answers – and some peace. Before you even open that Bible – know that your heart must really want goodness and truth for your life. Go to God in prayer. Ask Him to send you wherever He wants you to go inside that Bible to learn whatever it is that He wants you to learn for that day. Ask for the gift of Discernment (simple term - understanding). If your heart is in the right place – God will allow you to understand things inside the Bible as He intended.
Go into that Bible and just start turning pages – flip through chunks of pages – allowing your eyes to land where they may - but pay attention to where they land. Keep going back and forth through the chunks and/or pages – until your eyes land on scripture that hits you right in the gut. You’ll be shocked when you find something that pertains to some problem that’s going on in your life that very moment. And that will be what God wants you to learn about that day. That will be the issue He wants you to gain answers for resolving.
I was blessed enough to attend Sunday School in a Quaker church as a child. That gave me the seeds for always knowing where to go when life begins to turn on me. Through the years I have learned a few critical points in understanding God.
The Biggie in the list – God really does hold all the power over this planet. He really does get the last word in everything – and it is always good.
God, Himself – accepted defeat in His own efforts of wanting to create Man in the same form of Perfection as Himself. Because He was unable to make that happen – He has never expected any of us to be perfect. Actually - He relishes over honesty and realism.
God is considered Father – but He also takes on the role of Mother in that He chooses his battles with his children, too. He pays no mind to the petty stuff – such as smoking cigarettes – going to the bars and nightclubs – yada yada.
Bottom line – we only need to be concerned with what things are going on inside our heart, mind and soul – how well and proper we are taking care of the basic needs in our lives – and how we treat one another.
Now – don’t get me wrong. You get your butt in trouble at the bars and night clubs – that’s an issue. Nothing wrong with going out and having fun with friends and others. Overdoing the drinking to the point that it gets you into bad situations - that just crosses the line. That's a good thing going bad. Get it?
Overindulgence brings on the bad in every situation. Look at those without a home today – simply because they could not be happy with a home priced within their means. Foreclosures and repossessions of cars – boats – all those frivolous TOYS that they honestly could not afford and really did not need.
Throughout the Bible you will find that God loves good and hates evil. He gives us that right to agree with Him and oversee life on earth with the same attitude. He expects us to defend what is right and good – refuse to put up with bad things being done – and deal with those who choose to do bad things that bring harm or painful loss to others.
I don’t have to belong to some church to have my deep and wonderful relationship with God. I don’t have to be anything more than myself.
I don’t have to wear a dress inside some sanctuary. I don’t have to cross my arms when I pray. I don’t have to kiss and wave a bunch of beads around my head when I pray. I don’t have to starve myself during certain times of the year. Ohhhh – I could go on and on! Those are all a bunch of rules that come out of churches – put in place by other human beings – and God never had a thing to do with any single one of them!
The Fasting is a perfect example of the confusion thrown out here to us all. It’s a parable! The fasting we should be participating in pertains to letting go of things we’re forcing to make happen in our lives that aren’t working out. We’re supposed to stop burning time and energy on that and spend that time with God - seeking guidance and help to get through difficult times in our lives!
Has absolutely nothing to do with making ourselves go without food for a handful of days! Sheesh! Get it right! One of our basic needs is food! The human body is supposed to consume food on a daily basis just like every other living being on this planet! That’s how God intended it! Do you see Monkeys starving themselves on a regular basis?
But that’s how religions have melded themselves to suck us all into their churches. And that’s another posting there!
Last, but not least for today – you need to understand about those that choose to bury themselves in arguments about God by using scriptures from the Bible – as weapons. When they’re sparring back and forth in an obvious defensive stance – coming back with a different scripture each time – that’s nothing more than abusing good in a bad way. And that leads to my final thing on that list I've learned about God...
Satan exists, as well. And the Devil knows that Bible better than any one of us on this earth. Satan will use people as tools of his own. And the attacks with Bible scripture are one of his very favorites.
I can be me – be real – do the best I can with what I have in my life – be good to others – stand up to evil acts committed by others – drink my wine coolers or my Crown ‘n 7 – smoke my cigarettes – and STILL have a close relationship with God!
I can even get pissed as all get-out and raise absolute Hell! And I can even yell about my anger to Him! I might as well – He already knows what’s inside my heart at the moment! What He gets out of all that is my willingness to show Him my Honesty! Rather than nailing me into a corner about the petty crap - He gives me blessings for my pure Honesty. And when I calm down - He guides me to the help.
Obviously – He must be okay with me. Because there have been way too many times in my life when I have seen God get me through Hell in my life – and find Him on the other side waiting for me – with wonderful blessings to gift to me!
The secret in life is – making the physical effort to take care of the blessings in our lives that God has gifted to us. As long as we do the best we can – in good ways – and seek His help for matters beyond our control – for all the right reasons – God always gets the last word – and it is always good!
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
In God I Trust
People in this country are going through Hell, right now. It matters to me – the fact that so many don’t know where to turn and feel so lost and alone. It is my responsibility to do what I can to help others understand that they are not alone – and they can climb out of that dark hole.
Those who know me tend to feel I can be a little confusing to read. There are times when others may sum up my posts appearing like I’m going through mood swings. There are times when a few may consider me some kind of Hypocrite – “she claims to be a Christian but, look at this!”
I say the confusion lies within the twists and turns of the goulash that comes out of all the churches – the many faces of Christianity that end up out there in public for the uncertain ones to view. The Book of Revelations warns of the Spirit of Division – Deceit – and false prophets – even inside the churches. And that’s why I stand outside. Maybe if I share my own self – it will help others understand they, too, can stand in the same place as me and find a boat load of peace in their lives.
I’d rather people not consider giving me the label of ‘Christian’. Reason why – that label has become broiled with confusion within its definition. Bottom line – I’m a Believer with a deep personal relationship with God. And I’ve learned that living my life is only required to be much more simpler – and more REALISTIC – versus what all the churches prefer everyone think. The Churches are a very sore subject with me – but that’s for another posting.
I don’t care who you are – when you find your life going through Hell – get your hands on a Bible. Get yourself settled into a quiet place somewhere – alone. Let go of every concern in your life for the moment and allow yourself to fuel up with answers – and some peace. Before you even open that Bible – know that your heart must really want goodness and truth for your life. Go to God in prayer. Ask Him to send you wherever He wants you to go inside that Bible to learn whatever it is that He wants you to learn for that day. Ask for the gift of Discernment (simple term - understanding). If your heart is in the right place – God will allow you to understand things inside the Bible as He intended.
Go into that Bible and just start turning pages – flip through chunks of pages – allowing your eyes to land where they may - but pay attention to where they land. Keep going back and forth through the chunks and/or pages – until your eyes land on scripture that hits you right in the gut. You’ll be shocked when you find something that pertains to some problem that’s going on in your life that very moment. And that will be what God wants you to learn about that day. That will be the issue He wants you to gain answers for resolving.
I was blessed enough to attend Sunday School in a Quaker church as a child. That gave me the seeds for always knowing where to go when life begins to turn on me. Through the years I have learned a few critical points in understanding God.
The Biggie in the list – God really does hold all the power over this planet. He really does get the last word in everything – and it is always good.
God, Himself – accepted defeat in His own efforts of wanting to create Man in the same form of Perfection as Himself. Because He was unable to make that happen – He has never expected any of us to be perfect. Actually - He relishes over honesty and realism.
God is considered Father – but He also takes on the role of Mother in that He chooses his battles with his children, too. He pays no mind to the petty stuff – such as smoking cigarettes – going to the bars and nightclubs – yada yada.
Bottom line – we only need to be concerned with what things are going on inside our heart, mind and soul – how well and proper we are taking care of the basic needs in our lives – and how we treat one another.
Now – don’t get me wrong. You get your butt in trouble at the bars and night clubs – that’s an issue. Nothing wrong with going out and having fun with friends and others. Overdoing the drinking to the point that it gets you into bad situations - that just crosses the line. That's a good thing going bad. Get it?
Overindulgence brings on the bad in every situation. Look at those without a home today – simply because they could not be happy with a home priced within their means. Foreclosures and repossessions of cars – boats – all those frivolous TOYS that they honestly could not afford and really did not need.
Throughout the Bible you will find that God loves good and hates evil. He gives us that right to agree with Him and oversee life on earth with the same attitude. He expects us to defend what is right and good – refuse to put up with bad things being done – and deal with those who choose to do bad things that bring harm or painful loss to others.
I don’t have to belong to some church to have my deep and wonderful relationship with God. I don’t have to be anything more than myself.
I don’t have to wear a dress inside some sanctuary. I don’t have to cross my arms when I pray. I don’t have to kiss and wave a bunch of beads around my head when I pray. I don’t have to starve myself during certain times of the year. Ohhhh – I could go on and on! Those are all a bunch of rules that come out of churches – put in place by other human beings – and God never had a thing to do with any single one of them!
The Fasting is a perfect example of the confusion thrown out here to us all. It’s a parable! The fasting we should be participating in pertains to letting go of things we’re forcing to make happen in our lives that aren’t working out. We’re supposed to stop burning time and energy on that and spend that time with God - seeking guidance and help to get through difficult times in our lives!
Has absolutely nothing to do with making ourselves go without food for a handful of days! Sheesh! Get it right! One of our basic needs is food! The human body is supposed to consume food on a daily basis just like every other living being on this planet! That’s how God intended it! Do you see Monkeys starving themselves on a regular basis?
But that’s how religions have melded themselves to suck us all into their churches. And that’s another posting there!
Last, but not least for today – you need to understand about those that choose to bury themselves in arguments about God by using scriptures from the Bible – as weapons. When they’re sparring back and forth in an obvious defensive stance – coming back with a different scripture each time – that’s nothing more than abusing good in a bad way. And that leads to my final thing on that list I've learned about God...
Satan exists, as well. And the Devil knows that Bible better than any one of us on this earth. Satan will use people as tools of his own. And the attacks with Bible scripture are one of his very favorites.
I can be me – be real – do the best I can with what I have in my life – be good to others – stand up to evil acts committed by others – drink my wine coolers or my Crown ‘n 7 – smoke my cigarettes – and STILL have a close relationship with God!
I can even get pissed as all get-out and raise absolute Hell! And I can even yell about my anger to Him! I might as well – He already knows what’s inside my heart at the moment! What He gets out of all that is my willingness to show Him my Honesty! Rather than nailing me into a corner about the petty crap - He gives me blessings for my pure Honesty. And when I calm down - He guides me to the help.
Obviously – He must be okay with me. Because there have been way too many times in my life when I have seen God get me through Hell in my life – and find Him on the other side waiting for me – with wonderful blessings to gift to me!
The secret in life is – making the physical effort to take care of the blessings in our lives that God has gifted to us. As long as we do the best we can – in good ways – and seek His help for matters beyond our control – for all the right reasons – God always gets the last word – and it is always good!
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