I have had a blast with this brand new kit called Garden of Weedin' by Kimberly Stewart at http://www.scrapbook-elements.com/! I've got more photos of things going on around here and the layouts should be coming shortly!
We get up at 4am around here. Can't get much yardwork done when we're still a few hours away from the sunrise! So - I take that time to get a layout done - and a little bit of housework, as well! But once that sun pops up - time to go chase the weeds and all the other stuff there is to do outside before the moon takes its place!
Spicy Lime Grilled Chicken Kabobs
I never really measure anything in this recipe by any other way than personal taste. So, here's a guessing game you can play with to suit your own tastes!
6 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Filets
1 cup fresh Cilantro
6 - 8 Tbl. Lime Juice
1 Bottle Regular Italian Dressing
5 Cloves of fresh Garlic (or 1 Tbl. garlic powder)
1 heaping Tbl. Course-ground Sea Salt
Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
2 Zucchini Squashes
3 Yellow Hook-neck Squashes
1 Pkg. fresh Mushrooms (either kind, button shape)
1 Pkg. large wooden skewers
1. Cut chicken filets into 1" chunks. Cut squashes into 1/2" slices. Cut of the very bottom of mushroom stems without removing. Dice fresh garlic. Cut fresh cilantro into small pieces - but do not mince. (Best way to judge is to imagine one of the leaves resting on a bite of chicken.)
2. Throw all ingredients into one-gallon size ziploc bag. Marinate in refrigerator for a minimum of 3 hours.
Here's the messy part! Make sure you're near the kitchen sink and have plenty of paper towels around!
3. Grab some older kids (or a husband) to help. One sets up the grill. The other begins skewing items. (Skewing not a job for small kids. Too easy to poke their hands and fingers while skewing the chicken.) Skew items in consecutive order.
4. Once the grill is ready, set skewed kabobs laying in the same direction as the grill wire; otherwise, food may slip between the wires and stick, or, fall off skewer during cooking.
5. Everybody's got their own way of determining when the food is done! So, just use common sense. But you want to turn the skewers every five minutes, or so, to make sure the kabobs fully cook on all sides.
Remember - this recipe gets you started. But you can adjust measurements of all the spices to fit your own tastes! This should make enough to feed about 4-5 adults.
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