This ended up being my third Challenge entry - by pure fluke! i'd purchased Robyn LittleJohn's 2 Oliver kit previously. A couple days ago, i completed the page about Zucker's first experience with snow and posted it in the gallery at Digital Design Den. i got a surprise when Robyn sent me wonderful comments about my layout - and then asked me if i wanted to submit it into Her Challenge that was still opened!
i'm sitting there, staring at the email - stunned and feeling - mindless - once again! Personal note to God... get ready, 'cuz it's official. i am getting older.
Anyway - i responded to Robyn's email with a question of how to do so at that particular website. i had been, practically, led by the nose in the right direction for posting my first-ever Challenge by the hosting designer. To go for that first attempt of entering and posting on my own for the next one?
Well - a forum is a forum is a forum unlike every forum - just like a forest is a forest is a forest unlike every other forest - but You can, still, get lost in the woods! Ya' know?
Robyn must have appreciated the laugh for the day more than i thought. She just threw me into the pile, Herself! And then - She sent me the url for downloading the cutest little kit that She was rewarding entrants with for Their efforts! What a wonderful woman!!!!
On with the show - little did I know i would put myself through an attempt at manhood yesterday. i get all excited about getting in on this challenge of Wendy's! i'd already done a challenge elsewhere on that same subject of "Somebody Important in Your Life" and chose my husband as my victim for that project. *snicker*
i go purchase the kit while i'm considering my subject. The kit is so pretty! Jennifer's Prom photos came to mind before i even had the kit downloaded. i spent the rest of the day putting a beautiful layout together of Jennifer and Tommy (Her date) on Prom night. Once i'm happy with the layout - i go save all my formatted copies and make it to the one i needed for posting into Wendy's Challenge. It's only then - that this Dingbat decides to read the description for the Challenge. i felt almost male. You know - They always dig in with the tools and start assembling without reading the directions. Scarey!
Well - my daughter is somebody really important in my life. That goes without saying. But my heart and mind were in a completely different place while i was doing that layout about Her Prom. It was all more about Her joy. i wanted the page to give everything that would warm Her heart with Her own revisited memories down the road. i left her Prom Night layout for the place originally planned for - and started completely over.
i thought about my Grandma Paparelli. Butterflies began going nuts inside my heart and stomach! i knew there were a couple of photos in my box. By the time i finished hunting - there were many more photos than i'd thought! And i found myself to be child-like. i felt stubbornness coming on. i was refusing to be forced to choose a couple photos. My layout was about my Grandma. i have a lot of wonderful memories of my Grandma! There were a lot of things about my Grandma that i have always loved and admired!
i did the best i could to pacify myself. Still - i had to compromise. i had to give up a few photos. But as for the compromise - i'll get to do more pages about this wonderful woman in my life. i just have to! There is so much about this woman that was so exciting! She was a vibrant woman with class - strength - beauty - and grace!
Here goes!

Journaling –
Her name was Margaret Katherine. Friends and other family called her Marge. But to me – she was always Grandma Paparelli. Not just Grandma – always Grandma Paparelli. To make this collage of her was so difficult. I find myself back in the mindset of a five-year-old – wanting to just plaster the entire page with photos of her. There are so many photos that say much about her. Here are a few that give me windows into the many things to love. Such things she instilled inside my heart with cuddles of inspiration from her own wonderful talents. I never lift a finger with my own interests and enjoyment without thoughts of her – always giving her the credit for teaching me. She showed us how to make a snapdragon flower’s mouth open and close. That gave me my love of gardening. She always sent holiday gift boxes – Easter candy, tiny valentine cards and, of course – Christmas. Boxes with hand-sewn summer outfits, crocheted winter slippers, vests, scarves and hats. She sewed almost everything worn by my Grandpa Paparelli and herself. That gave me my love of arts and crafts, sewing, needlecraft – and scrapbooking! She was die-hard Oakland A’s and Raiders Fan! She was a lady who would dress to the Nines for dinner – or – to simply, go out to run errands. She never owned a car. She never drove a car. Public transportation and walking were her choice. And she could dance. She loved dancing to all that 1940’s music! We lost her in August, 1990. And I never got to say "Good-bye." But I am always saying, "Hello" and she always makes me smile. I can hear her comical laughing. And I can hear her raising cane during plays of games she would listen to on the radio and watch on the television – many times, at the same time! And one of the sweetest joys of mine – I can see her smiling. I always loved the feeling it gave me – to see her smile!
Fonts –
Bookman Old Style
My Grandma was an awesome woman!
Love these too! Great job!
This is beautiful!
Have a great day!
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