
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Two Successes

You would be looking at two more successes in this photo.

Success Number One -

The Chicken Tractor was finished yesterday.

Getting the Girls inside wasn’t as easy as it may seem by the sight in this photo.  We butted up the chicken tractor to the front door of the Chicken Hotel.  Had to use my cardboard sheet to herd ‘em out the main door into the small area at the front door for storing feed and handling tasks.

The scene was like something out of one of the Three Stooges movies.  All these birds panicking - trying to bunch up into this tiny little corner made by the feed can and the wall built with 2x4’s and wire poultry netting.  Squawking - screeching - chirping - feathers floating.

And then one of ‘em squeezes out from under the pile and jumps to the top of the feed can - only to discover ‘freedom ‘ - above the top of the chicken tractor.  And just as he stiffens and - obviously - considers jumping for it - Dwayne starts his own squawking and ranting - from outside - where he’s got the easy job - standing to block a few inches of space between the building and the chicken tractor.

Were it not for the fact that I was worried they were going to hurt each other - I could have ended up busting up laughing until I was bent over in pain.  So much for all the learning experiences they’re gonna keep going through for a while!

The chicken tractor is sized just enough for us to be able to stand while bending over inside.  They insist I use my cardboard sheet to herd them out when it’s time to go back inside their Chicken Hotel at the end of the day.  I think they like being outside - too much.

Thirteen chickens have been in that space all day long - walking around - eating their chicken starter crumble - drinking their medicated water - catching bugs - and eating the grass.  What goes in must come out.  I am not about to go in there to round ’em up - on my knees.  That’s just - not happening. 

Success Number Two -

With a lot of great support and advice from several folks ( I consider them lifesavers - mine in particular ) - the struggle to help my entire flock of 8-week-old Buff Orpington chicks come through Coccidiosis seems to have had more positive outweighing the negative.

They are looking wonderful in the photos above that were taken yesterday - compared to the sight of them earlier this week.  I won’t go into details.  It was not pretty.  And really - you don’t wanna know.  You just - don't.  Trust me.

Sadly - I did lose two of the 15 birds - one being my buddy that was downright pushy about him being the only one that could have me.  I belonged to him - as far as he was concerned.  And my job was to sit inside the chicken yard - and hold him - as far as he was concerned.

I think what made most of the difference in how easily I’ve been able to handle the loss is the fact that I had not named any of the birds.  That remains the case.  It will be a while before knowing without a doubt - who is male and/or female.

I mean - think about it.  What if our parents named us as soon as they found out our mother was pregnant with us?  There’d be a whole lotta boys named Sue - huh…

But the good in this nightmare - these birds went down badly enough that they didn’t even fight me when I handled them.  And now - none of them have issues about me petting them - or - picking them up to hold them for a while.  Actually - they’ve come to enjoy being spoiled.

Even worse - I now have a few of them that fight over jumping up to sit on my bent legs when I squat down to spend time with them.

Doubt if I’ll be doing much of that squatting.  Give it a couple more weeks of that and - it’ll be looking like another scene from some Three Stooges movie. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fighting Coccidiosis Out of My Entire Flock

The past several days have been a roller-coaster.  Looks like things are beginning to improve - although not without loss.

I lost two of my Buff Orpington chickens on Monday evening.  All the others seem to be perking up - my win from all the struggling to save them.

One of the two that I lost was my little buddy that had become spoiled rotten to having me hold him all the time.  I think the good in all this is the fact that I had not reached the point of giving anyone a name - yet.

I couldn’t find any rational sense in naming somebody Maureen - only to discover later - Maureen was actually supposed to be Maury.

Figuring out the sex on dogs and cats is just too easy.  This thing with chickens is much like the old days of being pregnant before they had Ultra-Sound equipment.

I’ve had several friends in the Homestead Poultry group at Yahoo come to my rescue - which has been a wonderful blessing - loads of experience holding me up for support - which I am ever so grateful for being able to learn from.

My eyes almost begin watering - from merely watching that whole tablespoon of ground cayenne pepper going into the strawberry-banana yogurt - along with the garlic powder - additional live culture - and crushed multi-vitamin.

Yuck “ doesn’t even reach the thought of how all that concoction must taste.  But Shar mentioned that chickens can’t taste anything.

Lucky for me.  Otherwise - I’d have 13 birds wanting to peck my eyes out!

For  now - I continue on the routine of keeping their feeders and waterer cleaned.  They’ll continue with their little yogurt concoction.  And I’ll continue dispensing the 2Tbl. Duramycin-10 with 1Tbl. Sugar into a gallon of water for them to drink.

Very slow process.  But I am beginning to see great improvement in the stools and their demeanor.  Hopefully - they’ll come out on the other side of this with very little damage.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Where in Hell is Midas?

I’ve been awake since about 3:45am this morning.  After tossing and turning for about an hour - I conceded by getting dressed and allowing Dwayne to sleep without all the interruption.

All on the home front was absolutely fine when we headed to Lenoir City for supplies to build a chicken run.

The irony came when we returned to the house.

Like some kind of instant blast of Nightmare fell.  Almost every single one of my birds was down.  And a startling tale-tell sign was discovered - bloody stool.

First on my agenda - changing the water over with all fresh water that included Pedialyte.

Next - I went ahead and cleaned the inside of the hen house.  My first thought was how quickly this turn of events hit - minimizing as much possible contamination as possible.  Beyond that - it was just motherly panic - do anything - “ Come on, Babies - feel better - now ! “

A phone call to check on inventory was followed by a trip back to Lenoir City - picking up Duramycin-10 before Tractor Supply closed at 6pm.  It only figures - Hell always has to break loose with children and pets on Sunday.

Recently - I swapped feed and began using DuMor Chicken Starter 20%.  Some folks squawk about the medicated feeds.  After talking with one of the guys at Tractor Supply - I’m finding out that the feeds - actually - only have trace amounts of the medications.

At this moment - I’m wishing there were more preventative amounts added.

Daylight has not broken yet.  But I had - already - began preparing myself for the fact that - most likely - my routine morning trip out to the Chicken Hotel will result in the discovery of a loss of birds.  My faith and hope can only muster the question of how many - at this point.  To have any surviving this morning - I’ll take that as a miracle.

And as usual - dealing with dead birds will fall under the category of - dealing with calamities that only come on days when Dwayne has to work - or shall I say - nights when Dwayne has to work.

I’m so far beyond anger at this moment.  In fact - I’ve reached the point where my attitude is - “ Live or die - whatever.

And that goes for just about anything around this place - plant or animal.  I give up.

I am sick and tired of going through Hell to make something happen around here - only to end up fighting to keep from allowing the intense physical pain push me into rolling up into a ball to wait for God to simply allow that last breath to come - and all the effort in the goal end up in a trash bag - or buried a few feet underground.

So far - my doctor is almost certain that Fibromyalgia has taken over my body - just like my mother.  My doctor attempted to prescribe Cymbalta.

Medco has put the screws to us on our plan - of course - thanks to the screwing by our government with the so-called Healthcare plan they voted on.  I would now have to pay 40 percent of the price that the Pharmaceutical Gangsters are charging.

To pay $100.00 per month - ( my part ) - for a prescription - to me - is no different than paying another $100.00 per month for healthcare coverage.

I don’t care if everybody says - “ It’s happening to everybody.

That’s why it’s happening.  If everybody would just learn to gang up together and REFUSE to take the screwing by them - it wouldn’t happen.

Some people wanna blame the Democrats - blame Obama.

What you people fail to realize is - it would not matter which side did it.

Democrats - “ Let’s screw ‘em this way.

Republicans - “ Nooo… we wanna screw ‘em THIS way. “

It’s a game for both sides - and they’re laughing behind closed doors - at us - the taxpayers.

I will NEVER pay $100.00 for a prescription.

I’ll just end my statement there.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Bad Into A Good

What do you do - when you've made the mistake of taking Non-Drowsy formula Allergy meds at 10:30 pm - and Insomnia is having a Hey-Day with your head?

You sneak in some Digital Scrapbooking!

This was a fun moment with Carlie - for the whole family!  Somehow - all four of us - Carlie - Zucker - Dwayne and myself - ended up at the kitchen sink.

That's when Daddy just could not resist having a little fun and getting a little revenge on Carlie.

Kit -
" I Love You This Much " by Kimberly Stewart at

Fonts -
Eras Demi ITC

Friday, August 20, 2010

Rubber FlowerBeds!!

See those two tires?  You should have seen Dwayne and I rolling them to the driveway down on the side of the house - earlier today - and loading them into the back of the pickup.  Dwayne could barely see my eyes from the other side.

For those of you unfamiliar - these were loaded with water.  Farmers tend to load rear tractor tires with various liquids ( safe ones - of course ) for better traction.

And for those of you unfamiliar - I'm only 4' 11" in height.

Finally - after the past two rounds of days off spent on looking for rear tractor tires!

And we want to thank the guys at Helms Tire on Hwy. 411 in Madisonville, TN.  They’re good people - wonderful customer service.

Hubby looks like a little boy up there - going out to play on his toy!  I like his new stack he rigged.  This will help when we get ready to cut hay.

As boys will do - they never can wait to go give their toys that little ‘ test run ‘ - and he did!

Dwayne brought the old tires back home - rather than paying $30 to leave 'em.

They'll make perfect raised beds to plant flowers right around the Chicken Hotel - huh!  LOL

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I sent this to my husband yesterday - while he was at work.

And then I let him sleep until around 3pm today.

Must be nice.  Sleep.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Something Old with Something New

I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday.

Since I was already having to leave the house and head to Lenoir City - I decided to leave a little early - and hit one my favorite little trinket shops that’s planted on the way.

I found this little gem.

I thought - “ Wouldn’t it be cool to use this for the spices I use more than others ! “

I headed to Wally World after finishing up at the clinic.  I was supposed to pick up a new prescription.  And I decided to go hunting for something I could use for spice jars - that would fit inside my newfound gem.

I walked out the doors after refusing to accept the prescription.  To pay $100.00 every month for a prescription - to me - is no different than paying another $100.00 per month for the health insurance.

" Dear Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Medco My husband and I pay TOO MUCH ALREADY for your so-called ' Coverage ' as you are so confused to continue calling what is nothing more than - monetary rape ! "

But I did not walk out empty-handed.  I came across this 10oz. Emma Jar.

I guessed right!  Six fit just fine!

Now I have to head to Turkey Creek - Hobby Lobby in particular.

I want to get an Etching Kit and make my own stencils with the names of the spices - to etch onto the lids and one side of the jars.

Anything for an excuse to go slobbering all around Hobby Lobby for hours - while swearing up and down that my ATM card is burning a hole in my purse!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ohhh - Those Suthun' Vaypuhs !

You KNOW it’s hot when they’re willing to do this.

Whaaaaaaaat… ?  Drown ?  Who told you that ?  Can’t drown in water that doesn’t even cover our feet, goofus !   Y’all are just - chicken !

Just enough water to cool their toes off!

" Well - Honey.  Maybe you really DO need that.  You’re gonna boil from the inside out if you don’t calm down !

I dunno - Milred.  I just dunno.  Think we can jump in from here - without falling on our beaks and lookin’ TOTALLY stupid ?

Cluck.  NO THANK YOU.  I’d rather do the NORMAL thing to cool off - and sit here like some intelligent hen - with my backside to the wind.

Yeeeeaaaahhhh….  What SHE said !

Monday, August 9, 2010

Pocketful of Quiet

Wow - a pocket of - pure quiet time.

It’s something so rare around our house.  Precious - more than gold for me.

I'm able to take a mental look and see the progress.

I’m able to hear all my concerns flowing in my heart.

And of all things - In the back of my mind - Chris Daughtry and Vince Gill - singing ‘ Tennessee Line ‘ and it gives me ‘ goose bumps ‘ that make me smile.  And my eyes well up.

Looking into the rearview as the roads fade away - I’ve sworn off my past - First to last bad call that I ever made - Tell me how to make right - Every wrong turn that I’ve learned - So this can all end tonight - Tennessee line just changed my - Well it’s my heart I’ll follow this time.

We only get a one-time ride in this life.

After years of entanglement - how sad it is - when one looks back for one last time to - finally - say ‘ good-bye ‘ to the losses of better things one was meant to have - deserved to have - that were robbed from them.

How sad it is - when one has reached a fork in the road of their own journey - being forced to split their heart into two halves - leaving one to crawl across the shard down one path - the other to roll down the smooth asphalt of the other path - after choosing to take back control of one’s life - and go in the direction best - for experiencing peace in their life - finally - in the present.

Years - no waitDecades of entanglement - while waiting for others to do the right thing.  One reaches a point where one must accept - that wish will never happen.

To move on in one’s life - with peace - comes with sacrifice - even then.  When the wish takes two - and you are only one.

In all honesty - History shows the wish has been only yours - for decades.  Many times - you came to call.  Many times - nobody would answer.  They were too busy.  You were confused.  Life only goes - their way.

When the wish has choked one all those years - until one finally screams out - ‘ Enough ! ‘  And even then one is forced to face one final stabbing in one’s heart - when one’s choice of traveling down the smooth road for peace in one’s life means - one is left with no other choice but to leave others behind - because of choices they made for themselves.

And all one can do is wonder if any of those will ever go back and find that same fork in the road - choose to change paths and catch up with you.

And History says - " It would have happened long ago - if it were ever going to happen. "

Still - in the meantime - one moves forward with only a mere question about one‘s past.  Will anyone come - carrying the other half of one’s heart - ready to heal?

A dry snicker fills the quiet.

 " It was always only the other way around. You were confused.  Life only goes their way. "

Somehow - it’s much easier to accept - that will never happen.

And that's not okay.

But - I am.  And I will be.

** Thank you -sooo very, very much for this song, Chris.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I Shall Sing ' Mojito ' Style

Evvvvvvery once - in - a - while...

We have our fun moments around here.  Yeah - she wants bubbles in her next bath.

Typical Girlie Girl.

It has been nuts around here - as usual.  As I type - I have almost reached the point where the last pot of homemade tomato sauce is ready for canning.

We started on those two days ago.  If I were a car with disc brakes - they’d be shot to Hell by now.

Start - Stop - Start - Stop - Start - Stop.

If it’s not one thing - it’s another.  Always something.  There’s always a detour.

I’m done with tomatoes.  The tomatoes are not done.  But - I am.

I have enough to fight with - without fighting with the birds around here.

We have lost our corn.

Between the tormenting heat - and the squirrel that came back - it’s gone.  I think when we planted it - as well as the way we planted - may also be contributors.

But - just for spite - I may go ahead and put up our tent - out by the garden - and camp out by the garden for the night - with the 9mm.

We will have no corn from our garden this year.

Hopefully - I can find some at the local Farmer’s Markets for putting up.

But all is not lost.  We put away nine packages of Yukon Gold potatoes - weighing an average of 2lbs. Per package.

Next on the agenda … My Mother-In-Law’s most favorite job!

Jalapenos. ( Inside joke.  It wasn't so funny back then. )

I’m tired.  I’m finished with gardening for this year.

Okay - I’m not finished with gardening.  I’m finished with the fight that comes with gardening as it exists at our home right now.

I’m taking a break.  I will not be planting a vegetable garden next year.

I’m done.  I realize the next spring does not arrive until next year.  But - it’s not stopping me from already enjoying the break I am looking so forward to experiencing.  I can already feel the ‘goose bumps ‘ - and the water.

Yeah - the water.

It will be like dragging my husband all the way to a Day Spa by the hair on his head.  I know this.  But - by the Grace - Support - and Blessing from God - Himself….

I will have a swimming pool - or - Jacuzzi - one or the other - next spring.

And I will go chasing after all the Farmer’s Markets around here.

And I will come home from all the Farmer’s Markets around here - to stand on the corner of my Jacuzzi - or go float on an air mattress in my pool - ( with a really serious Mojito in hand ) - and scream out something that will have the neighbors thinking it’s - Opera!

And when enough of ‘em show up to bitch about it - we’ll all go inside the house and do some canning or freezing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Are We There YET ?

( Homemade Tomato Sauce - My First Try - Took FOREVER.  But it was sooo worth it! )

You know that little water spout that forms near the end - when the bathtub is emptying out?

( The first batch of Half-Pints full of Tomato Sauce. )

That’s where we are around here.  Only - it feels as if the water spout spent time above the water - like you can see around Galveston Bay at times.  And it looks like it came up on land - too.

( More to come. )

The water is receding.  The mess abounds!

And right now Carlie is trying to get my attention by touching my box of potatoes with her foot and grumbling…

She is sooooo the Brat!  She knows she’s not supposed to mess with the potatoes!

We’re close to winding down.  And yet - there is still so much to do.

Just the thought of my decision to not set up a garden next year gives me ‘ goose bumps ‘ at this point.

I’m gonna work on the landscaping for the front of our house next year - instead.

We have three Bradford Pear trees.  The previous owners planted them out front - smack in the middle of a gorgeous view of the Great Smoky Mountains and Cherokee National Park.

I don’t like them.  I want them gone.  And Dwayne is game for any excuse to play with the power of the toy.  “ Chain it up, boys ! ”

This has been quite the gardening season.  I think this has been the strangest spring and summer, yet.

The heat has won. I’m not even happy with the appearance of our corn.  I’m just not so sure it’s going to make this year.

And I’m so worn out that I have to muster up any caring.  I mean - what can one do?  Mother Nature has the upper hand.

All you can do is try again - next season.

Well - season after next season for me.

Wait a minute...  That's Brendon Clark.  How'd he get in here?

The girls are doing just fine.  I decided to stop going to Co-Op to get the Chick Starter.

This last bag had about 25 percent actual crumble - and the rest looked like flour.

My birds began acting funny - like they were starving - a couple days after feeding with that bag.

So I made a trip up to Tractor Supply.  The guy that helped me commented that I was the second person coming in telling him the very same thing that morning.

I seem to be having better results with their behavior feeding them DuMOR Chick starter - instantly.  So - I guess I’ll stick with that until it’s time to change up after they turn 12 weeks old.

We’re about to wrap up with tomatoes.  We still haven’t managed to get potatoes dug up.  They’ll be next.

From there - we start canning potatoes and jalapeno peppers.

And in between - I have appointments lined up with my therapist and my doctor.  And I’m still trying to find a dentist taking new patients.  But I’ve been told to hold off on any surgery until we find out exactly what’s going on with me.

All I know is this.  I live with constant pain - inside and outside.  And the anti-inflammatory pills I’m taking right now are doing very little to help - a couple hours of slight relief at best.

Those who know me well enough - know that I have always had a high tolerance to pain and a low tolerance to medications.

I have too much to take care of in my life to be putting up with pills that knock my lights out.  I don’t like trying to live my daily life without having full control over my head.

I still have over half a 90-day supply of muscle relaxers that my other doctor gave me last year.

By the time I have to go to the doctor - by the time I cave in and take a pill for the pain - I can barely move on my own without fighting the crying.

That’s just the way I am.

I guess that comes from watching so many others I care about - destroying their lives by abusing drugs.

Many of my best teachers in life taught me what NOT to do.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Two Successes

You would be looking at two more successes in this photo.

Success Number One -

The Chicken Tractor was finished yesterday.

Getting the Girls inside wasn’t as easy as it may seem by the sight in this photo.  We butted up the chicken tractor to the front door of the Chicken Hotel.  Had to use my cardboard sheet to herd ‘em out the main door into the small area at the front door for storing feed and handling tasks.

The scene was like something out of one of the Three Stooges movies.  All these birds panicking - trying to bunch up into this tiny little corner made by the feed can and the wall built with 2x4’s and wire poultry netting.  Squawking - screeching - chirping - feathers floating.

And then one of ‘em squeezes out from under the pile and jumps to the top of the feed can - only to discover ‘freedom ‘ - above the top of the chicken tractor.  And just as he stiffens and - obviously - considers jumping for it - Dwayne starts his own squawking and ranting - from outside - where he’s got the easy job - standing to block a few inches of space between the building and the chicken tractor.

Were it not for the fact that I was worried they were going to hurt each other - I could have ended up busting up laughing until I was bent over in pain.  So much for all the learning experiences they’re gonna keep going through for a while!

The chicken tractor is sized just enough for us to be able to stand while bending over inside.  They insist I use my cardboard sheet to herd them out when it’s time to go back inside their Chicken Hotel at the end of the day.  I think they like being outside - too much.

Thirteen chickens have been in that space all day long - walking around - eating their chicken starter crumble - drinking their medicated water - catching bugs - and eating the grass.  What goes in must come out.  I am not about to go in there to round ’em up - on my knees.  That’s just - not happening. 

Success Number Two -

With a lot of great support and advice from several folks ( I consider them lifesavers - mine in particular ) - the struggle to help my entire flock of 8-week-old Buff Orpington chicks come through Coccidiosis seems to have had more positive outweighing the negative.

They are looking wonderful in the photos above that were taken yesterday - compared to the sight of them earlier this week.  I won’t go into details.  It was not pretty.  And really - you don’t wanna know.  You just - don't.  Trust me.

Sadly - I did lose two of the 15 birds - one being my buddy that was downright pushy about him being the only one that could have me.  I belonged to him - as far as he was concerned.  And my job was to sit inside the chicken yard - and hold him - as far as he was concerned.

I think what made most of the difference in how easily I’ve been able to handle the loss is the fact that I had not named any of the birds.  That remains the case.  It will be a while before knowing without a doubt - who is male and/or female.

I mean - think about it.  What if our parents named us as soon as they found out our mother was pregnant with us?  There’d be a whole lotta boys named Sue - huh…

But the good in this nightmare - these birds went down badly enough that they didn’t even fight me when I handled them.  And now - none of them have issues about me petting them - or - picking them up to hold them for a while.  Actually - they’ve come to enjoy being spoiled.

Even worse - I now have a few of them that fight over jumping up to sit on my bent legs when I squat down to spend time with them.

Doubt if I’ll be doing much of that squatting.  Give it a couple more weeks of that and - it’ll be looking like another scene from some Three Stooges movie. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fighting Coccidiosis Out of My Entire Flock

The past several days have been a roller-coaster.  Looks like things are beginning to improve - although not without loss.

I lost two of my Buff Orpington chickens on Monday evening.  All the others seem to be perking up - my win from all the struggling to save them.

One of the two that I lost was my little buddy that had become spoiled rotten to having me hold him all the time.  I think the good in all this is the fact that I had not reached the point of giving anyone a name - yet.

I couldn’t find any rational sense in naming somebody Maureen - only to discover later - Maureen was actually supposed to be Maury.

Figuring out the sex on dogs and cats is just too easy.  This thing with chickens is much like the old days of being pregnant before they had Ultra-Sound equipment.

I’ve had several friends in the Homestead Poultry group at Yahoo come to my rescue - which has been a wonderful blessing - loads of experience holding me up for support - which I am ever so grateful for being able to learn from.

My eyes almost begin watering - from merely watching that whole tablespoon of ground cayenne pepper going into the strawberry-banana yogurt - along with the garlic powder - additional live culture - and crushed multi-vitamin.

Yuck “ doesn’t even reach the thought of how all that concoction must taste.  But Shar mentioned that chickens can’t taste anything.

Lucky for me.  Otherwise - I’d have 13 birds wanting to peck my eyes out!

For  now - I continue on the routine of keeping their feeders and waterer cleaned.  They’ll continue with their little yogurt concoction.  And I’ll continue dispensing the 2Tbl. Duramycin-10 with 1Tbl. Sugar into a gallon of water for them to drink.

Very slow process.  But I am beginning to see great improvement in the stools and their demeanor.  Hopefully - they’ll come out on the other side of this with very little damage.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Where in Hell is Midas?

I’ve been awake since about 3:45am this morning.  After tossing and turning for about an hour - I conceded by getting dressed and allowing Dwayne to sleep without all the interruption.

All on the home front was absolutely fine when we headed to Lenoir City for supplies to build a chicken run.

The irony came when we returned to the house.

Like some kind of instant blast of Nightmare fell.  Almost every single one of my birds was down.  And a startling tale-tell sign was discovered - bloody stool.

First on my agenda - changing the water over with all fresh water that included Pedialyte.

Next - I went ahead and cleaned the inside of the hen house.  My first thought was how quickly this turn of events hit - minimizing as much possible contamination as possible.  Beyond that - it was just motherly panic - do anything - “ Come on, Babies - feel better - now ! “

A phone call to check on inventory was followed by a trip back to Lenoir City - picking up Duramycin-10 before Tractor Supply closed at 6pm.  It only figures - Hell always has to break loose with children and pets on Sunday.

Recently - I swapped feed and began using DuMor Chicken Starter 20%.  Some folks squawk about the medicated feeds.  After talking with one of the guys at Tractor Supply - I’m finding out that the feeds - actually - only have trace amounts of the medications.

At this moment - I’m wishing there were more preventative amounts added.

Daylight has not broken yet.  But I had - already - began preparing myself for the fact that - most likely - my routine morning trip out to the Chicken Hotel will result in the discovery of a loss of birds.  My faith and hope can only muster the question of how many - at this point.  To have any surviving this morning - I’ll take that as a miracle.

And as usual - dealing with dead birds will fall under the category of - dealing with calamities that only come on days when Dwayne has to work - or shall I say - nights when Dwayne has to work.

I’m so far beyond anger at this moment.  In fact - I’ve reached the point where my attitude is - “ Live or die - whatever.

And that goes for just about anything around this place - plant or animal.  I give up.

I am sick and tired of going through Hell to make something happen around here - only to end up fighting to keep from allowing the intense physical pain push me into rolling up into a ball to wait for God to simply allow that last breath to come - and all the effort in the goal end up in a trash bag - or buried a few feet underground.

So far - my doctor is almost certain that Fibromyalgia has taken over my body - just like my mother.  My doctor attempted to prescribe Cymbalta.

Medco has put the screws to us on our plan - of course - thanks to the screwing by our government with the so-called Healthcare plan they voted on.  I would now have to pay 40 percent of the price that the Pharmaceutical Gangsters are charging.

To pay $100.00 per month - ( my part ) - for a prescription - to me - is no different than paying another $100.00 per month for healthcare coverage.

I don’t care if everybody says - “ It’s happening to everybody.

That’s why it’s happening.  If everybody would just learn to gang up together and REFUSE to take the screwing by them - it wouldn’t happen.

Some people wanna blame the Democrats - blame Obama.

What you people fail to realize is - it would not matter which side did it.

Democrats - “ Let’s screw ‘em this way.

Republicans - “ Nooo… we wanna screw ‘em THIS way. “

It’s a game for both sides - and they’re laughing behind closed doors - at us - the taxpayers.

I will NEVER pay $100.00 for a prescription.

I’ll just end my statement there.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Bad Into A Good

What do you do - when you've made the mistake of taking Non-Drowsy formula Allergy meds at 10:30 pm - and Insomnia is having a Hey-Day with your head?

You sneak in some Digital Scrapbooking!

This was a fun moment with Carlie - for the whole family!  Somehow - all four of us - Carlie - Zucker - Dwayne and myself - ended up at the kitchen sink.

That's when Daddy just could not resist having a little fun and getting a little revenge on Carlie.

Kit -
" I Love You This Much " by Kimberly Stewart at

Fonts -
Eras Demi ITC

Friday, August 20, 2010

Rubber FlowerBeds!!

See those two tires?  You should have seen Dwayne and I rolling them to the driveway down on the side of the house - earlier today - and loading them into the back of the pickup.  Dwayne could barely see my eyes from the other side.

For those of you unfamiliar - these were loaded with water.  Farmers tend to load rear tractor tires with various liquids ( safe ones - of course ) for better traction.

And for those of you unfamiliar - I'm only 4' 11" in height.

Finally - after the past two rounds of days off spent on looking for rear tractor tires!

And we want to thank the guys at Helms Tire on Hwy. 411 in Madisonville, TN.  They’re good people - wonderful customer service.

Hubby looks like a little boy up there - going out to play on his toy!  I like his new stack he rigged.  This will help when we get ready to cut hay.

As boys will do - they never can wait to go give their toys that little ‘ test run ‘ - and he did!

Dwayne brought the old tires back home - rather than paying $30 to leave 'em.

They'll make perfect raised beds to plant flowers right around the Chicken Hotel - huh!  LOL

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I sent this to my husband yesterday - while he was at work.

And then I let him sleep until around 3pm today.

Must be nice.  Sleep.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Something Old with Something New

I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday.

Since I was already having to leave the house and head to Lenoir City - I decided to leave a little early - and hit one my favorite little trinket shops that’s planted on the way.

I found this little gem.

I thought - “ Wouldn’t it be cool to use this for the spices I use more than others ! “

I headed to Wally World after finishing up at the clinic.  I was supposed to pick up a new prescription.  And I decided to go hunting for something I could use for spice jars - that would fit inside my newfound gem.

I walked out the doors after refusing to accept the prescription.  To pay $100.00 every month for a prescription - to me - is no different than paying another $100.00 per month for the health insurance.

" Dear Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Medco My husband and I pay TOO MUCH ALREADY for your so-called ' Coverage ' as you are so confused to continue calling what is nothing more than - monetary rape ! "

But I did not walk out empty-handed.  I came across this 10oz. Emma Jar.

I guessed right!  Six fit just fine!

Now I have to head to Turkey Creek - Hobby Lobby in particular.

I want to get an Etching Kit and make my own stencils with the names of the spices - to etch onto the lids and one side of the jars.

Anything for an excuse to go slobbering all around Hobby Lobby for hours - while swearing up and down that my ATM card is burning a hole in my purse!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ohhh - Those Suthun' Vaypuhs !

You KNOW it’s hot when they’re willing to do this.

Whaaaaaaaat… ?  Drown ?  Who told you that ?  Can’t drown in water that doesn’t even cover our feet, goofus !   Y’all are just - chicken !

Just enough water to cool their toes off!

" Well - Honey.  Maybe you really DO need that.  You’re gonna boil from the inside out if you don’t calm down !

I dunno - Milred.  I just dunno.  Think we can jump in from here - without falling on our beaks and lookin’ TOTALLY stupid ?

Cluck.  NO THANK YOU.  I’d rather do the NORMAL thing to cool off - and sit here like some intelligent hen - with my backside to the wind.

Yeeeeaaaahhhh….  What SHE said !

Monday, August 9, 2010

Pocketful of Quiet

Wow - a pocket of - pure quiet time.

It’s something so rare around our house.  Precious - more than gold for me.

I'm able to take a mental look and see the progress.

I’m able to hear all my concerns flowing in my heart.

And of all things - In the back of my mind - Chris Daughtry and Vince Gill - singing ‘ Tennessee Line ‘ and it gives me ‘ goose bumps ‘ that make me smile.  And my eyes well up.

Looking into the rearview as the roads fade away - I’ve sworn off my past - First to last bad call that I ever made - Tell me how to make right - Every wrong turn that I’ve learned - So this can all end tonight - Tennessee line just changed my - Well it’s my heart I’ll follow this time.

We only get a one-time ride in this life.

After years of entanglement - how sad it is - when one looks back for one last time to - finally - say ‘ good-bye ‘ to the losses of better things one was meant to have - deserved to have - that were robbed from them.

How sad it is - when one has reached a fork in the road of their own journey - being forced to split their heart into two halves - leaving one to crawl across the shard down one path - the other to roll down the smooth asphalt of the other path - after choosing to take back control of one’s life - and go in the direction best - for experiencing peace in their life - finally - in the present.

Years - no waitDecades of entanglement - while waiting for others to do the right thing.  One reaches a point where one must accept - that wish will never happen.

To move on in one’s life - with peace - comes with sacrifice - even then.  When the wish takes two - and you are only one.

In all honesty - History shows the wish has been only yours - for decades.  Many times - you came to call.  Many times - nobody would answer.  They were too busy.  You were confused.  Life only goes - their way.

When the wish has choked one all those years - until one finally screams out - ‘ Enough ! ‘  And even then one is forced to face one final stabbing in one’s heart - when one’s choice of traveling down the smooth road for peace in one’s life means - one is left with no other choice but to leave others behind - because of choices they made for themselves.

And all one can do is wonder if any of those will ever go back and find that same fork in the road - choose to change paths and catch up with you.

And History says - " It would have happened long ago - if it were ever going to happen. "

Still - in the meantime - one moves forward with only a mere question about one‘s past.  Will anyone come - carrying the other half of one’s heart - ready to heal?

A dry snicker fills the quiet.

 " It was always only the other way around. You were confused.  Life only goes their way. "

Somehow - it’s much easier to accept - that will never happen.

And that's not okay.

But - I am.  And I will be.

** Thank you -sooo very, very much for this song, Chris.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I Shall Sing ' Mojito ' Style

Evvvvvvery once - in - a - while...

We have our fun moments around here.  Yeah - she wants bubbles in her next bath.

Typical Girlie Girl.

It has been nuts around here - as usual.  As I type - I have almost reached the point where the last pot of homemade tomato sauce is ready for canning.

We started on those two days ago.  If I were a car with disc brakes - they’d be shot to Hell by now.

Start - Stop - Start - Stop - Start - Stop.

If it’s not one thing - it’s another.  Always something.  There’s always a detour.

I’m done with tomatoes.  The tomatoes are not done.  But - I am.

I have enough to fight with - without fighting with the birds around here.

We have lost our corn.

Between the tormenting heat - and the squirrel that came back - it’s gone.  I think when we planted it - as well as the way we planted - may also be contributors.

But - just for spite - I may go ahead and put up our tent - out by the garden - and camp out by the garden for the night - with the 9mm.

We will have no corn from our garden this year.

Hopefully - I can find some at the local Farmer’s Markets for putting up.

But all is not lost.  We put away nine packages of Yukon Gold potatoes - weighing an average of 2lbs. Per package.

Next on the agenda … My Mother-In-Law’s most favorite job!

Jalapenos. ( Inside joke.  It wasn't so funny back then. )

I’m tired.  I’m finished with gardening for this year.

Okay - I’m not finished with gardening.  I’m finished with the fight that comes with gardening as it exists at our home right now.

I’m taking a break.  I will not be planting a vegetable garden next year.

I’m done.  I realize the next spring does not arrive until next year.  But - it’s not stopping me from already enjoying the break I am looking so forward to experiencing.  I can already feel the ‘goose bumps ‘ - and the water.

Yeah - the water.

It will be like dragging my husband all the way to a Day Spa by the hair on his head.  I know this.  But - by the Grace - Support - and Blessing from God - Himself….

I will have a swimming pool - or - Jacuzzi - one or the other - next spring.

And I will go chasing after all the Farmer’s Markets around here.

And I will come home from all the Farmer’s Markets around here - to stand on the corner of my Jacuzzi - or go float on an air mattress in my pool - ( with a really serious Mojito in hand ) - and scream out something that will have the neighbors thinking it’s - Opera!

And when enough of ‘em show up to bitch about it - we’ll all go inside the house and do some canning or freezing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Are We There YET ?

( Homemade Tomato Sauce - My First Try - Took FOREVER.  But it was sooo worth it! )

You know that little water spout that forms near the end - when the bathtub is emptying out?

( The first batch of Half-Pints full of Tomato Sauce. )

That’s where we are around here.  Only - it feels as if the water spout spent time above the water - like you can see around Galveston Bay at times.  And it looks like it came up on land - too.

( More to come. )

The water is receding.  The mess abounds!

And right now Carlie is trying to get my attention by touching my box of potatoes with her foot and grumbling…

She is sooooo the Brat!  She knows she’s not supposed to mess with the potatoes!

We’re close to winding down.  And yet - there is still so much to do.

Just the thought of my decision to not set up a garden next year gives me ‘ goose bumps ‘ at this point.

I’m gonna work on the landscaping for the front of our house next year - instead.

We have three Bradford Pear trees.  The previous owners planted them out front - smack in the middle of a gorgeous view of the Great Smoky Mountains and Cherokee National Park.

I don’t like them.  I want them gone.  And Dwayne is game for any excuse to play with the power of the toy.  “ Chain it up, boys ! ”

This has been quite the gardening season.  I think this has been the strangest spring and summer, yet.

The heat has won. I’m not even happy with the appearance of our corn.  I’m just not so sure it’s going to make this year.

And I’m so worn out that I have to muster up any caring.  I mean - what can one do?  Mother Nature has the upper hand.

All you can do is try again - next season.

Well - season after next season for me.

Wait a minute...  That's Brendon Clark.  How'd he get in here?

The girls are doing just fine.  I decided to stop going to Co-Op to get the Chick Starter.

This last bag had about 25 percent actual crumble - and the rest looked like flour.

My birds began acting funny - like they were starving - a couple days after feeding with that bag.

So I made a trip up to Tractor Supply.  The guy that helped me commented that I was the second person coming in telling him the very same thing that morning.

I seem to be having better results with their behavior feeding them DuMOR Chick starter - instantly.  So - I guess I’ll stick with that until it’s time to change up after they turn 12 weeks old.

We’re about to wrap up with tomatoes.  We still haven’t managed to get potatoes dug up.  They’ll be next.

From there - we start canning potatoes and jalapeno peppers.

And in between - I have appointments lined up with my therapist and my doctor.  And I’m still trying to find a dentist taking new patients.  But I’ve been told to hold off on any surgery until we find out exactly what’s going on with me.

All I know is this.  I live with constant pain - inside and outside.  And the anti-inflammatory pills I’m taking right now are doing very little to help - a couple hours of slight relief at best.

Those who know me well enough - know that I have always had a high tolerance to pain and a low tolerance to medications.

I have too much to take care of in my life to be putting up with pills that knock my lights out.  I don’t like trying to live my daily life without having full control over my head.

I still have over half a 90-day supply of muscle relaxers that my other doctor gave me last year.

By the time I have to go to the doctor - by the time I cave in and take a pill for the pain - I can barely move on my own without fighting the crying.

That’s just the way I am.

I guess that comes from watching so many others I care about - destroying their lives by abusing drugs.

Many of my best teachers in life taught me what NOT to do.