
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunrise 'n Surprises

I managed to catch the Full Moon early this morning - just before it crept away to sleep after one wild and crazy night.

Took Zucker out for his daily business.  If there is only one thing this dog never grew out of from his time as a puppy - it is the snow.  He loves to eat snowballs!  And this morning - he wouldn’t even wait for me to make one for him.  In his glory!  Like a kid that would sneak into the melting pit room at a Hershey Chocolate Plant - he just started digging in!

Within an hour or so - we had sunshine!  And all was so beautiful!!

Last night was rough.  The snow is hard and it crackles under your steps - leftover signs telling of the crashing temperatures - and roads with ice and slush that had emergency services personnel swamped with calls.

People just refuse to listen - and I never will get that one.  Hey - even me - in my 20’s - I had the brains to understand that a car is like one of the main arteries to your heart.  It gets you to the job you need - which provides that paycheck that you need - which buys the groceries - puts a roof over your head - clothes on your back - and shoes on your feet.

Okay - so there was that one time when it flooded in Texas City and I learned that '65 Ford Mustangs could float - long enough to get to Toddy's house - even with a 325lb. roommate inside - having a panic attack.  Personally - I think that was just angels working - really working hard!

Thank God for the Sun!

Thank God for the Birds!  Hey - Somebody better drop a few Dogwood seeds around here.  You owe me!

Okay - fine.  After we reach up into the 40’s - I’ll deal with the birdbath.  I promise!

Oh…. And I just cannot believe - this!

" So - this is why you came back home!  You cowardly weasel!  You wait until we go to bed - before sneaking in the wife and kids ya' picked up - during your little adventure after running away from home. "

" Yeah - Well.  Okay.  I'll play your song for you.  But you better find a job, Mister - fast!  Now you have to help out with the grocery bill - for sure! "

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where Wise Men Tread

 They said the beginning of flurries was expected north of Knoxville - around 2:30pm on Friday.

Well - they were right about the estimated time of day. But - the weather satellites must have been just a tad bit - off - twisted - turned around - something. Because we live - south - of Knoxville.

I took these shots less than 30 minutes after the flurries began. The flurries showed up around 2:40pm - here. Mother Nature wasted no time turning it all into snow. Can you tell I’m not very happy while I type this out?

I’m so glad I got out there and spread the rock salt - instead of waiting for my Hubby to get home. I did that. I’m a team player.

Wait a minute.

 Oh…. Wonderful.  The Pit gets to spend Winter outside - again.

This is a male Cardinal - from the ‘hood. He thinks he owns both of the bird feeders - and all the trees nearby. He’s totally unaware of three facts. I load the bird feeders. And I know how to load the pellet gun. And feral barn cats need to eat, too. He needs to learn how to share - really soon.

This is one of the many Bluebirds that hang out in our barn during the winter. They’re fun to watch! Of all the birds and squirrels I’ve watched - these Bluebirds have been the first to entertain me while they manage to run off the Robins!

So - we make it through the night. The power is still on by the time we wake up at 3:45am this morning. And the cable television is still functioning. It is now 12:45pm and - the cable television is now - not functioning - I don’t know why.

Meteorologists - emergency personnel - and road crewmen put the message out there as soon as they got in front of television cameras - “ Do not leave your home and drive on the roads unless you absolutely have to do so. ”  Planes must fly - so Hubby gives me a hug and kiss and says, " Good-bye! "

And calls me after he gets to the Hangar - " The power is out at Tellico Village - all along Hwy. 144. "

It’s now 1:39pm and - the power just came back on a few minutes ago. Yeah - it took a dump.

And - that’s part of the reason why I listened to the warnings - from the wise men.

This is not snow that I like to go out and play in. The sun is not shining. The sky is not that gorgeous blue color.

This is snow that you only go out in to work - tend to animals - and stuff like that.

And this is from an animal that used some serious balance and finesse. Spinner made the trip out to the barn for his daily - whatever it is that he does. And made it all the way back to the house - using the very same tracks he made while going out there. Such is the male cat with the hormonal female attitude that comes around once a month. Only - his comes around during full moons.

And - Just look at Who Else decided to show back up!!

Okay - I’m outta here! A pot of hot coffee and a chance to hand wash some dishes - before the power goes out - again.

And it will.

No doubt.

We’re in the country, Baby!

Friday, January 29, 2010

While I'm - Still - Able

This first half of today has passed without me even so much as stopping and taking a thirty-second glance.

Up to this point - I got Dwayne off to work this morning.  Got my shower.  Groceries have been bought - brought home and put away.  I have a pork roast - almost 10lbs. - in the oven.  Made a run to Co-Op in Loudon and picked up a couple bags of rock salt - they don’t carry Urea in the bag.  Got a light layer spread over the driveway - biting my bottom lip the whole time.  I don’t like using that stuff on any landscape.  I just got the first of four loads of laundry started.  Puppies are fed - fat ‘n happy!

Dwayne ran errands in Maryville during lunch.  He picked up a carburetor kit for the generator at Co-OP.  Pulled some cash out of the bank - in case power goes out for a while  - topped the fuel in the truck.

Our most concentrated hope and prayer at this moment is for Dwayne to be able to make it home - safely - before the worst of this storm shows up.

We are stocked here.  We have plenty of everything.  Should the power go out - we have camping gear and supplies -  plenty of butane bottles for the camp stove.  We should be able to continue using the gas fireplace - unless Loudon Utilities runs into any trouble with that.  We have plenty of batteries for the Boom box - flashlights and lanterns.  We have board games - and goofy puppies for loads of entertainment!  Oh… and I charged up the battery on the Nintendo DS.  LOL

For family - we have both cell phones charged.  And if need be - we do have a cell phone charger for the truck.

Four brand new rechargeable batteries for the digital camera are charging this very moment.  I’ll be sure to get lots of photos of the area - as soon as it’s safe to venture out!

I hope and pray God is holding everyone caught in this storm - in His hands - to get us all through this storm safely.

Anyone out of the area wanting to keep up with the Doppler for East Tennessee may click Here!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Freckle Belly

 Well…. I guess there’s one more heart that Daddy melts when he comes home from work in the evenings!

We had a rough day here at the house, yesterday.  No sleep the night before - makes everybody cranky.  Zucker decided to be a spineless furby.  He got to go hide on our bed and catch up on his sleep.  For whatever reason - Carlie decided to break the sound barrier  - after the second night in her crate - then after one night in the jet tub in our master bathroom - until - she won.

And boy - did she win.  She whooped my butt - badly.  And anyone that knows me well enough - and knows what I become when I’ve had no sleep - trust me.  They know it was bad.  Dwayne even woke up and jumped into making his own lunch - and gettin’ the hell out the door as fast as he could.

It was bad.  Ohhhh, I was soooo - bad.

Carlie’s been waking up around 11pm - needing to be taken outside.  Stepping outside around 11pm - half asleep - into pitch-black darkness.  It’s already been a race - just trying to get the coat - hat - find my garden clogs and get those on - find the leash - turn the light on - slide the blinds back - open the door - get the deck gate open - get down the steps and set her down on the grass.  All that - before this puppy pees everywhere!

Well - we have a possible snowstorm coming - and they’re telling us this one could be really nasty.  So - we made a change in the game plan last night - and it worked!  ( ‘Cuz I am NOT steppin’ foot out in that crap - just to let her spill a few tablespoons! )

I put three potty pads down in our main bathroom with her bed and a couple of her toys.  Turned on the night light - set her on one of the potty pads - VOILA!

Gave her some ’ quiet ’ praise - walked out and closed the door behind me.

Best sleep I’ve had in almost a week!

I swear - it’s just like having a baby around this house right now!  Potty pads all over the place.  Toys strewn everywhere.  And don’t let her whine, anymore!  Zucker comes digging his claws into me - wanting me to come check on her!  I have not created a ‘ Big Brother ‘ for Carlie.  I have created a monster.  That’s what I earn for getting down on the floor this morning and teaching Zucker how to play with her.  Now - that was interesting.  There is such a difference in dogs that start out from a litter and go directly to their new family - versus puppies yanked off their mother’s teat and carried to pet shops.

Zucker has been alone for too long.  He had no clue about how to play with another dog.  But he’s such a sweetheart!  He listens so intently - and minds so well - if you only remember to let him know he‘s doing something right.  And it only takes two words - “ Good Boy!.

Dwayne brought home a real life-saver after work!  He made a trip over to Target during lunch - yesterday - and picked up a gate to use on the doorway of the main bathroom.  Thank God.  Girlie is getting totally rambunctious - already!  And she’s even beginning to get a little brave.  Nobody chews on my furniture in my house.  I even whip Dwayne for that!

Being able to set her up in the bathroom - and know that she and all our belongings are safe - long enough to get something done around here - really helps!  It keeps her away from the water bowl for a while, too!  Let me tell you - that little tank can fill up with some water!  She puts Zucker to shame - absolutely!

 Just look at this little freckle belly!  Too funny!  Oh, she’s a mess!  So is this rug.  Can't wait until I find another one!  And she is just so funny!  She started finding her ‘ Bark ‘ today!  That even startled Zucker so much that he barked back - which caused a few minutes of back ‘n forth barking.  And that just made me laugh even more!  Like I said - it’s just like having a baby around here!  Awww.... and Daddy missed one of those ‘ firsts. ‘

 Gosh… just wait until that 50 lb. package comes in!  I hope we can tame her by then.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Don't Tempt Me

The Honeymoon is over.

And when it rains - it pours.  No… it snows.

I’ve had about two hours worth of sleep.  The newest member of the family has her nights and days mixed up.

We have a possible - very nasty - snow storm on its way within the next couple of days.  Preparing is the last thing on my mind.  My mind can only focus on one thing - a question - " Will I get to sleep through it? "

I’ve changed my mind.

Foster care - adoption - becoming a mommy, again - new babies in this house.  The smoking sage has removed every single one of those frightening thoughts from this homestead!

There is no coffee bean harvested  that could possibly be anywhere near strong enough to help me get through this day with a grin.

Toothpicks for the eyelids?  I dunno.  Haven’t tried that - yet.  I know they’re around here.  I can see the cabinet from here.  As wiped out as I feel - I’d only miss and take out the eyeballs.

But - I think Dwayne has some super-glue around here - somewhere.

Heh….. Eyelids - or - puppy’s butt to the potty pad?

I might get some sleep if I tried the latter.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Honeymoon

It’s been three days since we brought our new puppy home to live with us.  This photo would give anyone the impression that it seems Carlie is becoming quite comfortable and relaxed in her new home.

Those of us on this side of the camera say - “ You have no idea just exactly how much this little fart is becoming comfortable! ”  Can’t say the same for the two-legged farts - considering we’re losing some sleep.

 But - we will survive.  This, too - shall pass!!

Trust me… I was kind.  I changed the pad before shooting that one!

Naw… really… things could be much worse.  Considering all the cold weather we’re having - she seems to be adjusting quite well.

She’s taking to her harness without much fuss.  The benefit of all the acreage is a great help with leash training.  But still - I am happy about the way she is handling the restriction and control that comes from that particular leash.  Maybe it’s the fact that the 50 lb. package hasn’t arrived - yet.  I only hope we get beyond this before that shows up!

There’s something really special that I like about this photo.  The hinges and the handles on the doors of the shed.  The fact that she can walk underneath the shed without bending her head down - even though she won’t ever be figuring that one out.  I wanna get another shot like this - same time next year.  Well - okay - maybe a couple warmer months later.  That 50 lb. package will be showing up before then.  And I can only imagine the difference in size that will be there to compare!

And then there’s - Zucker.  Ohhhh, boy.  We have kept focus on sensitivity to the ' only child ' and making sure he isn’t feeling like he’s been kicked to the curb.  I figured it would take some time to get him acclimated to sharing his family with another canine.  But he seems to be coming along with the process better than any hopes I've held in my pocket of reality.  As long as we remain fair and equal - Zucker seems to be accepting this new member into the fold.

So far - he’s carrying a milder temperament than what he unleashed on my in-laws’ new puppy that they brought when they came to visit last year.  That was an experience for me.  I discovered my sweet and wonderful Miniature Schnauzer had a disposition no different than some 5’ 4” drunk after his third beer.  Zucker seemed to be misguided by some thought that he could conquer a very young - but all 40 pounds of Golden Retriever.

For now - I think he’s just happy with entertaining ' the newbie ' with his racing around in circles and charging before dodging - speed of lightning - show of pure charm that my Zucker Baby is!

But the little one will need to do some growing before we can trust leaving both in the same room together for a bit - without one of us present.  Zucker doesn’t seem to understand his strength.  But he is willing to put it in check at the slightest motion to put him on notice.

He’s just a dog.  A male dog - despite the fact that half his dignity was robbed when his manhood was snipped away by the Vet.  But he was first in the family - as far as he cares to see things.

Of course - he wants that understood - and never forgotten.

But - just wait until that 50 lb. package shows up!

I pity any stray dog attempting to step foot in the yard that belongs to these two!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


(click on the photos!)

Carlie !!

Zucker’s Brand New Baby Sister !!

Born on November 24, 2009.  And we just received her today!

Our biggest goal was to find a baby sister for Zucker - a friend to play with.  Since we got beat out of getting the female Border Collie - we decided to be ourselves - Determined.  ( don’t say anything, but -  the Border Collie was my third favorite… shhhh! )

After doing further research - and considering ‘the big picture’ going on in our world here at the house - we decided it was just smarter to go with a breed that we can keep in the house without worrying so much about all the shedding.

(Plus - the Basset Hound is my second favorite breed… shhhh! )


And we have found us a little girl with charisma that keeps us giggling forever!  She's just soooo cute!  She's one of those that likes to crawl up into your neck and snuggle as much as possible.  And she is a kisser!  Definitely - a kisser!  She just loves giving those kisses away - even has lots of kisses for Zucker!

It was touch and go with a jealous ‘only child ‘ - for about two hours.  LOL  Why couldn’t it have been so easy with my 2-legged spawn?  Once I got the two of them outside and spent a little bit of communication with them - I found we have two very smart puppies!  It really didn’t take much to get both of them to snap to what I was trying to get across to each of them.

Within minutes - I had  Zucker laying about 20 feet from me - waiting for Carlie.  Just as she’d get there and give him a kiss - he would come to me.  And she would follow!  Both would get their “good baby!” - eat that plum up - and start over!

Zucker gets a kick out of running back and forth - and around in circles - getting Carlie to come after him.  I think he gets an even better kick outta figuring out that she’s too little to keep up with him.  ;)

Yeah… we’ve already had the first run for the paper towels before heading outdoors.  But we did manage to make it outside before she did the dirtiest part of her business!

And right this moment - she is snuggling in her crate - taking a much needed nap.  Been a wild day for this little puppy!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Another Cliff Dive

Brand new cast iron breadpans!

They arrived this morning.  The Fed-Ex guy brought them.  I’ve been waiting - since before Christmas - for these puppies!

They’re here.  And now I have to jump off that cliff.

Fifty years I have lived.  And I have never - not even once - used yeast in my baking.

I’m intimidated.

But I wanna make my own bread.

I don’t wanna make the usual - pumpkin bread - or - zucchini bread.

I wanna bake bread - real bread.

I wanna bake a loaf of bread that puts Sara Lee to shame!

I want a bread knife to cut through my loaf of bread like nobody’s business.

I wanna make sandwiches with bread that I bake - sandwiches that put Subway to shame!


I’m ready.

Where’s that yeast?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Not Meant To Be

Not much to report.

Having Zola come to live with us will not be happening.  They sold her to someone else.

Once again - I have to decline an invitation to an event happening on a weekend in Knoxville - due to my husband's work schedule.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's a Dog's World - And It Has Needs

Poor Baby... He Looks so sad.

Because he is.  It's not so much fun being - an only child.  Nobody to play with.

Mom won't play with him every minute of the day.  So - he pouts.  And he retaliates - by refusing to eat his food.

But - Mom has been going to bat for Zucker - for several months now.

"Daddy... Zucker needs a puppy!"

But Daddy would say - "No."

So - Zucker has continued to pout - and retaliate - and go full throttle with pulling the guilt trips on Daddy.

And Mom's stayed in Daddy's ear with - "Tell him, Zucker!  Tell Daddy you need a puppy!"

And guess what happened.

Daddy - finally - gave in!

God willing - look at who just might be moving in by this Saturday - if somebody else doesn't snag her up, first...

Maybe we could call her...   " Zola " ??

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Winter Crazy

How does one wake up to a sight like this - In the middle of Winter?

With a great talent for thinking fast.  Along with a good - healthy - positive - and most important - flexible attitude.

We’ve had a month of winter days that push your will.  You spend time outside only as much as you absolutely must.  The trick is to stay indoors - just to keep the house warm and the utility bills down - if for no other reason.

 A morning like this is rare.  And more than welcomed.  It brings a smile.  Makes your brain recalculate.

These are the kind of mornings you take great advantage of - when you reschedule as many projects to get done as you can - while you can.

This winter has had an odd share of strange mornings.  Sunshine and snow - all at the same time.

And now - fog and sunshine - all at the same time.

I’ll take the fog and sunshine, please!  There’s a bonus with that package - temperatures already in the 40’s by 7am!

That’s a promise from God - that the afternoon will be no less than 50 degrees!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Planes and Old Barns

I can just imagine what the barn will look like - once we get it torn down and relocated to a spot where it will be much happier.

One particular part of the barn will make me much happier.  Even happier than I am right now!

If these photos look grainy - they’re not.  It’s dust.  Sanded oak wood - floating in the air - floating - everywhere!

I'm telling the truth - there really is a gorgeous satin finish under there!  See the rectangle of darkness on the left?  And there's even a layer of dust over that area!

And all my wonderful Husband was trying to accomplish was - completing my Christmas present!

Only two leaves!  He only wanted to make - two leaves.  Okay- and the arms to hold them up, as well.

My gosh - just look at the dust!  Layers and layers - and - LAYERS!  Whouldda thunk?

For now - a temporary compromise.

That particular part of the barn.

I can’t wait!

But I must.

Those leaves for that beautiful piece of love will look just as gorgeous as the main table.

It will be so worth it!

Amazing!  All made by the hands of the Love of my Life!

The things he can do with wood.  Ohhhhhhhhh, Myyyyyy!

Even old barn wood.

I am just the luckiest girl in the world!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunrise 'n Surprises

I managed to catch the Full Moon early this morning - just before it crept away to sleep after one wild and crazy night.

Took Zucker out for his daily business.  If there is only one thing this dog never grew out of from his time as a puppy - it is the snow.  He loves to eat snowballs!  And this morning - he wouldn’t even wait for me to make one for him.  In his glory!  Like a kid that would sneak into the melting pit room at a Hershey Chocolate Plant - he just started digging in!

Within an hour or so - we had sunshine!  And all was so beautiful!!

Last night was rough.  The snow is hard and it crackles under your steps - leftover signs telling of the crashing temperatures - and roads with ice and slush that had emergency services personnel swamped with calls.

People just refuse to listen - and I never will get that one.  Hey - even me - in my 20’s - I had the brains to understand that a car is like one of the main arteries to your heart.  It gets you to the job you need - which provides that paycheck that you need - which buys the groceries - puts a roof over your head - clothes on your back - and shoes on your feet.

Okay - so there was that one time when it flooded in Texas City and I learned that '65 Ford Mustangs could float - long enough to get to Toddy's house - even with a 325lb. roommate inside - having a panic attack.  Personally - I think that was just angels working - really working hard!

Thank God for the Sun!

Thank God for the Birds!  Hey - Somebody better drop a few Dogwood seeds around here.  You owe me!

Okay - fine.  After we reach up into the 40’s - I’ll deal with the birdbath.  I promise!

Oh…. And I just cannot believe - this!

" So - this is why you came back home!  You cowardly weasel!  You wait until we go to bed - before sneaking in the wife and kids ya' picked up - during your little adventure after running away from home. "

" Yeah - Well.  Okay.  I'll play your song for you.  But you better find a job, Mister - fast!  Now you have to help out with the grocery bill - for sure! "

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where Wise Men Tread

 They said the beginning of flurries was expected north of Knoxville - around 2:30pm on Friday.

Well - they were right about the estimated time of day. But - the weather satellites must have been just a tad bit - off - twisted - turned around - something. Because we live - south - of Knoxville.

I took these shots less than 30 minutes after the flurries began. The flurries showed up around 2:40pm - here. Mother Nature wasted no time turning it all into snow. Can you tell I’m not very happy while I type this out?

I’m so glad I got out there and spread the rock salt - instead of waiting for my Hubby to get home. I did that. I’m a team player.

Wait a minute.

 Oh…. Wonderful.  The Pit gets to spend Winter outside - again.

This is a male Cardinal - from the ‘hood. He thinks he owns both of the bird feeders - and all the trees nearby. He’s totally unaware of three facts. I load the bird feeders. And I know how to load the pellet gun. And feral barn cats need to eat, too. He needs to learn how to share - really soon.

This is one of the many Bluebirds that hang out in our barn during the winter. They’re fun to watch! Of all the birds and squirrels I’ve watched - these Bluebirds have been the first to entertain me while they manage to run off the Robins!

So - we make it through the night. The power is still on by the time we wake up at 3:45am this morning. And the cable television is still functioning. It is now 12:45pm and - the cable television is now - not functioning - I don’t know why.

Meteorologists - emergency personnel - and road crewmen put the message out there as soon as they got in front of television cameras - “ Do not leave your home and drive on the roads unless you absolutely have to do so. ”  Planes must fly - so Hubby gives me a hug and kiss and says, " Good-bye! "

And calls me after he gets to the Hangar - " The power is out at Tellico Village - all along Hwy. 144. "

It’s now 1:39pm and - the power just came back on a few minutes ago. Yeah - it took a dump.

And - that’s part of the reason why I listened to the warnings - from the wise men.

This is not snow that I like to go out and play in. The sun is not shining. The sky is not that gorgeous blue color.

This is snow that you only go out in to work - tend to animals - and stuff like that.

And this is from an animal that used some serious balance and finesse. Spinner made the trip out to the barn for his daily - whatever it is that he does. And made it all the way back to the house - using the very same tracks he made while going out there. Such is the male cat with the hormonal female attitude that comes around once a month. Only - his comes around during full moons.

And - Just look at Who Else decided to show back up!!

Okay - I’m outta here! A pot of hot coffee and a chance to hand wash some dishes - before the power goes out - again.

And it will.

No doubt.

We’re in the country, Baby!

Friday, January 29, 2010

While I'm - Still - Able

This first half of today has passed without me even so much as stopping and taking a thirty-second glance.

Up to this point - I got Dwayne off to work this morning.  Got my shower.  Groceries have been bought - brought home and put away.  I have a pork roast - almost 10lbs. - in the oven.  Made a run to Co-Op in Loudon and picked up a couple bags of rock salt - they don’t carry Urea in the bag.  Got a light layer spread over the driveway - biting my bottom lip the whole time.  I don’t like using that stuff on any landscape.  I just got the first of four loads of laundry started.  Puppies are fed - fat ‘n happy!

Dwayne ran errands in Maryville during lunch.  He picked up a carburetor kit for the generator at Co-OP.  Pulled some cash out of the bank - in case power goes out for a while  - topped the fuel in the truck.

Our most concentrated hope and prayer at this moment is for Dwayne to be able to make it home - safely - before the worst of this storm shows up.

We are stocked here.  We have plenty of everything.  Should the power go out - we have camping gear and supplies -  plenty of butane bottles for the camp stove.  We should be able to continue using the gas fireplace - unless Loudon Utilities runs into any trouble with that.  We have plenty of batteries for the Boom box - flashlights and lanterns.  We have board games - and goofy puppies for loads of entertainment!  Oh… and I charged up the battery on the Nintendo DS.  LOL

For family - we have both cell phones charged.  And if need be - we do have a cell phone charger for the truck.

Four brand new rechargeable batteries for the digital camera are charging this very moment.  I’ll be sure to get lots of photos of the area - as soon as it’s safe to venture out!

I hope and pray God is holding everyone caught in this storm - in His hands - to get us all through this storm safely.

Anyone out of the area wanting to keep up with the Doppler for East Tennessee may click Here!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Freckle Belly

 Well…. I guess there’s one more heart that Daddy melts when he comes home from work in the evenings!

We had a rough day here at the house, yesterday.  No sleep the night before - makes everybody cranky.  Zucker decided to be a spineless furby.  He got to go hide on our bed and catch up on his sleep.  For whatever reason - Carlie decided to break the sound barrier  - after the second night in her crate - then after one night in the jet tub in our master bathroom - until - she won.

And boy - did she win.  She whooped my butt - badly.  And anyone that knows me well enough - and knows what I become when I’ve had no sleep - trust me.  They know it was bad.  Dwayne even woke up and jumped into making his own lunch - and gettin’ the hell out the door as fast as he could.

It was bad.  Ohhhh, I was soooo - bad.

Carlie’s been waking up around 11pm - needing to be taken outside.  Stepping outside around 11pm - half asleep - into pitch-black darkness.  It’s already been a race - just trying to get the coat - hat - find my garden clogs and get those on - find the leash - turn the light on - slide the blinds back - open the door - get the deck gate open - get down the steps and set her down on the grass.  All that - before this puppy pees everywhere!

Well - we have a possible snowstorm coming - and they’re telling us this one could be really nasty.  So - we made a change in the game plan last night - and it worked!  ( ‘Cuz I am NOT steppin’ foot out in that crap - just to let her spill a few tablespoons! )

I put three potty pads down in our main bathroom with her bed and a couple of her toys.  Turned on the night light - set her on one of the potty pads - VOILA!

Gave her some ’ quiet ’ praise - walked out and closed the door behind me.

Best sleep I’ve had in almost a week!

I swear - it’s just like having a baby around this house right now!  Potty pads all over the place.  Toys strewn everywhere.  And don’t let her whine, anymore!  Zucker comes digging his claws into me - wanting me to come check on her!  I have not created a ‘ Big Brother ‘ for Carlie.  I have created a monster.  That’s what I earn for getting down on the floor this morning and teaching Zucker how to play with her.  Now - that was interesting.  There is such a difference in dogs that start out from a litter and go directly to their new family - versus puppies yanked off their mother’s teat and carried to pet shops.

Zucker has been alone for too long.  He had no clue about how to play with another dog.  But he’s such a sweetheart!  He listens so intently - and minds so well - if you only remember to let him know he‘s doing something right.  And it only takes two words - “ Good Boy!.

Dwayne brought home a real life-saver after work!  He made a trip over to Target during lunch - yesterday - and picked up a gate to use on the doorway of the main bathroom.  Thank God.  Girlie is getting totally rambunctious - already!  And she’s even beginning to get a little brave.  Nobody chews on my furniture in my house.  I even whip Dwayne for that!

Being able to set her up in the bathroom - and know that she and all our belongings are safe - long enough to get something done around here - really helps!  It keeps her away from the water bowl for a while, too!  Let me tell you - that little tank can fill up with some water!  She puts Zucker to shame - absolutely!

 Just look at this little freckle belly!  Too funny!  Oh, she’s a mess!  So is this rug.  Can't wait until I find another one!  And she is just so funny!  She started finding her ‘ Bark ‘ today!  That even startled Zucker so much that he barked back - which caused a few minutes of back ‘n forth barking.  And that just made me laugh even more!  Like I said - it’s just like having a baby around here!  Awww.... and Daddy missed one of those ‘ firsts. ‘

 Gosh… just wait until that 50 lb. package comes in!  I hope we can tame her by then.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Don't Tempt Me

The Honeymoon is over.

And when it rains - it pours.  No… it snows.

I’ve had about two hours worth of sleep.  The newest member of the family has her nights and days mixed up.

We have a possible - very nasty - snow storm on its way within the next couple of days.  Preparing is the last thing on my mind.  My mind can only focus on one thing - a question - " Will I get to sleep through it? "

I’ve changed my mind.

Foster care - adoption - becoming a mommy, again - new babies in this house.  The smoking sage has removed every single one of those frightening thoughts from this homestead!

There is no coffee bean harvested  that could possibly be anywhere near strong enough to help me get through this day with a grin.

Toothpicks for the eyelids?  I dunno.  Haven’t tried that - yet.  I know they’re around here.  I can see the cabinet from here.  As wiped out as I feel - I’d only miss and take out the eyeballs.

But - I think Dwayne has some super-glue around here - somewhere.

Heh….. Eyelids - or - puppy’s butt to the potty pad?

I might get some sleep if I tried the latter.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Honeymoon

It’s been three days since we brought our new puppy home to live with us.  This photo would give anyone the impression that it seems Carlie is becoming quite comfortable and relaxed in her new home.

Those of us on this side of the camera say - “ You have no idea just exactly how much this little fart is becoming comfortable! ”  Can’t say the same for the two-legged farts - considering we’re losing some sleep.

 But - we will survive.  This, too - shall pass!!

Trust me… I was kind.  I changed the pad before shooting that one!

Naw… really… things could be much worse.  Considering all the cold weather we’re having - she seems to be adjusting quite well.

She’s taking to her harness without much fuss.  The benefit of all the acreage is a great help with leash training.  But still - I am happy about the way she is handling the restriction and control that comes from that particular leash.  Maybe it’s the fact that the 50 lb. package hasn’t arrived - yet.  I only hope we get beyond this before that shows up!

There’s something really special that I like about this photo.  The hinges and the handles on the doors of the shed.  The fact that she can walk underneath the shed without bending her head down - even though she won’t ever be figuring that one out.  I wanna get another shot like this - same time next year.  Well - okay - maybe a couple warmer months later.  That 50 lb. package will be showing up before then.  And I can only imagine the difference in size that will be there to compare!

And then there’s - Zucker.  Ohhhh, boy.  We have kept focus on sensitivity to the ' only child ' and making sure he isn’t feeling like he’s been kicked to the curb.  I figured it would take some time to get him acclimated to sharing his family with another canine.  But he seems to be coming along with the process better than any hopes I've held in my pocket of reality.  As long as we remain fair and equal - Zucker seems to be accepting this new member into the fold.

So far - he’s carrying a milder temperament than what he unleashed on my in-laws’ new puppy that they brought when they came to visit last year.  That was an experience for me.  I discovered my sweet and wonderful Miniature Schnauzer had a disposition no different than some 5’ 4” drunk after his third beer.  Zucker seemed to be misguided by some thought that he could conquer a very young - but all 40 pounds of Golden Retriever.

For now - I think he’s just happy with entertaining ' the newbie ' with his racing around in circles and charging before dodging - speed of lightning - show of pure charm that my Zucker Baby is!

But the little one will need to do some growing before we can trust leaving both in the same room together for a bit - without one of us present.  Zucker doesn’t seem to understand his strength.  But he is willing to put it in check at the slightest motion to put him on notice.

He’s just a dog.  A male dog - despite the fact that half his dignity was robbed when his manhood was snipped away by the Vet.  But he was first in the family - as far as he cares to see things.

Of course - he wants that understood - and never forgotten.

But - just wait until that 50 lb. package shows up!

I pity any stray dog attempting to step foot in the yard that belongs to these two!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


(click on the photos!)

Carlie !!

Zucker’s Brand New Baby Sister !!

Born on November 24, 2009.  And we just received her today!

Our biggest goal was to find a baby sister for Zucker - a friend to play with.  Since we got beat out of getting the female Border Collie - we decided to be ourselves - Determined.  ( don’t say anything, but -  the Border Collie was my third favorite… shhhh! )

After doing further research - and considering ‘the big picture’ going on in our world here at the house - we decided it was just smarter to go with a breed that we can keep in the house without worrying so much about all the shedding.

(Plus - the Basset Hound is my second favorite breed… shhhh! )


And we have found us a little girl with charisma that keeps us giggling forever!  She's just soooo cute!  She's one of those that likes to crawl up into your neck and snuggle as much as possible.  And she is a kisser!  Definitely - a kisser!  She just loves giving those kisses away - even has lots of kisses for Zucker!

It was touch and go with a jealous ‘only child ‘ - for about two hours.  LOL  Why couldn’t it have been so easy with my 2-legged spawn?  Once I got the two of them outside and spent a little bit of communication with them - I found we have two very smart puppies!  It really didn’t take much to get both of them to snap to what I was trying to get across to each of them.

Within minutes - I had  Zucker laying about 20 feet from me - waiting for Carlie.  Just as she’d get there and give him a kiss - he would come to me.  And she would follow!  Both would get their “good baby!” - eat that plum up - and start over!

Zucker gets a kick out of running back and forth - and around in circles - getting Carlie to come after him.  I think he gets an even better kick outta figuring out that she’s too little to keep up with him.  ;)

Yeah… we’ve already had the first run for the paper towels before heading outdoors.  But we did manage to make it outside before she did the dirtiest part of her business!

And right this moment - she is snuggling in her crate - taking a much needed nap.  Been a wild day for this little puppy!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Another Cliff Dive

Brand new cast iron breadpans!

They arrived this morning.  The Fed-Ex guy brought them.  I’ve been waiting - since before Christmas - for these puppies!

They’re here.  And now I have to jump off that cliff.

Fifty years I have lived.  And I have never - not even once - used yeast in my baking.

I’m intimidated.

But I wanna make my own bread.

I don’t wanna make the usual - pumpkin bread - or - zucchini bread.

I wanna bake bread - real bread.

I wanna bake a loaf of bread that puts Sara Lee to shame!

I want a bread knife to cut through my loaf of bread like nobody’s business.

I wanna make sandwiches with bread that I bake - sandwiches that put Subway to shame!


I’m ready.

Where’s that yeast?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Not Meant To Be

Not much to report.

Having Zola come to live with us will not be happening.  They sold her to someone else.

Once again - I have to decline an invitation to an event happening on a weekend in Knoxville - due to my husband's work schedule.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's a Dog's World - And It Has Needs

Poor Baby... He Looks so sad.

Because he is.  It's not so much fun being - an only child.  Nobody to play with.

Mom won't play with him every minute of the day.  So - he pouts.  And he retaliates - by refusing to eat his food.

But - Mom has been going to bat for Zucker - for several months now.

"Daddy... Zucker needs a puppy!"

But Daddy would say - "No."

So - Zucker has continued to pout - and retaliate - and go full throttle with pulling the guilt trips on Daddy.

And Mom's stayed in Daddy's ear with - "Tell him, Zucker!  Tell Daddy you need a puppy!"

And guess what happened.

Daddy - finally - gave in!

God willing - look at who just might be moving in by this Saturday - if somebody else doesn't snag her up, first...

Maybe we could call her...   " Zola " ??

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Winter Crazy

How does one wake up to a sight like this - In the middle of Winter?

With a great talent for thinking fast.  Along with a good - healthy - positive - and most important - flexible attitude.

We’ve had a month of winter days that push your will.  You spend time outside only as much as you absolutely must.  The trick is to stay indoors - just to keep the house warm and the utility bills down - if for no other reason.

 A morning like this is rare.  And more than welcomed.  It brings a smile.  Makes your brain recalculate.

These are the kind of mornings you take great advantage of - when you reschedule as many projects to get done as you can - while you can.

This winter has had an odd share of strange mornings.  Sunshine and snow - all at the same time.

And now - fog and sunshine - all at the same time.

I’ll take the fog and sunshine, please!  There’s a bonus with that package - temperatures already in the 40’s by 7am!

That’s a promise from God - that the afternoon will be no less than 50 degrees!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Planes and Old Barns

I can just imagine what the barn will look like - once we get it torn down and relocated to a spot where it will be much happier.

One particular part of the barn will make me much happier.  Even happier than I am right now!

If these photos look grainy - they’re not.  It’s dust.  Sanded oak wood - floating in the air - floating - everywhere!

I'm telling the truth - there really is a gorgeous satin finish under there!  See the rectangle of darkness on the left?  And there's even a layer of dust over that area!

And all my wonderful Husband was trying to accomplish was - completing my Christmas present!

Only two leaves!  He only wanted to make - two leaves.  Okay- and the arms to hold them up, as well.

My gosh - just look at the dust!  Layers and layers - and - LAYERS!  Whouldda thunk?

For now - a temporary compromise.

That particular part of the barn.

I can’t wait!

But I must.

Those leaves for that beautiful piece of love will look just as gorgeous as the main table.

It will be so worth it!

Amazing!  All made by the hands of the Love of my Life!

The things he can do with wood.  Ohhhhhhhhh, Myyyyyy!

Even old barn wood.

I am just the luckiest girl in the world!