Monday, August 31, 2009
The A/C is Off and The Windows are Open!

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Needs.. Wants.. Pennies.. Treasures.. Jackpot!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Crazy Schedule is Becoming Even More Crazy
Before going any further – I received a very sad email this morning from my friends, Heidi and Monica Narr. Heidi was reporting that Monica is back in the hospital after a terrible fall from her bed. She has broken an arm and a leg. Doctors are in the middle of deciding whether or not she can handle going through surgery for repairing the femur in her leg. I’d like to ask everyone to add these two ladies to your prayer list. Heidi continues marching on with her commitment to taking care of her sister. Here we have one more challenge that she faces with her sister – despite her own health issues that continue to add to the struggles. However – this is living testimony to the truest depth of love one can feel for another!
We have dropped everything to focus on our issues with getting the house resealed. We got the deck of the front porch finished. The staircase is all that’s left to the front of the house. Dwayne is doing some reconstruction on that during his next round of days off before we reseal it. We don’t know what the previous owners had in mind when they built it. But right now – even after requesting another handrail for the top steps – I have these vicious thoughts of somebody falling through the mangled mess. We’re not happy about it. So Dwayne’s gonna make it right.
(click on photos for larger view)

It’s amazing how time can help you see all the “brick walls” that actually exist around this fiasco! You would be surprised at how many things you are unable to do around this crazy mess – above – below – around – all the above. You can't tell from this view - but there is about a 1.5' space of wasted area on the landing between the landing rail and the railing for the top steps.

He dismantled the outside railing for the top steps so we could finish the porch decking. But here you can see how the top steps to the porch are actually eating up the landing. The remaining intact rail for the steps really shows the difference in the finished efforts with resealing! To the left of that railing is that area of wasted space between the top steps and the landing rail below – which makes absolutely no sense.

Dwayne is going to move the entire landing and bottom stairs out further. The top steps will meet the landing properly - and he'll be widening the top set of steps. He may have to cut the support posts from the pads – if the same ignorance was applied here, as was done so with the piers for the back porch. But I think it will look and function so much better after he gets it all corrected!
I’ve been watching Craigslist like a hawk, lately. Came across a queen-size headboard and footboard for $125.00. We drove all the way up to the Halls area in Knoxville to pick it up. Without being fore-warned about all the road construction in that area – we ended up going through a maze of roads that had the feathers coming out. The map guidebook I bought a few years ago - and got teased for buying - turned out to be our saving grace - once again! The new find looks great in the guestroom! Needs a little bit of cleaning up. But the Old English is on my grocery list. So that little job will have to wait a day or two.

Beyond that – I’m in the middle of trying to situate a few things down in the basement during the evenings while Dwayne’s at work. However – this evening is one of those time-consuming jobs. I usually mop the wood floors with only water – damp mop at most. Tonight’s job will consist of using the wood cleaner and hitting all the rooms in the house – except the bathrooms, of course.
So – if you go to any of my two farms at FaceBook and you see plots not planted – now you know why. LOL
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Watermelons From Some Crazy Whim!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Shame on The Rain and Fat Boy's in The Barn!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Testimony of Walking in Faith - No Test of Faith
This posting will be one of my long postings. It’s a true story going on right now. But I think anyone reading it will find it to be pretty cool. And I’m praying God will let this reach many people who need this right now.
Luke and his family are one of the contacts I have been blessed with for a network of helpful sources – through one of the Yahoo! Groups - for help with the goals Dwayne and I are striving to accomplish here at our place. His family has been working very hard for many years now – toward the goal of becoming totally self-sustaining in life with their farm. This year’s efforts have been severely threatened by all the incredible amount of rain they have endured. When Luke came to the group to report all the challenges that were in front of the family – I felt the need to come to bat for support and encouragement – as well as the need to go to God on behalf of his family.
The past few weeks of communications and reports of all that has transpired has been amazing. I’m including some of the communications that have gone on between the two of us in this post. There is a story – and a wonderful lesson here for all of us. My own struggles have gone up and down in the middle of it all. Just when I would begin to feel like giving up and just doing nothing – Luke would post wonderful news – just like this morning! And I take that as a blessing of that life boat God is sending!
By the time this first email arrived from Luke that I am posting – he'd already had some pretty large brick walls jump in front of him. My gut had heard enough by the time I received that email.
Read – and enjoy! Pay close attention to the dates of each email. May God bless each of you with all He wants you to receive from this. There is always a reason for everything!
July 27, 2009
Hello Everyone,
As our wet summer plugs on, we have come to the conclusion if we don't see a change in the current weather patterns. The cows will have to go to market this fall. We haven't been with out a cow on the homestead in near 10 years. It's a scary thought for me as I enjoy those big beautiful beasts.
Needless to say we are praying for a drastic weather change here. I had to brush hog one of my hayfields yesterday as the grass had gone bye and it was dead. While on my way home last night the tractor lost the head gasket, so today was the day to change it, I suspected it might be going last fall and purchased one so I could change it this last spring. Well knowing me it was in the tool shed and I had forgotten all about it, so I got to do it today.
The garden is doing much better than I expected for the amount of ran we have had though tomatoes and cukes aren't doing to well. I'll go to the potato field tomorrow and check and see how they are doing since we sidedressed and hilled them last week. At least with hillig them I now have the walk rows lower and if we keep getting rain it can run down the row and leave the tubers a little drier.
I do plan to try to do some creative haying and take a chance even though it is calling for rain most days, I have noticed that when it does rain it is a 10 to 20 minute shower, so the hope is to keep after the field with the tedder and spin the rain water off of it and let what sun we get dry it, then hope I can get it dry enough to bale before the next shower. I figure it's worth a try even if it's not the best quality hay. It sure wouldn't make a differance because we'll loose it anyway at this rate, and I sure would like to keep at least my milk cow.
July 27, 2009
This is a time when the need for the power in prayer is of the utmost. As has Trish - I, too, have offered up my prayers.
Though we can't find guarantee in the blessings or compensation being exactly those we hope for - I know that He answers when two or more are in agreement. And when He answers - the blessings end up coming to us in even much better form than we would even have imagined.
Test of faith? I think not. I would have to say your family is being used as Testimony for faith. God needs you and your family right now - to reach many others in a way some would never even imagine. He will get you all through this. Many will learn from your faith. And many will find reassurance that God is - very much - here and plugged into the situations going on around this country and the world right now.
Keep us posted! Each day I will be praying for God to cover your family and your farm for the day. As with all the trials I have endured in my life - He knows I will be giving Him the glory for each and every event - even the most difficult or painful one - that unfolds in that day. And for every difficult event - no matter how small - God knows what comes next in our little relationship that I share with Him! Whatever happens - I know that He has good reason and I will be waiting for the better plan He has in mind. I will be waiting for the compensation of blessings that will show up for each sad or painful event that occurs! I know that through my faith - and because I wait for Him to do His own thing with the situation - He will bring a wonderful surprise of blessings. He NEVER fails to amaze me!
Give the whole day to Him. Give Him the glory for every single little thing that happens. And if it should bring hardship or discomfort to you - recognize Him at His works! And let Him know you're paying attention - giving Him the glory for it! And make sure He knows you'll be watching and waiting to see the good He brings forth from it! God always gets the last word in anything and everything - and it is always good.
Challenge God! He loves a good challenge from those who put their faith in Him!
Believe it or not - I'm going through my own little setbacks here in other areas of my life right now. I think He's reaching out in ways so others can gain comfort in knowing that He really is here. Too many folks are going through so many tough times right now. The future is uncertain to them and they're feeling the fear and insecurity. Those who know His constant presence and power are going to be used as God's tools to help all others.
That's why I say - keep everyone posted. Your outcome will be good, Luke! Post updates on the daily events and outcomes.
July 28, 2009
Good Evening Everyone,
Finished the 9N this morning, Fueled up the Cub and headed to the hayfield, 1/4 mile down the road the front tire starts going soft so I turned around went home and pulled the wheel off. I dismounted the tire and found a hole in the tube toward the rim side, the rim is pretty rusted so I took the heavy duty wire wheel to it to smooth things up, installed a new tube, mounted the tire and off we go.
Got to the field and looked it over, the orchard grass is 4 to 5 feet tall and looking really good, some has gone to seed but only about 25% so we fire up the mower and around we go. Everything ids going really fine and oh no, the darn tire went flat again. I parked the tractor and start walking the 2 mile trip to home.
Wow! someone I know stops and gives me a ride 100 feet down the road, thinking this is cool I get home and can't find my other spare tube. Oh well the rim is obviously bad enough now so it would be a waste of a good tube to put it in. So I fired up the 9N and headed to the field with the brush hog. This was a good test for the work we did yesterday so here we go.
I'm mowing away and watching this tall grass get set under the mower and I'm really paying attention to what is coming out. Then it strikes me, it's halving this stuff and breaking up the stalks in good shape. This is working like a conditioner and should dry that much sooner.So maybe just maybe the flat went flat for a reason? Only the next couple of days will tell, we'll be tedding late morning tomorrow.
I looked around and found a place to buy new aftermarket rims for $65.00 for the cub, that's not bad since one from International is $144.00.
We Let The meat birds out of the barn today for the fist time, it's kid of cute to see them peek out the door turn and run back in. by days end most of them came out and scratched close to the barn and seemed to have a great time doing it. I do have to get a good move able outside pen built for them soon. Guess we'll start that in the early morning.
All in all it was a good hot sunny day for us today. I'm not looking At the weather I'm going to practice what I preach. I'm going to provide the labor and trust Him for the out come. How much you wanna bet we can save it??? hehehe
God Bless,
July 28, 2009
Good Evening Luke!
As I read this post from you I find myself just grinning from ear to ear! You walked in faith through each stumbling block. And He fulfilled the promise of meeting the need on the other side of each one.
I have seen God do this too many times in my own life to know how much easier and how wonderful events play out when the day is given to Him and He goes to work! I'm looking forward to hearing about the rims!
We have been slammed with rain here, several times today. First round brought 3 inches within an hour. I had saved seed from a yellow meat watermelon last year. My Blackberry bushes are down to two of the three surviving - one struggling and one smiling and going crazy. But their ready area was such a span that I took a chance. Started out planting five watermelon seeds around the area. Remember - Dwayne's always telling me that I grow too much. Well - I listened this time. LOL Yanked three out a couple weeks ago. Spent the better part of this morning going through and thinning as much as I felt comfortably safe. We have four melons sizing up well, already - two over a pound. But I'm giving it a week for all the others to show up enough without having to hunt. I know there's over a dozen there. Once I can see them I'll be making my choices for the sacrifice. In the meanwhile - I'll be keeping the runners in check.
Time and weather have played against us in our efforts to get the logs and porches power-washed and resealed. My 'Putt-Putt' has been a strong issue. We're back to square one after dropping about $1,500.00 into that - which has been a learning lesson for me, as far as I'm concerned. I'm no longer worrying about a second car right now. I'm not supposed to. Everything will be fine. I have enough on my plate. When the time is right - God will put things in place as He sees fit! Letting go of sentimentality is actually bringing me some relief. I'm a little perplexed about my frugality taking a hit. But who knows. I put that one in His hands, as well. And there's just no telling what may happen with that situation. All I know is the turnout will be better than what I could have come up with. LOL
I'm no longer concerned about all the revamping we wanted to do inside this house. Getting the wood-burning stove is an issue still up in the air. But if we don't reach that one - we'll be fine. This PureEden heater will get us through this winter and it will knock off a minimum of $200.00 per month from the utility bills.
That 'Honey-Do' list has been cut down to only a few major essentials. A good used tractor is at the top of the list. Come spring - we're hoping to accomplish the chicken coop and chicks - setting up for rabbits - moving the barn and reworking the fence line to make more efficient use of our property for raising meat. We may extend the garden, as well. But the hayfield comes first. Beyond that - I can only think of a pressure canner. And that is a list I can handle much better than the previous list that kept me wrapped in angst.
You just keep getting up each day giving the day to God - and then watch yourself walk through all the fire - in peace! Your efforts will be met in agreement through prayer on this end! And keep posting! I'm excited about watching all this transpire for y'all! Because I already know - the turnout is just gonna be awesome! And I get a kick outta watching God work - more than I enjoy a good baseball game!
Have a good one!
July 29, 2009
Hello Everyone,
Tedded the field today, the grass is super thik and had to run the tractor in first insead of the normal second gear. The rain did come this afternoon, but it's still very green so it shouldn't effect it.
I'm sure we'll be good for a weekend baling. Looked for a new rim for the Cub today, Your going to like this. I print my own checks on the computer using purchased blanks. It saves money. Well I found a 12 inch trailer rim at TSC and checked the lug pattern, it was a match, now the center is a little small but I can open that without any trouble.
So I take the rim to the teller and he checks me out, well, the reader won't read the check, he manually enters it in. It won't take it. So he calls some company on the phone to get this good check aprooved. He is cut off. Now the line is growing behind me and I tell him I'll come back tomorrow with the cash and I left the rim.
I was talking to my brother about the rim this evening and low and behold he converted one of his trailers from 12" to 15" wheels and he gives me two new rims with new tires mounted, same rim I was going to buy today at TSC. Now we have two new rims to put on the front of the tractor. I will mount them tomorrow.
Isn't God wonderful? ALL THE TIME!
July 30, 2009
Good Morning, Luke!
See why I told you I was waiting to hear about the rims? LOL
Had the same experience, yesterday. The manager of the transmission shop drove all the way out to our place to look at the mess done to my car by their mechanic. Dwayne had already pulled the motor and tranny and had it resting from the hoist. The manager was upset by what he saw. Told us he will be talking to the owner about reimbursing our money. Dwayne called the other place where he bought the transmission. They replaced the transmission. God has blessings waiting on the other side for each whammy we face. In this case there were two. And He fulfilled His promise on both!
Keep Walking in Faith! And keep posting!
August 7, 2009
Hello Everyone,
This has been a busy week on the homestead, we have been doing allot of canning,and the past couple of days has brought sunshine and hot days. We have a 3 acre field of hay that will be dry and ready to bale tomorrow. It looks like no rain so HURRY! we may get one.
We are averaging a half bushel of baby carrots per row and have three more rows to get done. We stopped thinning carrots early several years ago, because I was thinking one day why throw what could be canned away, so we gave it a try one year and it worked out well. If left until they are just big enough to peel and can, they really don't interfere with one another. Once thinned, the ones that are left are hilled to be sure they are covered well and the manure that has been worked into the row is now acting as a side dressing of fertilizer when it is pulled up to the plants.
We have grown carrots as large as 2 1/2 pounds each and they are not corky or bitter. Our soil was Heavy clay and tended to compact fairly easy so we planted Danver half longs, as they didn't grow too long but are large in diameter. Over the years we have put literally tons of manure and organic matter into the garden and it doesn't compact as easily as it used to but we have continued with this breed carrot.
The results on these carrots has changed, we plant therm on hills and they now have plenty of depth in soil to grow and they do just that, they not only grow large in diameter but they grow 8 to 10 inches in length as well, giving us in a normal year a good size crop for putting buy.
I have learned over the years that one can read all they want and get a good idea how to start out, but like in other areas of life. There are as many gardeners as there are ways to garden, and what works for one doesn't always work for another. Each will do things a little different and come out with good results.
This year for many has been a challenging year, Where there is rain it has been just that, and where it's dry it has been just that too. But I'm hearing allot of folks saying they are fairing out better than they thought, and with the cost in the grocery stores on the rise. I can only say, it's great to hear that so many gardens are giving their yield in conditions that should have prevented it.
Guess we should all learn who truly is in charge here. Provide the labor and trust the outcome to God.
God Bless,
August 13, 2009
Hello Everyone,
Looks good so far, we have a predicted five day break in the weather, I downed 4 acres of hay this afternoon and will be dropping 12 acres tomorrow. Saturday will be 10 acres. 26 acres down all at once will mean 10-12 hour days in the hay field for the next 5 days.
This will be the first time we have ever had that much hay down and it could be risky if the forecast should change, but we are stepping out on faith and know we will make it.
The garden is doing well, with beans being down by about 40% so far, I'm going to blame it on the wet weather as the plants are really showing signs of being over watered. Hopefully the break in the weather will give them the shot they need.
The carrots have done very well and when we went to thinning found they were really ready to harvest so we have been pulling them. We may do a planting of spinach in their spot in a couple of weeks.
The corn has really perked up and has ears growing. Corn is normally hit or miss for us, and this is the first year we have planted it in several. I haven't made it to the potato field like I planned but they were doing well when we hilled it a few weeks ago.
So all in all I guess I have to say it will be a more productive season than I thought it would be.
In the past couple of weeks while haying or brush hogging fields, I have had several folks stop and ask me questions about gardening and what to do about different growing problems, along with being asked about getting a garden started for next year. Many of these people are beginning to worry about the direction our country is going and most really believe they need to be doing something for them selves.
The comical thing for me is, most of these folks over the years have in one way or another expressed how they thought we were wasting our time and energy producing our own all these years. I don't say anything to them about those things and just give them the answers they are looking for, after all that's what we have been about these past several years.(Encouraging sustainable living.)Even though on occasion some of you have to be the one's doing the encouraging to me, when I start getting a little stressed or down. (Thank you to all of you for that!)
It has also given us an opportunity to pick up a couple of jobs breaking new ground for their gardens. As they seem to want them big enough to grow allot of vegetables, and would rather not start out with a spade. Now I can't blame them for that as that is how my first garden came about, and I know all too well how much work a garden of 1,200 or more squar fett in size can be when spading it. Now I won't be surprised if we see a couple of those folks join the group as I have told them to stop by and pay us a visit. If they do I think that they will be surprised to see that my family isn't the only one doing what we do.
Which proves to me that Teresa was right when she said "Test of faith? I think not. I would have to say your family is being used as a Testimony for faith. God needs you and your family right now - to reach many others in a way some would never even imagine."
You were right, I believe people have been watching and continue to do so. some seem to be getting the idea, that maybe, just maybe the Turco's aren't that strange after all.
Which also brings me to a local general store, whose owner asked me if my chickens were free ranged or pastured. When I told him they were pastured; he said could you sell me a couple of dozen a week? "As I have some customers that want pastured chicken eggs. As if there is a differance." Of coarse you know me, I explained to him the differance between the two.
So we picked up an egg customer as well this week. Who knows, I may need more layers for next year and maybe even a larger chicken coop, but I won't bank on it.
All in all if the next five days falls together we'll be keeping all the cows, and maybe even adding a bull as I may have found one.
I keep these email postings from Luke. They’ll always help me. When I get down there in the pits – I go back and read.
I encourage everyone to email the link for my blog so they can read this post. Just have them look for the post titled, "Testimony of Walking in Faith - No Test of Faith" - if they don't find this posting at the top when they get here.
There are too many people out there needing to hear a testimony to what can happen when you walk through life with faith in God – especially during the toughest times.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
August and September Are the Worst Months for Us
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Butterfly Breakfast

Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009
You Put WHAT in My Food?
Monday, August 3, 2009
PIcking Our Battles Around Here!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
We Have a Winner to the Guess The Plant Name Game!
Common names include Thorn Apple (from the spiny fruit), Pricklyburr (similarly), Jimson Weed, Moonflower, Hell's Bells, Devil's Weed, Devil's Cucumber, and Devil's Trumpet, (from their large trumpet-shaped flowers). Nathaniel Hawthorne refers to one type in The Scarlet Letter as Apple-Peru. The word datura comes from the Hindi Dhatūrā (thorn apple); record of this name dates back to 1662 (OED). In Tamil it is called "oomathai" (ஊமத்தை).
Datura species are food plants for the larvae of some Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) species including Hypercompe indecisa.
Read More Here! Guess I'll be saving those seeds, for sure now! The scent of that flower is absolutely worth it!Saturday, August 1, 2009
Anybody Know The Name of This Plant?

Monday, August 31, 2009
The A/C is Off and The Windows are Open!

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Needs.. Wants.. Pennies.. Treasures.. Jackpot!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Crazy Schedule is Becoming Even More Crazy
Before going any further – I received a very sad email this morning from my friends, Heidi and Monica Narr. Heidi was reporting that Monica is back in the hospital after a terrible fall from her bed. She has broken an arm and a leg. Doctors are in the middle of deciding whether or not she can handle going through surgery for repairing the femur in her leg. I’d like to ask everyone to add these two ladies to your prayer list. Heidi continues marching on with her commitment to taking care of her sister. Here we have one more challenge that she faces with her sister – despite her own health issues that continue to add to the struggles. However – this is living testimony to the truest depth of love one can feel for another!
We have dropped everything to focus on our issues with getting the house resealed. We got the deck of the front porch finished. The staircase is all that’s left to the front of the house. Dwayne is doing some reconstruction on that during his next round of days off before we reseal it. We don’t know what the previous owners had in mind when they built it. But right now – even after requesting another handrail for the top steps – I have these vicious thoughts of somebody falling through the mangled mess. We’re not happy about it. So Dwayne’s gonna make it right.
(click on photos for larger view)

It’s amazing how time can help you see all the “brick walls” that actually exist around this fiasco! You would be surprised at how many things you are unable to do around this crazy mess – above – below – around – all the above. You can't tell from this view - but there is about a 1.5' space of wasted area on the landing between the landing rail and the railing for the top steps.

He dismantled the outside railing for the top steps so we could finish the porch decking. But here you can see how the top steps to the porch are actually eating up the landing. The remaining intact rail for the steps really shows the difference in the finished efforts with resealing! To the left of that railing is that area of wasted space between the top steps and the landing rail below – which makes absolutely no sense.

Dwayne is going to move the entire landing and bottom stairs out further. The top steps will meet the landing properly - and he'll be widening the top set of steps. He may have to cut the support posts from the pads – if the same ignorance was applied here, as was done so with the piers for the back porch. But I think it will look and function so much better after he gets it all corrected!
I’ve been watching Craigslist like a hawk, lately. Came across a queen-size headboard and footboard for $125.00. We drove all the way up to the Halls area in Knoxville to pick it up. Without being fore-warned about all the road construction in that area – we ended up going through a maze of roads that had the feathers coming out. The map guidebook I bought a few years ago - and got teased for buying - turned out to be our saving grace - once again! The new find looks great in the guestroom! Needs a little bit of cleaning up. But the Old English is on my grocery list. So that little job will have to wait a day or two.

Beyond that – I’m in the middle of trying to situate a few things down in the basement during the evenings while Dwayne’s at work. However – this evening is one of those time-consuming jobs. I usually mop the wood floors with only water – damp mop at most. Tonight’s job will consist of using the wood cleaner and hitting all the rooms in the house – except the bathrooms, of course.
So – if you go to any of my two farms at FaceBook and you see plots not planted – now you know why. LOL
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Watermelons From Some Crazy Whim!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Shame on The Rain and Fat Boy's in The Barn!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Testimony of Walking in Faith - No Test of Faith
This posting will be one of my long postings. It’s a true story going on right now. But I think anyone reading it will find it to be pretty cool. And I’m praying God will let this reach many people who need this right now.
Luke and his family are one of the contacts I have been blessed with for a network of helpful sources – through one of the Yahoo! Groups - for help with the goals Dwayne and I are striving to accomplish here at our place. His family has been working very hard for many years now – toward the goal of becoming totally self-sustaining in life with their farm. This year’s efforts have been severely threatened by all the incredible amount of rain they have endured. When Luke came to the group to report all the challenges that were in front of the family – I felt the need to come to bat for support and encouragement – as well as the need to go to God on behalf of his family.
The past few weeks of communications and reports of all that has transpired has been amazing. I’m including some of the communications that have gone on between the two of us in this post. There is a story – and a wonderful lesson here for all of us. My own struggles have gone up and down in the middle of it all. Just when I would begin to feel like giving up and just doing nothing – Luke would post wonderful news – just like this morning! And I take that as a blessing of that life boat God is sending!
By the time this first email arrived from Luke that I am posting – he'd already had some pretty large brick walls jump in front of him. My gut had heard enough by the time I received that email.
Read – and enjoy! Pay close attention to the dates of each email. May God bless each of you with all He wants you to receive from this. There is always a reason for everything!
July 27, 2009
Hello Everyone,
As our wet summer plugs on, we have come to the conclusion if we don't see a change in the current weather patterns. The cows will have to go to market this fall. We haven't been with out a cow on the homestead in near 10 years. It's a scary thought for me as I enjoy those big beautiful beasts.
Needless to say we are praying for a drastic weather change here. I had to brush hog one of my hayfields yesterday as the grass had gone bye and it was dead. While on my way home last night the tractor lost the head gasket, so today was the day to change it, I suspected it might be going last fall and purchased one so I could change it this last spring. Well knowing me it was in the tool shed and I had forgotten all about it, so I got to do it today.
The garden is doing much better than I expected for the amount of ran we have had though tomatoes and cukes aren't doing to well. I'll go to the potato field tomorrow and check and see how they are doing since we sidedressed and hilled them last week. At least with hillig them I now have the walk rows lower and if we keep getting rain it can run down the row and leave the tubers a little drier.
I do plan to try to do some creative haying and take a chance even though it is calling for rain most days, I have noticed that when it does rain it is a 10 to 20 minute shower, so the hope is to keep after the field with the tedder and spin the rain water off of it and let what sun we get dry it, then hope I can get it dry enough to bale before the next shower. I figure it's worth a try even if it's not the best quality hay. It sure wouldn't make a differance because we'll loose it anyway at this rate, and I sure would like to keep at least my milk cow.
July 27, 2009
This is a time when the need for the power in prayer is of the utmost. As has Trish - I, too, have offered up my prayers.
Though we can't find guarantee in the blessings or compensation being exactly those we hope for - I know that He answers when two or more are in agreement. And when He answers - the blessings end up coming to us in even much better form than we would even have imagined.
Test of faith? I think not. I would have to say your family is being used as Testimony for faith. God needs you and your family right now - to reach many others in a way some would never even imagine. He will get you all through this. Many will learn from your faith. And many will find reassurance that God is - very much - here and plugged into the situations going on around this country and the world right now.
Keep us posted! Each day I will be praying for God to cover your family and your farm for the day. As with all the trials I have endured in my life - He knows I will be giving Him the glory for each and every event - even the most difficult or painful one - that unfolds in that day. And for every difficult event - no matter how small - God knows what comes next in our little relationship that I share with Him! Whatever happens - I know that He has good reason and I will be waiting for the better plan He has in mind. I will be waiting for the compensation of blessings that will show up for each sad or painful event that occurs! I know that through my faith - and because I wait for Him to do His own thing with the situation - He will bring a wonderful surprise of blessings. He NEVER fails to amaze me!
Give the whole day to Him. Give Him the glory for every single little thing that happens. And if it should bring hardship or discomfort to you - recognize Him at His works! And let Him know you're paying attention - giving Him the glory for it! And make sure He knows you'll be watching and waiting to see the good He brings forth from it! God always gets the last word in anything and everything - and it is always good.
Challenge God! He loves a good challenge from those who put their faith in Him!
Believe it or not - I'm going through my own little setbacks here in other areas of my life right now. I think He's reaching out in ways so others can gain comfort in knowing that He really is here. Too many folks are going through so many tough times right now. The future is uncertain to them and they're feeling the fear and insecurity. Those who know His constant presence and power are going to be used as God's tools to help all others.
That's why I say - keep everyone posted. Your outcome will be good, Luke! Post updates on the daily events and outcomes.
July 28, 2009
Good Evening Everyone,
Finished the 9N this morning, Fueled up the Cub and headed to the hayfield, 1/4 mile down the road the front tire starts going soft so I turned around went home and pulled the wheel off. I dismounted the tire and found a hole in the tube toward the rim side, the rim is pretty rusted so I took the heavy duty wire wheel to it to smooth things up, installed a new tube, mounted the tire and off we go.
Got to the field and looked it over, the orchard grass is 4 to 5 feet tall and looking really good, some has gone to seed but only about 25% so we fire up the mower and around we go. Everything ids going really fine and oh no, the darn tire went flat again. I parked the tractor and start walking the 2 mile trip to home.
Wow! someone I know stops and gives me a ride 100 feet down the road, thinking this is cool I get home and can't find my other spare tube. Oh well the rim is obviously bad enough now so it would be a waste of a good tube to put it in. So I fired up the 9N and headed to the field with the brush hog. This was a good test for the work we did yesterday so here we go.
I'm mowing away and watching this tall grass get set under the mower and I'm really paying attention to what is coming out. Then it strikes me, it's halving this stuff and breaking up the stalks in good shape. This is working like a conditioner and should dry that much sooner.So maybe just maybe the flat went flat for a reason? Only the next couple of days will tell, we'll be tedding late morning tomorrow.
I looked around and found a place to buy new aftermarket rims for $65.00 for the cub, that's not bad since one from International is $144.00.
We Let The meat birds out of the barn today for the fist time, it's kid of cute to see them peek out the door turn and run back in. by days end most of them came out and scratched close to the barn and seemed to have a great time doing it. I do have to get a good move able outside pen built for them soon. Guess we'll start that in the early morning.
All in all it was a good hot sunny day for us today. I'm not looking At the weather I'm going to practice what I preach. I'm going to provide the labor and trust Him for the out come. How much you wanna bet we can save it??? hehehe
God Bless,
July 28, 2009
Good Evening Luke!
As I read this post from you I find myself just grinning from ear to ear! You walked in faith through each stumbling block. And He fulfilled the promise of meeting the need on the other side of each one.
I have seen God do this too many times in my own life to know how much easier and how wonderful events play out when the day is given to Him and He goes to work! I'm looking forward to hearing about the rims!
We have been slammed with rain here, several times today. First round brought 3 inches within an hour. I had saved seed from a yellow meat watermelon last year. My Blackberry bushes are down to two of the three surviving - one struggling and one smiling and going crazy. But their ready area was such a span that I took a chance. Started out planting five watermelon seeds around the area. Remember - Dwayne's always telling me that I grow too much. Well - I listened this time. LOL Yanked three out a couple weeks ago. Spent the better part of this morning going through and thinning as much as I felt comfortably safe. We have four melons sizing up well, already - two over a pound. But I'm giving it a week for all the others to show up enough without having to hunt. I know there's over a dozen there. Once I can see them I'll be making my choices for the sacrifice. In the meanwhile - I'll be keeping the runners in check.
Time and weather have played against us in our efforts to get the logs and porches power-washed and resealed. My 'Putt-Putt' has been a strong issue. We're back to square one after dropping about $1,500.00 into that - which has been a learning lesson for me, as far as I'm concerned. I'm no longer worrying about a second car right now. I'm not supposed to. Everything will be fine. I have enough on my plate. When the time is right - God will put things in place as He sees fit! Letting go of sentimentality is actually bringing me some relief. I'm a little perplexed about my frugality taking a hit. But who knows. I put that one in His hands, as well. And there's just no telling what may happen with that situation. All I know is the turnout will be better than what I could have come up with. LOL
I'm no longer concerned about all the revamping we wanted to do inside this house. Getting the wood-burning stove is an issue still up in the air. But if we don't reach that one - we'll be fine. This PureEden heater will get us through this winter and it will knock off a minimum of $200.00 per month from the utility bills.
That 'Honey-Do' list has been cut down to only a few major essentials. A good used tractor is at the top of the list. Come spring - we're hoping to accomplish the chicken coop and chicks - setting up for rabbits - moving the barn and reworking the fence line to make more efficient use of our property for raising meat. We may extend the garden, as well. But the hayfield comes first. Beyond that - I can only think of a pressure canner. And that is a list I can handle much better than the previous list that kept me wrapped in angst.
You just keep getting up each day giving the day to God - and then watch yourself walk through all the fire - in peace! Your efforts will be met in agreement through prayer on this end! And keep posting! I'm excited about watching all this transpire for y'all! Because I already know - the turnout is just gonna be awesome! And I get a kick outta watching God work - more than I enjoy a good baseball game!
Have a good one!
July 29, 2009
Hello Everyone,
Tedded the field today, the grass is super thik and had to run the tractor in first insead of the normal second gear. The rain did come this afternoon, but it's still very green so it shouldn't effect it.
I'm sure we'll be good for a weekend baling. Looked for a new rim for the Cub today, Your going to like this. I print my own checks on the computer using purchased blanks. It saves money. Well I found a 12 inch trailer rim at TSC and checked the lug pattern, it was a match, now the center is a little small but I can open that without any trouble.
So I take the rim to the teller and he checks me out, well, the reader won't read the check, he manually enters it in. It won't take it. So he calls some company on the phone to get this good check aprooved. He is cut off. Now the line is growing behind me and I tell him I'll come back tomorrow with the cash and I left the rim.
I was talking to my brother about the rim this evening and low and behold he converted one of his trailers from 12" to 15" wheels and he gives me two new rims with new tires mounted, same rim I was going to buy today at TSC. Now we have two new rims to put on the front of the tractor. I will mount them tomorrow.
Isn't God wonderful? ALL THE TIME!
July 30, 2009
Good Morning, Luke!
See why I told you I was waiting to hear about the rims? LOL
Had the same experience, yesterday. The manager of the transmission shop drove all the way out to our place to look at the mess done to my car by their mechanic. Dwayne had already pulled the motor and tranny and had it resting from the hoist. The manager was upset by what he saw. Told us he will be talking to the owner about reimbursing our money. Dwayne called the other place where he bought the transmission. They replaced the transmission. God has blessings waiting on the other side for each whammy we face. In this case there were two. And He fulfilled His promise on both!
Keep Walking in Faith! And keep posting!
August 7, 2009
Hello Everyone,
This has been a busy week on the homestead, we have been doing allot of canning,and the past couple of days has brought sunshine and hot days. We have a 3 acre field of hay that will be dry and ready to bale tomorrow. It looks like no rain so HURRY! we may get one.
We are averaging a half bushel of baby carrots per row and have three more rows to get done. We stopped thinning carrots early several years ago, because I was thinking one day why throw what could be canned away, so we gave it a try one year and it worked out well. If left until they are just big enough to peel and can, they really don't interfere with one another. Once thinned, the ones that are left are hilled to be sure they are covered well and the manure that has been worked into the row is now acting as a side dressing of fertilizer when it is pulled up to the plants.
We have grown carrots as large as 2 1/2 pounds each and they are not corky or bitter. Our soil was Heavy clay and tended to compact fairly easy so we planted Danver half longs, as they didn't grow too long but are large in diameter. Over the years we have put literally tons of manure and organic matter into the garden and it doesn't compact as easily as it used to but we have continued with this breed carrot.
The results on these carrots has changed, we plant therm on hills and they now have plenty of depth in soil to grow and they do just that, they not only grow large in diameter but they grow 8 to 10 inches in length as well, giving us in a normal year a good size crop for putting buy.
I have learned over the years that one can read all they want and get a good idea how to start out, but like in other areas of life. There are as many gardeners as there are ways to garden, and what works for one doesn't always work for another. Each will do things a little different and come out with good results.
This year for many has been a challenging year, Where there is rain it has been just that, and where it's dry it has been just that too. But I'm hearing allot of folks saying they are fairing out better than they thought, and with the cost in the grocery stores on the rise. I can only say, it's great to hear that so many gardens are giving their yield in conditions that should have prevented it.
Guess we should all learn who truly is in charge here. Provide the labor and trust the outcome to God.
God Bless,
August 13, 2009
Hello Everyone,
Looks good so far, we have a predicted five day break in the weather, I downed 4 acres of hay this afternoon and will be dropping 12 acres tomorrow. Saturday will be 10 acres. 26 acres down all at once will mean 10-12 hour days in the hay field for the next 5 days.
This will be the first time we have ever had that much hay down and it could be risky if the forecast should change, but we are stepping out on faith and know we will make it.
The garden is doing well, with beans being down by about 40% so far, I'm going to blame it on the wet weather as the plants are really showing signs of being over watered. Hopefully the break in the weather will give them the shot they need.
The carrots have done very well and when we went to thinning found they were really ready to harvest so we have been pulling them. We may do a planting of spinach in their spot in a couple of weeks.
The corn has really perked up and has ears growing. Corn is normally hit or miss for us, and this is the first year we have planted it in several. I haven't made it to the potato field like I planned but they were doing well when we hilled it a few weeks ago.
So all in all I guess I have to say it will be a more productive season than I thought it would be.
In the past couple of weeks while haying or brush hogging fields, I have had several folks stop and ask me questions about gardening and what to do about different growing problems, along with being asked about getting a garden started for next year. Many of these people are beginning to worry about the direction our country is going and most really believe they need to be doing something for them selves.
The comical thing for me is, most of these folks over the years have in one way or another expressed how they thought we were wasting our time and energy producing our own all these years. I don't say anything to them about those things and just give them the answers they are looking for, after all that's what we have been about these past several years.(Encouraging sustainable living.)Even though on occasion some of you have to be the one's doing the encouraging to me, when I start getting a little stressed or down. (Thank you to all of you for that!)
It has also given us an opportunity to pick up a couple of jobs breaking new ground for their gardens. As they seem to want them big enough to grow allot of vegetables, and would rather not start out with a spade. Now I can't blame them for that as that is how my first garden came about, and I know all too well how much work a garden of 1,200 or more squar fett in size can be when spading it. Now I won't be surprised if we see a couple of those folks join the group as I have told them to stop by and pay us a visit. If they do I think that they will be surprised to see that my family isn't the only one doing what we do.
Which proves to me that Teresa was right when she said "Test of faith? I think not. I would have to say your family is being used as a Testimony for faith. God needs you and your family right now - to reach many others in a way some would never even imagine."
You were right, I believe people have been watching and continue to do so. some seem to be getting the idea, that maybe, just maybe the Turco's aren't that strange after all.
Which also brings me to a local general store, whose owner asked me if my chickens were free ranged or pastured. When I told him they were pastured; he said could you sell me a couple of dozen a week? "As I have some customers that want pastured chicken eggs. As if there is a differance." Of coarse you know me, I explained to him the differance between the two.
So we picked up an egg customer as well this week. Who knows, I may need more layers for next year and maybe even a larger chicken coop, but I won't bank on it.
All in all if the next five days falls together we'll be keeping all the cows, and maybe even adding a bull as I may have found one.
I keep these email postings from Luke. They’ll always help me. When I get down there in the pits – I go back and read.
I encourage everyone to email the link for my blog so they can read this post. Just have them look for the post titled, "Testimony of Walking in Faith - No Test of Faith" - if they don't find this posting at the top when they get here.
There are too many people out there needing to hear a testimony to what can happen when you walk through life with faith in God – especially during the toughest times.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
August and September Are the Worst Months for Us
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Butterfly Breakfast

Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009
You Put WHAT in My Food?
Monday, August 3, 2009
PIcking Our Battles Around Here!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
We Have a Winner to the Guess The Plant Name Game!
Common names include Thorn Apple (from the spiny fruit), Pricklyburr (similarly), Jimson Weed, Moonflower, Hell's Bells, Devil's Weed, Devil's Cucumber, and Devil's Trumpet, (from their large trumpet-shaped flowers). Nathaniel Hawthorne refers to one type in The Scarlet Letter as Apple-Peru. The word datura comes from the Hindi Dhatūrā (thorn apple); record of this name dates back to 1662 (OED). In Tamil it is called "oomathai" (ஊமத்தை).
Datura species are food plants for the larvae of some Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) species including Hypercompe indecisa.
Read More Here! Guess I'll be saving those seeds, for sure now! The scent of that flower is absolutely worth it!Saturday, August 1, 2009
Anybody Know The Name of This Plant?