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We stayed home to celebrate this Memorial Day weekend. And it was probably a very wise decision. By Wednesday before the weekend - Dwayne had started seeing each and every boat ramp around Tellico Lake crammed full of vehicles and boat trailers while driving home from work. It was just crazy. And even worse - we were slammed with huge thunderstorms in between pockets of pure sunshine with 80* temperatures. All we could do was sit and think about all those boats full of people - every time the rain came roaring down on us. Where in the world would they run? To the traffic jam at all the docks? Ta!
Nooooo... we stayed home! But we did have friends come stay the night with us Saturday night to get an early start on some fun for the weekend! We put two slabs of pork ribs on the pit, along with some links. I made macaroni salad - my jello cake - and deviled eggs. And then, I made more deviled eggs. LOL Charlotte brought a big bowl of her Coca-Cola salad! I had never tried that before. And let me tell you - that stuff is out of this world! Perfect for hot days! Very light, cold and refreshing! Besides that - she brought the booze for the ladies!
Charlotte and me enjoyed drinking Bahama Mamas while the guys drank their beer and kicked our butts playing Spades! They think they beat us. Noooo, Sir - I'm blaming that stuff on Bahama Mama!
I knew Austin was gonna end up being the only kid here for the weekend. I'd hoped we could get some of the others to show up. But we'd been told everybody had other plans. Later, we found out there were a bunch of them that changed those plans and ended up staying home. Darn it! But to me - a hot Memorial weekend just has to include water in some way for kids. Had to find something to do with water for Austin!
I'd looked all over the Internet for this particular wading pool that seemed to be great for little kids and grown-up kids. Wouldn't ya' know - I could order it for arrival in three days. But all the stock in the stores was showing they were all out of stock. So - had to make a change in plans. Headed to Wal-Mart on Saturday to find something for Austin to enjoy - at least. And I got lucky. Found the very wading pool I had looked for on the Internet! They only had two left in stock!
And here's my 2-page layout for a few shots taken while Austin had a little bit of fun!
Remember to click on the pages to see a larger view!
Bathtime Fun by Verena Karolyi at!
Verena no longer has this particular kit available. But she has many other really great kits!
I'm so glad they came to spend that holiday weekend with us! It was so much fun having them here with us! Just makes me feel so excited about getting our new place set up so we can have a whole mess of people all around here for a lot of fun times to come!
The rain in East Tennessee has been so torrential over the past week. I think everyone is beginning to feel fairly water-logged. It's just impossible to plant anything. I can only hope my bedding plants don't croak before I can get them into the ground.
One good thing - we're bound to have plenty of carrots! Ohhhh, they're coming up everywhere! The second planting of corn seed is sprouting. All three varieties of squash have sprouted. And my lettuce is surviving. The Tomatoes are in Hog Heaven! And so is some kind of bug - as far as where our climbing beans are concerned. But I have to wait until the days give us sunshine without rain long enough to get a natural bug battler to come to the rescue!
But for now - we get a couple hours of sunshine during the day before the big - fluffy - black monsters show up in the evenings. This page layout is a sample of what those moments of the day have been turning out.
Remember - you can click on the photo for a larger view!
Journaling -
"Beauty of Heaven meets Storm from Hell in East Tennessee! It's been a week of rains that have Farmers feeling frustrated and concerned. Strange how an afternoon sunshine threatened by storm clouds can turn the dimension of light into a temporary thing of beauty!"
Kit -
"Oreads" created by Miki Ferkul of Microferk Designs at
Header Alphabet included in Kit!
Artwork on Quote by Rachel Carson -
" Jeri's Destinations - North Woods Word Art" by Jeri Ingalls at
The one good thing about the spring season - the weather is bound to get much better!
Bless his heart. Dwayne spent his entire last round of days off stuck inside the house. All the rain and storms prevented us from getting much of anything done. But he didn't even get a chance to go fishing. And THAT just ticks me off! Hopefully - the next round will be much better!
I managed to scrap photos from the day we spent working on clearing fence lines out on our property. We made a good dent. But there is much more to finish! Taking care of this property is like raising kids - you have to pick your battles.
Remember - click on the photo to see a larger view!
Journaling -
"Early April was when we made our first effort clearing out fence lines for the back pastures to get ready for a few cows that we'll be raising next year. Despite getting around to the task before all the wild growth began to wake up - Dwayne still managed to find the poison ivy - or vice versa!"
Kit -
"A Simpler Time"
created by Kimberly Stewart
I just love my Hubby! He's so wunnerful!
Sad to say - the rain continues to pummel our area. Don't get me wrong. I love the rain - in fair moderation. Ya' know? So the time is spent catching up with more scrapbooking - in between doing the laundry.
Ya' know - sometimes you just have to put aside all differences and all that dark history when it comes to an ex-spouse. Such is the case for me when it comes to this photo taken this Easter holiday that just passed.
This is a photo of my ex with our granddaughter, Trinity Faye, sharing some time on a glider. It just takes me back to memories of Easter with our own two girls when they were this little. In fact - I remember one specific Easter when Trinity's mom was about the very same age!
Remember - you can click on the photo to see a larger view!
Journaling is a poem I wrote for the two of them!
"Bubbles 'n Butterflies
and Pretty Blue Skies...
And all the Wonder visiting
Trinity's Pretty Blue Eyes...
A Moment with Paw Paw Bell
Sittin' on a Swing...
What tender days that mean
Kit -
"A Joyful Wakening"
created by Rina Kroes at
Spring has kept us busy as bees trying to get dirt tilled for planting seeds, plants and flowers. I had ordered three ‘Navajo’ thornless blackberry bushes back in February. They arrived Thursday afternoon. And wouldn’t ya’ know it – we’re not ready.
The price we’re paying – constant rain expected through Sunday with scattered showers through Tuesday! Dwayne will be back at work by then. No tilling until Friday! So – the new bushes get to sit down in the basement wrapped in their packaging and kept moist until then.
But we did manage to get the chance to drive to Maryville and pickup a few other things. We came home with 300 pounds of soil conditioner and 50 pounds of potting soil. We picked up some Trailing Blue Daze plants and Geraniums to go under the peach trees. The Geraniums are a really pretty pink – a little more than a Salmon pink. We finally found our Jalapeno plants – nine of those puppies are going into the ground! I wasn’t able to find my Pineapple Sage – but I DID come home with an Elfyn Thyme! It’s just too cute! It’s a tiny creeping variety of thyme that can be used as a groundcover and tough enough to be walked on.
And the biggest surprise we got to come home with was – the Nightblooming Jasmine plant that I wanted to order! We found one at Out of Eden in Maryville! I had one of these plants when I lived in Manteca. Absolutely loved it! The whole neighborhood enjoyed that beauty! Even had a garbage man ask me what that wonderful smell was that he could smell all the way down the block! That one will be going into a giant pot that we’ll be setting in the middle of the flowerbed by the barn. It will have to be brought into the basement during winter for this zone.
This weekend is National Scrapbooking Day! Since we’re stuck in the house because of all the rain – why not get into a little catching up on some digital scrapbooking! Here is a two-page layout I’ve done this morning. Brit managed to get photos posted that were taken recently so I could snag ‘em for scrapbooking!
Britni and her Uncle Terry are two of a kind! I knew she'd be the FFA stinker from the time she was six-years-old! She is so much like her uncle! She even gets that "what trouble can I get into next" grin on her face just like Terry! When the eyes light up in sync - LOOK OUT!
Don't forget - you can click on the photos to see a larger view!
Journaling on Page 1 -
"You can't put anything past Britni and her Uncle Terry! Both are the two wild rednecks in the family. But they have the biggest hearts a sould could ever possess!"
Word Art on Page 2 –
"Dream as if you will live forever... Live as if you will die today." ~ James Dean
You can't see the little diddy she has put on the back window of her pickup truck. But it says, "Keep Honkin', Buddy.... I'm reloading." THAT would be my kid!
From Vickey Morriesey’s Word Art - "Not Just Graduation"
Kit –
"Beautiful Blossoms - Sunflowers" 12 x 12 Quickpage Set
created by Vickey Morrisey at Scrapbook Elements
I was so anxious to get pages done for these photos that I kinda cheated by using Vickey's Quickpage set. But - I'm going back later today to purchase the entire kit! This is a really beautiful kit just in time for the spring season - especially when you're a gardener! And all the deals are sweet today, since it's National Scrapbooking Day!
We stayed home to celebrate this Memorial Day weekend. And it was probably a very wise decision. By Wednesday before the weekend - Dwayne had started seeing each and every boat ramp around Tellico Lake crammed full of vehicles and boat trailers while driving home from work. It was just crazy. And even worse - we were slammed with huge thunderstorms in between pockets of pure sunshine with 80* temperatures. All we could do was sit and think about all those boats full of people - every time the rain came roaring down on us. Where in the world would they run? To the traffic jam at all the docks? Ta!
Nooooo... we stayed home! But we did have friends come stay the night with us Saturday night to get an early start on some fun for the weekend! We put two slabs of pork ribs on the pit, along with some links. I made macaroni salad - my jello cake - and deviled eggs. And then, I made more deviled eggs. LOL Charlotte brought a big bowl of her Coca-Cola salad! I had never tried that before. And let me tell you - that stuff is out of this world! Perfect for hot days! Very light, cold and refreshing! Besides that - she brought the booze for the ladies!
Charlotte and me enjoyed drinking Bahama Mamas while the guys drank their beer and kicked our butts playing Spades! They think they beat us. Noooo, Sir - I'm blaming that stuff on Bahama Mama!
I knew Austin was gonna end up being the only kid here for the weekend. I'd hoped we could get some of the others to show up. But we'd been told everybody had other plans. Later, we found out there were a bunch of them that changed those plans and ended up staying home. Darn it! But to me - a hot Memorial weekend just has to include water in some way for kids. Had to find something to do with water for Austin!
I'd looked all over the Internet for this particular wading pool that seemed to be great for little kids and grown-up kids. Wouldn't ya' know - I could order it for arrival in three days. But all the stock in the stores was showing they were all out of stock. So - had to make a change in plans. Headed to Wal-Mart on Saturday to find something for Austin to enjoy - at least. And I got lucky. Found the very wading pool I had looked for on the Internet! They only had two left in stock!
And here's my 2-page layout for a few shots taken while Austin had a little bit of fun!
Remember to click on the pages to see a larger view!
Bathtime Fun by Verena Karolyi at!
Verena no longer has this particular kit available. But she has many other really great kits!
I'm so glad they came to spend that holiday weekend with us! It was so much fun having them here with us! Just makes me feel so excited about getting our new place set up so we can have a whole mess of people all around here for a lot of fun times to come!
The rain in East Tennessee has been so torrential over the past week. I think everyone is beginning to feel fairly water-logged. It's just impossible to plant anything. I can only hope my bedding plants don't croak before I can get them into the ground.
One good thing - we're bound to have plenty of carrots! Ohhhh, they're coming up everywhere! The second planting of corn seed is sprouting. All three varieties of squash have sprouted. And my lettuce is surviving. The Tomatoes are in Hog Heaven! And so is some kind of bug - as far as where our climbing beans are concerned. But I have to wait until the days give us sunshine without rain long enough to get a natural bug battler to come to the rescue!
But for now - we get a couple hours of sunshine during the day before the big - fluffy - black monsters show up in the evenings. This page layout is a sample of what those moments of the day have been turning out.
Remember - you can click on the photo for a larger view!
Journaling -
"Beauty of Heaven meets Storm from Hell in East Tennessee! It's been a week of rains that have Farmers feeling frustrated and concerned. Strange how an afternoon sunshine threatened by storm clouds can turn the dimension of light into a temporary thing of beauty!"
Kit -
"Oreads" created by Miki Ferkul of Microferk Designs at
Header Alphabet included in Kit!
Artwork on Quote by Rachel Carson -
" Jeri's Destinations - North Woods Word Art" by Jeri Ingalls at
The one good thing about the spring season - the weather is bound to get much better!
Bless his heart. Dwayne spent his entire last round of days off stuck inside the house. All the rain and storms prevented us from getting much of anything done. But he didn't even get a chance to go fishing. And THAT just ticks me off! Hopefully - the next round will be much better!
I managed to scrap photos from the day we spent working on clearing fence lines out on our property. We made a good dent. But there is much more to finish! Taking care of this property is like raising kids - you have to pick your battles.
Remember - click on the photo to see a larger view!
Journaling -
"Early April was when we made our first effort clearing out fence lines for the back pastures to get ready for a few cows that we'll be raising next year. Despite getting around to the task before all the wild growth began to wake up - Dwayne still managed to find the poison ivy - or vice versa!"
Kit -
"A Simpler Time"
created by Kimberly Stewart
I just love my Hubby! He's so wunnerful!
Sad to say - the rain continues to pummel our area. Don't get me wrong. I love the rain - in fair moderation. Ya' know? So the time is spent catching up with more scrapbooking - in between doing the laundry.
Ya' know - sometimes you just have to put aside all differences and all that dark history when it comes to an ex-spouse. Such is the case for me when it comes to this photo taken this Easter holiday that just passed.
This is a photo of my ex with our granddaughter, Trinity Faye, sharing some time on a glider. It just takes me back to memories of Easter with our own two girls when they were this little. In fact - I remember one specific Easter when Trinity's mom was about the very same age!
Remember - you can click on the photo to see a larger view!
Journaling is a poem I wrote for the two of them!
"Bubbles 'n Butterflies
and Pretty Blue Skies...
And all the Wonder visiting
Trinity's Pretty Blue Eyes...
A Moment with Paw Paw Bell
Sittin' on a Swing...
What tender days that mean
Kit -
"A Joyful Wakening"
created by Rina Kroes at
Spring has kept us busy as bees trying to get dirt tilled for planting seeds, plants and flowers. I had ordered three ‘Navajo’ thornless blackberry bushes back in February. They arrived Thursday afternoon. And wouldn’t ya’ know it – we’re not ready.
The price we’re paying – constant rain expected through Sunday with scattered showers through Tuesday! Dwayne will be back at work by then. No tilling until Friday! So – the new bushes get to sit down in the basement wrapped in their packaging and kept moist until then.
But we did manage to get the chance to drive to Maryville and pickup a few other things. We came home with 300 pounds of soil conditioner and 50 pounds of potting soil. We picked up some Trailing Blue Daze plants and Geraniums to go under the peach trees. The Geraniums are a really pretty pink – a little more than a Salmon pink. We finally found our Jalapeno plants – nine of those puppies are going into the ground! I wasn’t able to find my Pineapple Sage – but I DID come home with an Elfyn Thyme! It’s just too cute! It’s a tiny creeping variety of thyme that can be used as a groundcover and tough enough to be walked on.
And the biggest surprise we got to come home with was – the Nightblooming Jasmine plant that I wanted to order! We found one at Out of Eden in Maryville! I had one of these plants when I lived in Manteca. Absolutely loved it! The whole neighborhood enjoyed that beauty! Even had a garbage man ask me what that wonderful smell was that he could smell all the way down the block! That one will be going into a giant pot that we’ll be setting in the middle of the flowerbed by the barn. It will have to be brought into the basement during winter for this zone.
This weekend is National Scrapbooking Day! Since we’re stuck in the house because of all the rain – why not get into a little catching up on some digital scrapbooking! Here is a two-page layout I’ve done this morning. Brit managed to get photos posted that were taken recently so I could snag ‘em for scrapbooking!
Britni and her Uncle Terry are two of a kind! I knew she'd be the FFA stinker from the time she was six-years-old! She is so much like her uncle! She even gets that "what trouble can I get into next" grin on her face just like Terry! When the eyes light up in sync - LOOK OUT!
Don't forget - you can click on the photos to see a larger view!
Journaling on Page 1 -
"You can't put anything past Britni and her Uncle Terry! Both are the two wild rednecks in the family. But they have the biggest hearts a sould could ever possess!"
Word Art on Page 2 –
"Dream as if you will live forever... Live as if you will die today." ~ James Dean
You can't see the little diddy she has put on the back window of her pickup truck. But it says, "Keep Honkin', Buddy.... I'm reloading." THAT would be my kid!
From Vickey Morriesey’s Word Art - "Not Just Graduation"
Kit –
"Beautiful Blossoms - Sunflowers" 12 x 12 Quickpage Set
created by Vickey Morrisey at Scrapbook Elements
I was so anxious to get pages done for these photos that I kinda cheated by using Vickey's Quickpage set. But - I'm going back later today to purchase the entire kit! This is a really beautiful kit just in time for the spring season - especially when you're a gardener! And all the deals are sweet today, since it's National Scrapbooking Day!