Thursday, February 28, 2008
Those Photos Stored in Boxes for Years and Years!
Being blessed with the chance to view so many others’ layouts began to stir something inside me. i began to feel a loss of my own. So many mothers with new babies and small children – so many wonderful moments They were enjoying by creating Their pages of memories. i have those mothers to thank for motivating me into opening those boxes!
By the time i completed this last page about my daughter, Jennifer – i felt less guilty about letting the years of photos pile up inside the boxes. When it comes to reasons - i always give God the credit. And i’m sure He had special ones for this experience, as well. i ended up taking a different direction in my choices of photos and subject matter.
Most of the time, we tend to take the road of chronological order when it comes to our children. From there – it becomes all about little moments in Their daily lives that we capture. Or – it may be all the events in Their lives that come along as They grow – i.e. baseball, dance, band, drill team, cheerleading, sports, etc.
i found a blessing in a subject of guilt in my life when i began sorting through all those photos of Jen. Rather than attempt to begin a train of pages based on Her ages and stages – i chose to pick out one of Her traits that i adored about Her during Her childhood.
Playing in water was always a favorite of Hers! Naturally – i have a lot of photos relating to that subject, which makes it impossible to create only one page for all of them. To create pages for each and every photo would be an insane punishment that just wouldn’t fit the crime of my years spent storing the photos in boxes.
i set the tone for my goal with the first page. i chose photos with a span of time that showed Her fun in water throughout the years. The next will – most likely – be a few showing continued fun. But they will show other places and times in Her life. They will all have one other common trait about Her that always made me smile and embedded into my heart.
Most importantly – each of the pages will continue to have the journaling. my personal choice in this case is in letterform – to Jennifer. It is within the journaling that i will mention the memories – all the little things – everything wonderful that embedded itself into my mind and heart years ago. This will be my chance to make sure i get those things said to Jennifer. What better way to make sure She doesn’t have to just – keep a memory of hearing me say them? Somehow – putting our feelings into writing for Others seems to reach Them even more deeply. And i want my kids to always know how deeply my love lives for Them.
An artist has one specific vision/interpretation in mind when He/She creates a piece of artwork. Others viewing that same piece of artwork will - most likely - have various and different considerations. Without journaling - the same applies to scrapbooking a page. The true purpose for scrapbooking is about expression of our memories. Without journaling - Others may not see or feel what we have in our hearts that we're attempting to express.
i have already experienced too many times – coming across layouts that Others have created and had my heart broken – for Them. They post their layouts. The page consists of artwork and one, or more, photos. There may be a title – names – a date. They’ll take the time to offer Their description of what They were scrapping about on the page when They post the layout onto the website. And i find myself thinking – "What She said in Her description is so beautiful! Why in the world didn’t She put that on the page?"
We should never be afraid to sit a while and really take some time to gather our thoughts after completing the artwork on a scrapbook page. We should always make room on every page for those thoughts. In fact – no layout should ever be considered completed until we have done so.
It is not about the artwork we do on a scrapbook page. It’s about what we leave behind for our loved ones.
And that – You can count on for my signature around the Internet!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Memories of my Water Baby!
Bad weather just gives me the perfect excuse for playing with another layout. What the heck... it's no different than when the guys use bar-b-queing for an excuse to sit around with a beer in a hand and gab with each other all night long!
This time - my victim was my youngest daughter, Jennifer. And where She is concerned - i haven't even begun to get a good bite into Her, yet! i have a box of photos that are just screaming for somebody to let 'em out!

The journaling reads:
You loved water from the day you were born. To this day – there are only two scenarios that don’t hold Your interest when it comes to water – washing Your car – and washing the laundry. Go figure!
It was always fun to watch the funny expressions show up on the faces of cashiers at McDonalds. They'd ask You what You wanted to drink with Your Happy Meal. Your answer was always – "Water, please."
That was always Your choice of drink - wherever we went to eat – until Kindergarten. You began school and discovered kids could be picky. Those same kids became Your friends. And You wanted to be just like Your friends. In no time at all – sweet peas were out. Water took second in choice of drink. And You began to grow in – different ways.
When You were three years old, i loved watching You play in Your little kiddy pool out in the front yard at Great-Grandma Casteel's house. Ohhhh, You had such a great time!
You could be flat-dab dangerous with the water hose – to anyone stepping close enough! And there were never enough toys. The pool wasn’t perfect until it was crammed with all the toys You could fit.
As the years came along, Your love for swimming and playing in water never faded. Time came so fast when You would be circled by lots and lots of friends having fun – right along with You. Of course – i think Their greatest fun was in being able to pick You up and toss You into the water! Compared to all Your friends – You were so tiny and short – a perfect toy for Them!
Forever – will i hold such sweet, wonderful memories of Your fun with water. The giggles – the smiles – the comical laughing out loud...
Water gave You so much joy!
Summer Breeze - Kit created by Robyn Littlejohn - Digital Design Den
2Peas Scrumptious
Port Credit
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Gavin - Gettin' Some Air!

This is a layout i did for my nephew, Gavin. He just turned 10 on Feb. 20th.
The silhouette was a cut-out taken from another photo of Gavin getting some air! LOL This took a lot of work for me. i had to do the cut-out in my ArcSoft Studio 5 program. i, then, had to carry that over to my PaintShop Pro 6.0 program. i set it into a new raster layer inside a clean palette - hit it with the magic wand - inverted the selection. Went to Image - then hit the edge filter and chose Find All and selected my darkening shade of choice.
Once i got the graphic set into my Pixel Magic scrapbook program - i set the size - then set the transparency to 54 percent.
For the record - i have already mailed my letter to the Easter Bunny. Maybe - just maybe - the Easter Bunny will leave me that awesome new graphics program i want for Easter - in my Easter basket! ROTFL!
Rainbow's End - Lauren Bavin (Digital Scrapbook Place)
Extreme Kid - Jamie Rousselle - (Digital Scrapbook Place)
2Peas Goofball
Barbed Ink
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Birthday Gifts!
i'm getting around that with something even better than a birthday card!
At the beginning of the year, i set up my calendar at Yahoo! and asked friends and family to send the dates of birthdays for all the members in Their family. Posted all the dates into my calendar and set up early reminders to come to my email.
i've been making 8.5" x 11" layouts to send in zip folders. i make a main page for the birthday boy/girl's birthday photo with a spot for journaling. i make a second page that can be used for additional photos, party invitations and other momentos - whatever treasures wanted for keep!
The pages are able to be printed out on standard printers. They can be printed on standard white cardstock or photo paper. Multiple pages can be printed out for other family members, or, for as many needed to include more photos and such!
Already, i've made birthday pages for my nephew, Xavier, and my cousin's son, Trevor. Xavier celebrated his 18th birthday this year. So - i made a third page for His mother to include a special letter She can write to Him about all Her thoughts of Him and His life up to now.
Today, i sent this one out for my nephew, Gavin, who is celebrating His 10th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Gavin!

Birthday Bash - Amber Gray - Digital Scrapbook Place
Brightspray Element from Rainbow's End(no longer available) - Lauren Bavin - Digital Scrapbook Place
Happy Birthday - Advert
Gavin's Birthday Title - BluePrint
Even though Lauren's Rainbow's End kit is no longer available - i encourage You to check out Her other kits - as well as Amber's! They do a wonderful job with Their talents!
Soooooooo - it's on to the next one! This time, it'll be a layout I'm doing for my nephew, Gavin, again. But for now - it's a secret. ;)~
Have a great day!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
These Were Really Fun!

When i switched over to review this post i spotted a mistake in one of the pages. Can You see it? This is the difficulty in creating the pages when it requires so much space usage in Your computer system.
You're only able to work on one page at a time. You spend a lot of time going back and forth between pages during the process. The only shortcut is to keep a notepad beside Your keyboard and write down all your dimensions and effects measurements, literally.
It takes a lot of caution. Had i used one of the pre-designed backgrounds on these two pages, i would have had a nightmare on my hands. The Pixel Magic software program that i use is very touchy when it comes to the amount of space usage on my computer. If there's not enough space available, it won't save the finished product in it's own file format.
i got really lucky here. The good news is - the files were saved in the program's format. i can go back and make the corrections. The bad news is - i have to save five different files for each page i create.
The software's format file
One full-size .png file
One full-size .jpeg file
One 450 x 450 pixel jpeg file for Digitals Gallery
One 500 x 500 pixel jpeg file for Email that goes out to friends, family and my groups.
Each time i have to make a correction - i have to go back and re-do all the other files, as well!
Unfortunately, i've already posted to the Digitals Gallery. i've already emailed out to everyone. And i've already sent the full-size jpeg files to my sister-in-law. So, guess what...
Since i'm just a beginner at all this - i'll make the corrections in all the files and only email the corrected full-size jpeg file to my sister-in-law. Beyond that - i'm learning from all my mistakes! There are mistakes to be made that go beyond just creating the pages! Thank God - it only takes once for me!
But one other lesson i've learned here, about myself. i need to learn to step away from all the creating and file saving when it's late at night and i'm very tired!
Blue Winter by Elka Romero
A Winter Story Add-On by Joyce de Jonge
A Little Pot
Have a great day!
Friday, February 15, 2008
I Usually Don't Like Blue - But.... I Like This!
My brother and His family went out to enjoy a day in the snow recently. My sister-in-law has dug in deep to Her new hobby of photography. And She's done a wonderful job with shots taken on this day, as well!
i have two pages completed, so far. The kits i used are Blue Winter by Elka Romero and the A Winter Story add-ons by Joyce de Jonge. Both can be found at the link for Digitals, which can, also, be found in my favorite links menu on the left.
my hubby and i are headed out on a short road trip tomorrow, while the weather is nice! We're heading over to the other side of Chilhowee Lake to check out some land. We're gonna make a day of it, just spending time together and trying to dust off some of the cabin fever!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Do I Go This Way..... or..... Do I go That Way?
I have had PaintShop Pro 6.0 since 1999 - I think. Life takes first priority. So, I've never really been able to focus on more serious learning about all the technical aspect to working graphics programs, etc. But I'm grateful. It has given me what I've needed thus far, for enjoying my love of paper scrapbooking and taking that into the realm of digital scrapping!
The PaintShop Pro program I've had is what most would consider to be - old like a dinosaur. The newer programs out there are pure evidence for how far the creativity has been able to grow.
My husband, Dwayne, gave me the Pixel Magic Digital Scrapbook layout program as a gift this past Christmas. Between that program - PaintShop Pro 6.0 - Sierra Print Artist 8.0 - and ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5 that came with my scanner - I am able to enjoy basic placement and layout of the digital kits that I'm able to purchase online from all those wonderful Designers out there!
But - as everyone with a passion knows - there is always that drive to soar with knowledge and ability for stretching creative talent! As I move along with my enjoyment - I keep my eyes and mind open to everything others are doing. More importantly - I pay attention to the various programs they're using and the various techniques they're able to apply with those programs. It has helped me decide which program I now want to invest in for the type of scrapping I want to enjoy - almost - maybe.
At the moment, I'm caught between two different programs. And I can't figure out just exactly what is causing the teeter-tottering decision game going on in my mind and heart. Is it because of the actual techniques being accomplished, or - is it the actual talents of the designer/scrapper that have been honed so wonderfully?
Vonda Bearden - WOW! I just get goosebumps every time I get to view her layouts! It just doesn't seem to matter what her subject is. It is so obvious - the woman does not sit down to do a layout in a hurry. She does not sit down and force herself to complete a layout around her mind's struggle or mental block. By the time she sits down to do a layout - her entire heart and mind have a vision and the love just comes pouring out onto every pixel angle for each and every item she sets onto a page! You can view every layout she's ever done and - this beautiful light comes shining into your eyes with the clear message that the woman, simply, had the time of her life and felt so much joy and happiness while putting the page together! She makes for a wonderful mentor!
Maggie965 - OMG! I have had the time of my life viewing her layouts! She's got that flair for color and balance. But she has a strong sense of family that she's able to enjoy at a time when the kids are a little older. Her kids are at those ages when, as parents, we all start having to color our hair a little more often. They're beginning to exercise those wings and the hormones are waking up. All of a sudden, they decide they're the only smart ones and parents know absolutely nothing. It's a time in our life, as parents, when how we guide our children is going to make the biggest difference in what direction they take in their life as adults. Maggie's one of the lucky ones! She's got some beautiful kids! You can tell that they give her loads of inspiration for enjoying her love of scrapping! And she has learned some tricks that can make me jump out of my chair!!!
There are so many others that I am watching and learning from. And they are all soooo awesome with their passion for scrapping! But the reason why I bring these two particular women up is because of the graphics programs they use.
Vonda uses Ulead 4. Maggie uses PhotoShop. I've noticed that quite a few scrappers are using PhotoShop Elements. I am absolutely intrigued by all the wonderful techniques they're able to accomplish! And then - Vonda sends out another layout.
I've just about settled on one conclusion to the confusion.
I'm gonna have to invest in a second computer - a bigger one! And then, I can invest in both programs!
And then - my husband can play Text Twist all he wants.
Ya' think that'll be a good enough bargaining chip to get him to go for it?
Yeah.... I know.
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Change in Life and All It's Chaos
I lagged on being able to get my little birthday surprises done for the son of one of my cousins. And it just makes me feel more angry towards myself for the forgetfulness in taking better care of myself. I only need one more detail to finish, however. And I'm waiting to hear from my cousin or my aunt to get the answer to that one.
I, barely, made it on time getting the same accomplished for my nephew, who just turned 18 yesterday. I hope the day was wonderful for you, Xavier!
This is the main page of the surprise I sent for Xavier!
The kit is " Celebrations " and was designed by Roberta D’Achille at Rendered Memories in 2006. She's about to retire the collection. So, you'd better hurry over there if you wanna grab it!
I get finished with two and - I'm already into another one. This one is about Zucker! Dwayne and I groomed him the other day and I couldn't resist. Had to take more photos. I feel so goofy. My heart just sinks when I look back at the first photos. My little puppy is becoming such a grown handsome man!
Well - as usual, Dwayne drops mudballs on my neverending list of things to do at the last minute. He wants to go get taxes done. Wish I had a few days to get back on course with my hormones, first. But then - we do have a refund coming!
Oh, gosh... what scrapbook kits will I find next!!!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Welcome to My New Blog!

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Those Photos Stored in Boxes for Years and Years!
Being blessed with the chance to view so many others’ layouts began to stir something inside me. i began to feel a loss of my own. So many mothers with new babies and small children – so many wonderful moments They were enjoying by creating Their pages of memories. i have those mothers to thank for motivating me into opening those boxes!
By the time i completed this last page about my daughter, Jennifer – i felt less guilty about letting the years of photos pile up inside the boxes. When it comes to reasons - i always give God the credit. And i’m sure He had special ones for this experience, as well. i ended up taking a different direction in my choices of photos and subject matter.
Most of the time, we tend to take the road of chronological order when it comes to our children. From there – it becomes all about little moments in Their daily lives that we capture. Or – it may be all the events in Their lives that come along as They grow – i.e. baseball, dance, band, drill team, cheerleading, sports, etc.
i found a blessing in a subject of guilt in my life when i began sorting through all those photos of Jen. Rather than attempt to begin a train of pages based on Her ages and stages – i chose to pick out one of Her traits that i adored about Her during Her childhood.
Playing in water was always a favorite of Hers! Naturally – i have a lot of photos relating to that subject, which makes it impossible to create only one page for all of them. To create pages for each and every photo would be an insane punishment that just wouldn’t fit the crime of my years spent storing the photos in boxes.
i set the tone for my goal with the first page. i chose photos with a span of time that showed Her fun in water throughout the years. The next will – most likely – be a few showing continued fun. But they will show other places and times in Her life. They will all have one other common trait about Her that always made me smile and embedded into my heart.
Most importantly – each of the pages will continue to have the journaling. my personal choice in this case is in letterform – to Jennifer. It is within the journaling that i will mention the memories – all the little things – everything wonderful that embedded itself into my mind and heart years ago. This will be my chance to make sure i get those things said to Jennifer. What better way to make sure She doesn’t have to just – keep a memory of hearing me say them? Somehow – putting our feelings into writing for Others seems to reach Them even more deeply. And i want my kids to always know how deeply my love lives for Them.
An artist has one specific vision/interpretation in mind when He/She creates a piece of artwork. Others viewing that same piece of artwork will - most likely - have various and different considerations. Without journaling - the same applies to scrapbooking a page. The true purpose for scrapbooking is about expression of our memories. Without journaling - Others may not see or feel what we have in our hearts that we're attempting to express.
i have already experienced too many times – coming across layouts that Others have created and had my heart broken – for Them. They post their layouts. The page consists of artwork and one, or more, photos. There may be a title – names – a date. They’ll take the time to offer Their description of what They were scrapping about on the page when They post the layout onto the website. And i find myself thinking – "What She said in Her description is so beautiful! Why in the world didn’t She put that on the page?"
We should never be afraid to sit a while and really take some time to gather our thoughts after completing the artwork on a scrapbook page. We should always make room on every page for those thoughts. In fact – no layout should ever be considered completed until we have done so.
It is not about the artwork we do on a scrapbook page. It’s about what we leave behind for our loved ones.
And that – You can count on for my signature around the Internet!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Memories of my Water Baby!
Bad weather just gives me the perfect excuse for playing with another layout. What the heck... it's no different than when the guys use bar-b-queing for an excuse to sit around with a beer in a hand and gab with each other all night long!
This time - my victim was my youngest daughter, Jennifer. And where She is concerned - i haven't even begun to get a good bite into Her, yet! i have a box of photos that are just screaming for somebody to let 'em out!

The journaling reads:
You loved water from the day you were born. To this day – there are only two scenarios that don’t hold Your interest when it comes to water – washing Your car – and washing the laundry. Go figure!
It was always fun to watch the funny expressions show up on the faces of cashiers at McDonalds. They'd ask You what You wanted to drink with Your Happy Meal. Your answer was always – "Water, please."
That was always Your choice of drink - wherever we went to eat – until Kindergarten. You began school and discovered kids could be picky. Those same kids became Your friends. And You wanted to be just like Your friends. In no time at all – sweet peas were out. Water took second in choice of drink. And You began to grow in – different ways.
When You were three years old, i loved watching You play in Your little kiddy pool out in the front yard at Great-Grandma Casteel's house. Ohhhh, You had such a great time!
You could be flat-dab dangerous with the water hose – to anyone stepping close enough! And there were never enough toys. The pool wasn’t perfect until it was crammed with all the toys You could fit.
As the years came along, Your love for swimming and playing in water never faded. Time came so fast when You would be circled by lots and lots of friends having fun – right along with You. Of course – i think Their greatest fun was in being able to pick You up and toss You into the water! Compared to all Your friends – You were so tiny and short – a perfect toy for Them!
Forever – will i hold such sweet, wonderful memories of Your fun with water. The giggles – the smiles – the comical laughing out loud...
Water gave You so much joy!
Summer Breeze - Kit created by Robyn Littlejohn - Digital Design Den
2Peas Scrumptious
Port Credit
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Gavin - Gettin' Some Air!

This is a layout i did for my nephew, Gavin. He just turned 10 on Feb. 20th.
The silhouette was a cut-out taken from another photo of Gavin getting some air! LOL This took a lot of work for me. i had to do the cut-out in my ArcSoft Studio 5 program. i, then, had to carry that over to my PaintShop Pro 6.0 program. i set it into a new raster layer inside a clean palette - hit it with the magic wand - inverted the selection. Went to Image - then hit the edge filter and chose Find All and selected my darkening shade of choice.
Once i got the graphic set into my Pixel Magic scrapbook program - i set the size - then set the transparency to 54 percent.
For the record - i have already mailed my letter to the Easter Bunny. Maybe - just maybe - the Easter Bunny will leave me that awesome new graphics program i want for Easter - in my Easter basket! ROTFL!
Rainbow's End - Lauren Bavin (Digital Scrapbook Place)
Extreme Kid - Jamie Rousselle - (Digital Scrapbook Place)
2Peas Goofball
Barbed Ink
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Birthday Gifts!
i'm getting around that with something even better than a birthday card!
At the beginning of the year, i set up my calendar at Yahoo! and asked friends and family to send the dates of birthdays for all the members in Their family. Posted all the dates into my calendar and set up early reminders to come to my email.
i've been making 8.5" x 11" layouts to send in zip folders. i make a main page for the birthday boy/girl's birthday photo with a spot for journaling. i make a second page that can be used for additional photos, party invitations and other momentos - whatever treasures wanted for keep!
The pages are able to be printed out on standard printers. They can be printed on standard white cardstock or photo paper. Multiple pages can be printed out for other family members, or, for as many needed to include more photos and such!
Already, i've made birthday pages for my nephew, Xavier, and my cousin's son, Trevor. Xavier celebrated his 18th birthday this year. So - i made a third page for His mother to include a special letter She can write to Him about all Her thoughts of Him and His life up to now.
Today, i sent this one out for my nephew, Gavin, who is celebrating His 10th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Gavin!

Birthday Bash - Amber Gray - Digital Scrapbook Place
Brightspray Element from Rainbow's End(no longer available) - Lauren Bavin - Digital Scrapbook Place
Happy Birthday - Advert
Gavin's Birthday Title - BluePrint
Even though Lauren's Rainbow's End kit is no longer available - i encourage You to check out Her other kits - as well as Amber's! They do a wonderful job with Their talents!
Soooooooo - it's on to the next one! This time, it'll be a layout I'm doing for my nephew, Gavin, again. But for now - it's a secret. ;)~
Have a great day!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
These Were Really Fun!

When i switched over to review this post i spotted a mistake in one of the pages. Can You see it? This is the difficulty in creating the pages when it requires so much space usage in Your computer system.
You're only able to work on one page at a time. You spend a lot of time going back and forth between pages during the process. The only shortcut is to keep a notepad beside Your keyboard and write down all your dimensions and effects measurements, literally.
It takes a lot of caution. Had i used one of the pre-designed backgrounds on these two pages, i would have had a nightmare on my hands. The Pixel Magic software program that i use is very touchy when it comes to the amount of space usage on my computer. If there's not enough space available, it won't save the finished product in it's own file format.
i got really lucky here. The good news is - the files were saved in the program's format. i can go back and make the corrections. The bad news is - i have to save five different files for each page i create.
The software's format file
One full-size .png file
One full-size .jpeg file
One 450 x 450 pixel jpeg file for Digitals Gallery
One 500 x 500 pixel jpeg file for Email that goes out to friends, family and my groups.
Each time i have to make a correction - i have to go back and re-do all the other files, as well!
Unfortunately, i've already posted to the Digitals Gallery. i've already emailed out to everyone. And i've already sent the full-size jpeg files to my sister-in-law. So, guess what...
Since i'm just a beginner at all this - i'll make the corrections in all the files and only email the corrected full-size jpeg file to my sister-in-law. Beyond that - i'm learning from all my mistakes! There are mistakes to be made that go beyond just creating the pages! Thank God - it only takes once for me!
But one other lesson i've learned here, about myself. i need to learn to step away from all the creating and file saving when it's late at night and i'm very tired!
Blue Winter by Elka Romero
A Winter Story Add-On by Joyce de Jonge
A Little Pot
Have a great day!
Friday, February 15, 2008
I Usually Don't Like Blue - But.... I Like This!
My brother and His family went out to enjoy a day in the snow recently. My sister-in-law has dug in deep to Her new hobby of photography. And She's done a wonderful job with shots taken on this day, as well!
i have two pages completed, so far. The kits i used are Blue Winter by Elka Romero and the A Winter Story add-ons by Joyce de Jonge. Both can be found at the link for Digitals, which can, also, be found in my favorite links menu on the left.
my hubby and i are headed out on a short road trip tomorrow, while the weather is nice! We're heading over to the other side of Chilhowee Lake to check out some land. We're gonna make a day of it, just spending time together and trying to dust off some of the cabin fever!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Do I Go This Way..... or..... Do I go That Way?
I have had PaintShop Pro 6.0 since 1999 - I think. Life takes first priority. So, I've never really been able to focus on more serious learning about all the technical aspect to working graphics programs, etc. But I'm grateful. It has given me what I've needed thus far, for enjoying my love of paper scrapbooking and taking that into the realm of digital scrapping!
The PaintShop Pro program I've had is what most would consider to be - old like a dinosaur. The newer programs out there are pure evidence for how far the creativity has been able to grow.
My husband, Dwayne, gave me the Pixel Magic Digital Scrapbook layout program as a gift this past Christmas. Between that program - PaintShop Pro 6.0 - Sierra Print Artist 8.0 - and ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5 that came with my scanner - I am able to enjoy basic placement and layout of the digital kits that I'm able to purchase online from all those wonderful Designers out there!
But - as everyone with a passion knows - there is always that drive to soar with knowledge and ability for stretching creative talent! As I move along with my enjoyment - I keep my eyes and mind open to everything others are doing. More importantly - I pay attention to the various programs they're using and the various techniques they're able to apply with those programs. It has helped me decide which program I now want to invest in for the type of scrapping I want to enjoy - almost - maybe.
At the moment, I'm caught between two different programs. And I can't figure out just exactly what is causing the teeter-tottering decision game going on in my mind and heart. Is it because of the actual techniques being accomplished, or - is it the actual talents of the designer/scrapper that have been honed so wonderfully?
Vonda Bearden - WOW! I just get goosebumps every time I get to view her layouts! It just doesn't seem to matter what her subject is. It is so obvious - the woman does not sit down to do a layout in a hurry. She does not sit down and force herself to complete a layout around her mind's struggle or mental block. By the time she sits down to do a layout - her entire heart and mind have a vision and the love just comes pouring out onto every pixel angle for each and every item she sets onto a page! You can view every layout she's ever done and - this beautiful light comes shining into your eyes with the clear message that the woman, simply, had the time of her life and felt so much joy and happiness while putting the page together! She makes for a wonderful mentor!
Maggie965 - OMG! I have had the time of my life viewing her layouts! She's got that flair for color and balance. But she has a strong sense of family that she's able to enjoy at a time when the kids are a little older. Her kids are at those ages when, as parents, we all start having to color our hair a little more often. They're beginning to exercise those wings and the hormones are waking up. All of a sudden, they decide they're the only smart ones and parents know absolutely nothing. It's a time in our life, as parents, when how we guide our children is going to make the biggest difference in what direction they take in their life as adults. Maggie's one of the lucky ones! She's got some beautiful kids! You can tell that they give her loads of inspiration for enjoying her love of scrapping! And she has learned some tricks that can make me jump out of my chair!!!
There are so many others that I am watching and learning from. And they are all soooo awesome with their passion for scrapping! But the reason why I bring these two particular women up is because of the graphics programs they use.
Vonda uses Ulead 4. Maggie uses PhotoShop. I've noticed that quite a few scrappers are using PhotoShop Elements. I am absolutely intrigued by all the wonderful techniques they're able to accomplish! And then - Vonda sends out another layout.
I've just about settled on one conclusion to the confusion.
I'm gonna have to invest in a second computer - a bigger one! And then, I can invest in both programs!
And then - my husband can play Text Twist all he wants.
Ya' think that'll be a good enough bargaining chip to get him to go for it?
Yeah.... I know.
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Change in Life and All It's Chaos
I lagged on being able to get my little birthday surprises done for the son of one of my cousins. And it just makes me feel more angry towards myself for the forgetfulness in taking better care of myself. I only need one more detail to finish, however. And I'm waiting to hear from my cousin or my aunt to get the answer to that one.
I, barely, made it on time getting the same accomplished for my nephew, who just turned 18 yesterday. I hope the day was wonderful for you, Xavier!
This is the main page of the surprise I sent for Xavier!
The kit is " Celebrations " and was designed by Roberta D’Achille at Rendered Memories in 2006. She's about to retire the collection. So, you'd better hurry over there if you wanna grab it!
I get finished with two and - I'm already into another one. This one is about Zucker! Dwayne and I groomed him the other day and I couldn't resist. Had to take more photos. I feel so goofy. My heart just sinks when I look back at the first photos. My little puppy is becoming such a grown handsome man!
Well - as usual, Dwayne drops mudballs on my neverending list of things to do at the last minute. He wants to go get taxes done. Wish I had a few days to get back on course with my hormones, first. But then - we do have a refund coming!
Oh, gosh... what scrapbook kits will I find next!!!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Welcome to My New Blog!